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  1. Now that the issue is supposed to be resolved, what changes are people noticing now when trying to swap group leads, members (like alts), and lockout passing? Is everything working as it did a month ago, sans HM-NiM exploit?
  2. You say that now, but just wait until your ops lead DCs or crashes during a timer run.
  3. Lockouts are dead then? This will make it far more difficult to prog some longer ops like Gods, SnV, Dxun... I'm glad this popped up while progging DF myself, but this needs to be reversed or fixed somehow. Lockout passing is a huge thing in the raiding community. We already have weeklies that require starting from the beginning for credit, and timer runs require a fresh instance. Why is this the solution? I hope they try and fix it. But I don't have high hopes.
  4. Have yet to run into it again since last patch. But will try focus target next time it shows. It was still showing up regularly as of that Sunday before 7.4. Usually we try force pulling and sometimes it fixes it. Otherwise they have to find a cliff or something to respawn. It is typically paired with the endless loading screen bug for multiple group members, even if they didn't see the player as dead. It is also typically prevented for individual players as long as you respawn last. We try to have our healers respawn last as they are the ones who need to see everyone alive, while DPS/tanks can ignore the bug until leaving the phase. It still is kinda insulting that after all this time, you still can't reproduce it. If it's working fine for the dev servers, maybe we should just be playing on those. Or maybe y'all need to try reproducing it on live servers instead.
  5. Glad to see the collection sale back. Thanks for the quick turnover with that
  6. It would be super beneficial to have a "Ops and Warzone Graphics Settings", similar to what other MMOs offer. That way we can have the graphics turned up in solo stuff, but leave it lower automatically in group stuff. We also just really need better optimization with an engine revamp. The tweaks we are getting between then and now are great, but you shouldn't need a 4090 to get a constant 60fps. I still drag in Post Onslaught content running a 3060 Ti, more than in raids. Mek Sha is the worst example. Have yet to try out the new area, but my hopes aren't high. But with an 11 year old game, it should not be slogging as much on modern GPUs.
  7. The fact that this was INTENDED proves the devs have a massive disconnect between the player base. Idea: play the game to better understand it.
  8. Kai Zykken the character better be back someday soon. I'll admit I love the transition dialogue from the new droid merchant, but I'll miss Kai's dialogue lines. Bring him back soon!
  9. Understandable, have a great weekend
  10. How about just a "auto decline mission shares", similar to the one for guild invites and party invites
  11. I know I'm a bit late to the party, my Arcann romance isn't my main toon, but I just got to him on Voss and WOW. WOW. The voice acting, the cinematography, the writing, all amazing. That may just be one of the most BEAUTIFUL cutscenes in the entire game
  12. how is this not fixed? It worked back when they launched. Now I'm trying to do it on alts
  13. AMAZING RESPONSE. My mini-skirt is crucial to my Cathar Smuggler's casual/default outfit, and I always was weirded out by the leggings only on the log in menu. I'm glad I can keep the in game look moving forward, while also having the option to have the leggings. Probably will do that on another toon.
  14. This should be serious proof of the playerbase not trusting the dev team at all. Re-establishing that trust has to be done by actions at this point. I hope this new direction does that. Because most people aren't going to take the word of it given the recent decline in content drops.
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