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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Hmm ... tell your friends to wait? Do you demand more XP as well for quests, only because one of your friends has more play time available than you?




TBh, I don't think that SWTOR will sell roughly 10 to 20 millions on launch day, not that it would be bad for the game itself though.


Pre-ordering, redeeming the code allows us to get early access, and early access is FREE!!!


I just can't understand how you can feel pissed on for getting something for free. Even if you only get one day of early access, you would still 'win' a day of free game time.


Wow, way to take my words and twist them noob. Early access is a gift. Yep, I totally agree... which also means.. I have yet to get any kind of service for the money they have had for months. Why are you people so stupid to see that side of the coin.


Secondly, you didn't notice the fact I point out early access is one the greatest tests an MMO can have before launch. You got so hung up on other things like most children do. They are pissing on a huge opportunity here for testing. Learn to read the entire comment.

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There are many more pre-orders than that, besides the game does not release until the 20th, and your early access does not begin until the 15th...the fact that they decided to start rolling out early access on the 13th is a bonus to everyone. With a 2 day early staged metered roll out you are more likely to have a stable 5 solid days of early access. And for those that gripe about lvl 50's running around by the time they get in, I doubt you will see lvl 50's until the 22nd... and if you do why does it matter to you???:rolleyes:


Preach on. I'm as excited to play as everyone else and spamming refresh on my email inbox like lots of others, but I realize I'm getting in TWO DAYS earlier than I expected to. Hell when we all preordered they didn't say what early access meant at all. It could have been 1 day early. Be thankful you're getting early access at all.

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Would have been nice if this was communicated more clearly when I purchased the product. Though I'm sure it was hidden in the fine print, it still seems dishonest. On the main page for your site the message reads loud and clear: "Pre-Order Now - You may play up to 5 days early!"


It should have said something more like: "Pre-Order Now - You may (or may not) be able to play up to 5 days early!"

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In west Philadelphia born and raised

On the playground was where I spent most of my days

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool

And all shootin some b-ball outside of school

When a couple of guys

Who were up to no good

Startin making trouble in my neighborhood

I got in one little fight and my mom got scared

She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'


Preordered on the 23rd. AKA Ill get in at some point today. I don't doubt they'll get 500K people in today seeing how preorder numbers trended in July (under 200K)


I just want to electrocute people already

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This isn't server load testing. This is ensuring that everyone gets in smoothly without issues like occured with STO during it's first month. Open Beta resulted in server crashes, insane lag, and all around pissed off customers. Launch Day the game was almost unplayable for the people who got in and queues had to be instituted that resulted in huge numbers not being able to play at all. It took them over a week to get enough servers to get everyone on, THEN the servers started going down every half hour to an hour.


Bioware is attempting to ensure that this process goes as smoothly as possible with no crashes, no "I have to wait in a queue for 5 hours" and as little lag as possible. Plus with the staggered entry you won't be fighting with one million other people over the starting areas.


If they had let everyone in you'd be here complaining about "The server keeps crashing" or "I'm stuck in a queue" or "I can't complete this quest because everyone else is killing all the enemies" or "This lag is horrible, Bioware you suck". There is no way for them to win in this situation so they took the way that will be least painful for the players and cause the least resentment due to hardware issues.



You sir have said exactly what I was thinking. Spot on!


side note: Thank you to anyone and everyone who has made this day possible!

extra side note: I didnt get a chance to enter my code in until the end of last month, does it bother me? yes!! Will I rage on the forums like a 3yr old? NO!


Wake up ppl!! Today is the start of something amazing! We should all be happy and thankful for the opportunity to live our star wars dream! We all are fans of star wars and despite some mishaps with lucas arts and that sad blue ray release they did, WE THE FANS have stuck together and been an awesome community of friendly ppl. Lets keep it like that and stop all this complaining and whining...

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sitting here eagerly waiting for my EGA... can't focus on anything else. couldn't even sleep due to the anticipation, felt like xmas morning.


I really hope people from the 24th get in on the 3rd wave. from what I gather though, they haven't even invited all the people from the 22nd though, but I'm guessing the number of people preordering after the 21st and 22nd starts to decline, so hopefully they'll start doing a few days at a time in batches.


anyways, 1 hour 35 mins sofar since the wave 2, which came an hour and a half after wave 1. come on wave 3!!!

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Funny I have been through quite a few launches(Aion, Rift, WAR) and never really had issues on day one, besides maybe a server crash that came back up within a hour or two.


Were we playing the same games? Cus Aion servers dropped alot. And Rift did infact have servers go down. And are you seriously using a failed MMO as a reason why BW should do the same?

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Early Access is not a gift, it's a promotional service that was promoted on the website.

People paid for it, paid for the game, and it's standard procedure to reward people who pre ordered the title.


In one of the interviews they said there's as much pre orders as there was beta testers during weekend. Well i haven't seen any queues or waves on beta weekend.


Sure i can understand people who pre ordered early to be patient and understanding.


However people who pre-ordered after beta, when they saw banner about up to 5 days early access.. well they're gonna get pissed if they won't get in on 15th.


Also, lack of proper information and details is simply insulting. There is no proper explenation about why the hell are there waves. Game went through stress test during beta weekend, they know how many people pre ordered. They should have enough data to know how and when people can access...


Early access isn't a friggin beta, it should be treated like a normal product, sure server overloads and crashes are something that can be expected but treating people like some test subjects and not providing proper eta and information is just an insult.


first of all its the 13th so according to your post they should **** til the 15th. this is of course ignoring your stellar logic that UP TO 5 DAYS early means everyone gets in on the 15th. LOL

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SWTOR is a bit over 3 hours online. In early game access that is.

Already the forums, twitter, FB etc is exploding with nerds raging :rolleyes:


What I watch is a carefull ramping up of access to the game. By the hour you will see the severs filling up. It seems to me that BW/EA is in full control.


I patiently await my play button to become active.


For now... the raging is rather amusing.


IIRC official launch is Dec 20. :) I will be in earlier, but not today.


CYall I hope that all who threaten to cancel subs actually do so.:p

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