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sithBracer last won the day on March 8 2023

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  1. That is complete nonsense. Lot's of good players player mercs/mandos, even today when so many of them left. I played 8man vs 8 man premade a few weeks ago and the opponent had 2 merc dps and a merc heals. And our team had a merc dps (maybe 2??) and a merc heals. The class I see rarely played nowadays is op dps, both leth and esp concealment (I was the only leth op btw). Once again, complete nonsense. The DoT spec has more mobility than arsenal. The reason few people play it is because it actually requires skill to play it properly, while arsenal can be played with one hand. Arsenal is the easiest spec in the game, it is why so many people play it. No skill required at all. The issue with IO is the setup and energy management, which require more skill to balance out properly. It is so much easier than than it was before 6.X though. Yes, if 4 people attack you at once you are supposed to die. No class can or should survive against a 4 person zerg. Merc, ironically is one of the few classes that can survive it for the longest period of time. Merc is a ranged class. Assuming team skill is even, if you are putting yourself in a position where you can be ganked so easily, it is 100% your fault. This is so common with merc players, it is almost a meme. The ridiculously OP defenses they have make them lazy and unable to learn proper positioning. The amount of merc players that I see constantly standing in "dead man's land" is just unbelievable. And while other classes hit hard, they don't have amazing defenses or the FU net to make up for it. A class can't have literally everything. If you want defenses, range, enet, self heals, etc you have to give something up. Personally I want mercs to go back to how they were in 4.X where they hit hard but had to actually learn positioning to stay alive. With no more solo ranked, there is no point to all these defenses and they are creating terrible players who can't even strafe away from an AoE. So, they are playing an EZ mode class with OP defenses because it is just so easy, and are refusing to learn to play better and instead just stick to complaining. Yeah, other classes hit harder because they don't have the same tools as mercs do. They either don't have range, or OP defenses, or net, or self heals. In return they hit harder, but are less survivable. And I disagree about operative. While leth op isn't even close to as good as it was before the nerf, they are still very decent in warzones and arenas. I play it all the time and still find it enjoyable even though I hit like a wet noodle with lethal strike. Exception of course is AP PT, that class is just OP, especially with the 20% accuracy debuff.
  2. I was talking about skanks the entire time. Almost no one plays full mitigation tank in PvP. And for sin skank, the small amount of self heals will do pretty much nothing in PvP. The only time I see people playing full mitigation tank is in 4v4s "group ranked", and then the PT tank is just ahead by a lot due to its carb and pull. Their AoE is also nice for extra derp.
  3. Sin tanks do not struggle with survivability in PvP, I don't know where you are getting that one from. Sin dps need some CDs, especially hatred, but tanks are fine. What they are behind in is damage. Jugg skanks destroy sins in burst and PT skanks destroy them in AoE. Buffing both their AoE AND burst to bring them up to jugg and PT levels will get more people to play them. Personally I honestly wish they just nerf PT AoE and jugg burst and have them actually be tanks instead of dps with shields, but that is something we have been asking for since 4.X, so it has even a smaller chance of happening than sin getting buffed. The only defensive buff I would suggest is lowering the CD of overcharge saber.
  4. Then why are you obsessing over AoE damage so much? I also said to raise their burst damage to keep them competitive with juggs in PvP; I would think that would be more controversial. If raising AoE damage will make them a bit more competitive in PvP and have virtually no effect on PvE (which it won't), why are you arguing about it in this dead game? You don't have a point, you are just arguing for the sake of arguing, which is something you always do.
  5. So you think sin tank aoe damage is broken in PvE.... right, have a good day.
  6. Or we can just listen to the pvp playerbase who all agree that sin tanks are bad in damage instead of using an unreliable data source that has nothing to do with PvP? If it is not a good data source it is not good, end of story. Simply saying "well we don't have anything better" doesn't automatically make it good or reliable. Is the playerbase reliable? Definitely not. Is it a lot better than Boss data? Definitely yes. So it could be competitive with PTs in PvP? I literally answered it in the same sentence. Keep up. It doesn't have to be better, but it should be competitive. At the moment the difference in PvP is pretty big. Because stealthout in PvP for tank is so OP? Lol, what are you talking about at this point, you are clearly just arguing for the sake of arguing like you always do. More AoE damage will not make sin tanks broken in PvE. It will not make them broken in PvP.
  7. Using parses to talk about PvP. *sighs* When did I say it was a problem? I said: "PT is the best AoE damage and jugg is just ... well jugg.". I don't understand your point exactly. It really seems like you always just argue for the sake of arguing.
  8. I guess you missed the "especially PvP" part. Sin tanks are consistently behind in PvE as well, but it's not that big a deal honestly. All tanks are fine in PvE. In PvP it is a completely different story. Either way, doesn't matter, game is dead and in maintenance mode.
  9. I don't really think Assassin tanks need anymore defenses honestly. Defensively, all the tanks are fine. The issue is damage. Assassin tank is just terribly behind in damage against the other two. PT is the best AoE damage and jugg is just ... well jugg. I personally feel the damage for both of them needs to be nerfed below the ground and they should just be tanks instead of dps with shields, but that is a dead conversation at this point. So just buff sin tank AoE damage, buff their burst so they are competitive in both PvE and especially PvP. Either way, game is in maintenance mode, so doesn't really matter.
  10. Realistically it will start small. First they will offer cartel marked 344 gear in order to "help" players who don't have much time to catch up. Then they will start adding cartel market exclusives, usually small things that people will just look past, then once people are used to it, CM will have BiS stuff which will take an extremely long grind to get normally. It is pretty standard for these companies. P2W works because there are people who will pay to win, unfortunately. Anyway, this is off topic and it honestly started as a joke, so I'll end it here.
  11. It's broadsword. Not sure if anyone knows what this company does, but ultra monetization and p2w are their specialties. P2W is definitely coming.
  12. How does this help the cartel market though?
  13. Why would you want to waste time and energy on something that is not profitable? The cartel market, like it or not (you can even hate it if you want), is profitable, so that is where they will concentrate their time and energy. This game isn't a charity for toxic whiners, it is a business. Yeah, I read them. 99% of them are terrible and ridiculously biased towards their preferred class. Every single suggestion can be summarized by the following verse: "Dear BW, Please nerf paper and buff rock, scissors is fine. Signed Rock". What does this have to do with anything? It doesn't change the fact that ranked wasn't making any money and was more likely costing them money, therefore they removed it. So you're saying that redoing the leaderboards wouldn't take any time, wouldn't cost any money, you can just snap your fingers and everything will work fine? Have you ever worked at a company, like ever? Oh yeah, I can just imagine it. They have long board meetings discussing new and more fun ways to spit on the 20 people in the "ranked community". It's all they think about all day. they dream about it even. When one of them gets married, they have a giant ice sculpture of a ranked player crying at their ceremony, using the melting ice as tears. That is the only thing they care about. It's not money to feed their families or anything like that... The decisions they make cannot possibly be based on numbers and financial data or anything like that ... nope, ranked player tears is what pays the rent at BW.... The world revolves around the 20 people in the ranked sphere...
  14. No, I just don't bother reading posts from anyone who excuses cheating by saying "well everyone can do it".
  15. Don't you hate it when people derail threads with personal attacks with no evidence. We need more constructive dialogue like this:
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