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No paid subscription


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Hello, I had a paid subscription and linked a card. When the time expired, the subscription automatically renewed and there are 28 game days left in the subscription. The game shows that my status is preferred and I can't do anything about it. Only subscribers can write to support, and it is not available to me, although I am also a subscriber. What should I do?...:(
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There is a known bug at the moment, not sure what stage the fix is at. If you are friends with anyone in game, see if they have a referral link, if they do click it. It's been said it works, but I can't confirm it.

If you do it, please come back and let us know if it works

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  • Dev Post

Hi all,


Sorry to read that you encounter issues with your subscription. For Alfomora, boreallis, and NaturalKiller, your issue is now fixed.


For subscription issues, the best thing to do is to directly contact our support team at this email address: support@swtor.com. When contacting them, make sure to give all the relevant information such as account name or email address linked to the account if you're contacting them from a different email address.

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