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  1. Yea bring back ranked so if you not in the "in" crowd and beat the "best" granked team. They stealth out and glitch the map out so u die in acid real leet stuff. kekw Pvp died after the pvp servers died. Been a 🤡 show since.
  2. When you guys going to learn that they don't care. They haven't cared for a very long time. Everything is a mess people need to vote with there wallet, then maybe change will happen.
  3. My husband crafted me p2w augments you guys! crazy how much more damage you do in a gear v gear korean style pvp! Neato! Don't bring back a bolster to make it fair and competitive. Having p2w gear is too good i get it now!. Anways teehee toodles o/ ❤️ Kiss kiss https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1134927630936842475/1153449565027057664/Screenshot_2023-09-17_20_34_17_138544.jpg?ex=6515f69e&is=6514a51e&hm=2e104af06b45cb63b931bb14921bf298dfec1ad2308c92b33eef12078b523b58& You can buy cartel coins and turn it into credits to buy player power then use that player power to dominate in a game mode were people with less gear will be at disadvantage and it's multiplied if you're in a premade. Can make the season track go faster if you win. I'm sorry you don't know what pay2win means lol. I knew people in 5.0 buying coins just for augments so they could have ranked toons on each server. It just like buying coins in korean mmos to get player power. Wow had it in shadowlands boosting went crazy because gear was tied to rating. So people were buying boost with the wow tokens because gear is that strong in mmos lol. Anyone saying other wise is not serious. You probably work for them so you have to defend your money i get it.
  4. Saying something is a comedy is against tos lol? Or the truth, You didn't like what i said so you had it silenced just like bellular said would happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F24ZXO9-MA
  5. Game isn't competitive enough for me to want to grind the same old stuff for ten years. If you want to go ahead ill just unsub o/. Feel like im wasting money anyways. Ive come to the conclusion im chasing something that will never be, 2.0 era was the peak and its over time to move on, Ive done almost everything in game but nim gods, nim dp and the new raid on anymode or the dark and light event. I did the stories about 100 times in 1.0 why would i do it again in 4.0 for some xp armor. Oh wait now lvling is nerfed so you need that armor lol. Help me bby jebus \0/ https://forums.swtor.com/topic/831269-harbinger-51-pvp-records/ Hey look im the top guardian neat-o! Idk how to play my character, \0/ That was against premades which is almost impossible now, But skill matters so much in 7.0 Not the p2w augments or the lag or the ghost gcds or bolster or white bar or the zero counter play or that guardian is a target dummy against more than 4 competent dps nah! uwu lol You can't have my credits tho! Because i didn't abuse a comp gift bug like you guys so i dont have any \0/ kek dubbz! 👋 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F24ZXO9-MA I like bellular's take, 13:20 says how the general mmo audience see's swtor. @JoeStramaglia@Nee-Elder@TrixxieTriss Have you seen it? Should totally watch it! Start at 13:20 ❤️ okay Bai teehee o/ xoxo! 🌈🍭🍬
  6. i have 100 mil credits i cant buy one lol if you wanna farm 1.0 content for the past ten years go for it lol. @Nee-Elder Make you feel big and strong calling people bad what a toxic person kiss kiss xoxo
  7. how much cartel coins did you buy for your augments lol? 🐳🐳
  8. lol sik burn really put me in my place, If there so easy to make and get mats for make em for me.
  9. I can buy one gold augment thanks, Group up with me when im being farmed by a premade i spend aobut 70% of the game in spawn. But yea im sure skill matters so much in 7.0 so much counter play when trinket is 3mins and dcds . white bar and bolster doenst work kekw If it takes alot of skill grp up with me and use purple augs going against a stack premade let me see you skill big boi.................................................ppl like to talk alot on here but best believe no action. crickets crickets
  10. PLay with me solo and it will happen everytime u log on, accept wen we get a full grp with healer then all the ques die wierd.
  11. Happened to me last week lol what you taling about full premade of no idea hard focusing me and spitting on me then harrising me saying im jsut dotting stuff xDD yea wut u want me to do im alive for 2 secs so much counterplay in swtor these days kekw Anyone that really knows me knows that i used to love to out dps premades that was my thing. Its almost impossible now with the quality of players you get and the way 7.0 is. Sad part is theirs no rank in this mmo its a casual story mmo always has been xDDD Think even ffxiv has a rank mode kekw
  12. Yea that was my fun in 2.0 but the quality of players is not there anymore, So 1v8 premades is almost impossible with ablity pruning making some classes just a target dummy. Dcds not doing anything and white bar resetting before u even land in the spawn. Gear uneven through out the board. And I always take the most dmg because i get hard focused because of guild tag and spend about 70% in the spawn. Yea ill beat premade 1v8 kekw Korean mmo pvp xDDD
  13. But i like being farmed by premades over and over again while my team is full of bots and being spit on and laughed at in a game with no ranked kekw. Epic combat dying 100-0 with dcds up lagged out, best korean mmo pvp on the market. Wonder why they took rank away oh yea i remember cuz even if u won against the best team they have there stealth bugg out the map and u die in acid and lose. sik ranked pvp KEK DUBBBZ
  14. Yes i have purple augments and yes i used to raid in 4.0 and ive done nim and guess what there were no gold augments. Thats when everbody used the companion gift bugged and made billions in 5mins. I was like im not doing that im going to lose my account, Nah Instead of the players being punished nothing happened and all that credits went into the gtn by crafters abusing the system and lil by lil everything went of range of the normal raider/endgamer. You have to go full whale now to keep up since they did nothing. And yea gold augments is p2w anything thats giving u an advantage taht you can buy against others is p2w. Every dying mmo does it so its not a big shock. If they fixed bolster in pvp and white bar so you cant be spawned camped and cc'd over and over again by a stacked premade maybe augments wouldnt be a problem but missing 5k health is a problem in a game were gear matters way to much. its like 1.0 all over again but ten times worse since u can just open your credit card and buy gear. Idk why im here still ffxiv and wow are way better mmos.
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