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  1. then dont queue for them? theyre 'master' mode? I dont know what other players would expect if they queue for master mode content, then expect master mode content I suppose. Make a new category? I don't think it would be hard for them to add a new category of difficulty. Plus, the feature is 'Group Finder'. I want to find a group. Why not have content in the group finder? It makes little sense to me. Make some minimum requirements to queue for certain content, e.g completed the easier version, minimum item rating, minimum character level, completed it outside of group finder previously, etc. There are ways this can be solved and also makes Group Finder the go to place to find a group. we should have a 'any role - normal' (this should reflect current veteran mode) - this has no role requirement (usually 4xdps, but can be a mix of healer/tank) we should have a 'role queue - normal' (this should reflect current master mode) - this requires 1xtank 1xheal 2xdps we should have a 'role queue - hard' (this should reflect operations hard mode and master mode) - this requires 1xtank 1xheal 2xdps we should have a 'role queue - master' (this should reflect difficulty found in master mode operations) - this requires 1xtank 1xheal 2xdps
  2. some of the bonus boss stuff is challenging to complete i guess. But so what? let people do the challenging content and if they fail, well so be it.. learn, adapt, improve. i cant be making custom groups to do this content all the time. group finder... is called a group finder for a reason. it also has "mode" support...so...it should just be in there... if people dont want to queue for it, then dont toggle them on. Simple.
  3. add the master mode versions to the group finder.
  4. Please could we have master mode uprisings added to the Group Finder? It's really annoying that theyre not included and nobody wants to do the veteran stuff.... Up the rewards and add it to the group finder so we have even more content to queue for
  5. Many characters, many crew skills.... It's hard to keep track of whom is doing what or which character has which crew skill. I feel like crew skills could have some QoL improvement by enhancing character selection screen and showing crew skills that each character has. It already tells you the class and location, I think re-designing it a bit to show some more information or icons would be really helpful
  6. Hi all, could someone explain to me why the "New" launcher is written in AngularJs? AngularJs is something from 2010 and its not even supported by Google anymore. Why is our game launcher a weird chromium browser based on AngularJs .... I am really confused how this got released to replace the previous launcher. It doesn't make any sense to me.
  7. I could not get the PTS working on Steam. I am currently using Live on Steam. I decided to use the standalone launcher and I can get PTS + Live working on the Standalone launcher. Therefore I believe PTS on Steam seems to be broken for my system. I already sent the LauncherDiag archives to the email with the correct email subject but just in case others come across issues with testing PTS and the Steam version does not work for you, I did have success with the standalone non-steam version.
  8. There really is no reason to stream if its going to be chat talking to a brick wall. It should be interactive, this has happened for the last few streams so really if this is how you want it to be, the content is just better suited to be released and cleaned up and edited to put on YouTube
  9. If you're going to straight out write a comment like this. Could you at least do it professionally and written like an Adult? You wrote a post like an angry kid. Not disagreeing with you, but they wont read your post seriously if you make it like you yourself are a joke.
  10. They need it. They seem to be high in the sky at the moment. Anything that helps them touch grass might mean they end up taking the right decisions....
  11. People who never had migraines in their entire life have started to get migraines with this new UI. I think that is enough evidence of how bad it is.
  12. I almost guarantee I've spent more money on this game than you have. I have a right to complain about the poor product. You are more than welcome to add negative or positive feedback. Got an issue with me giving feedback and complaining? Go and do one.
  13. This is probably the perfect opportunity to break the cycle like I had. I've played since BETA. 10 years I subbed, even when I didnt play daily. I have actually cancelled this game. It is not worth it. Keep the memories and the account. But enjoy star wars by other star wars games and movies and shows. There is 1000000% a better game out there for you to enjoy and play daily, trust me. This game is extremely low quality for what we paid them and continue to pay them. You can always come back if they actually turn it around. But I would take this time, to really vote with your wallet. Give the game up and see if you can find and enjoy something else for say 3-6 months. You may even find your new best game to play that you want to play daily and have so much fun in it, you will really start to understand how wrong they did us in this game. Be strong and cancel. You can always come back.
  14. Agree 100%! EA took the least amount of opportunity while they were the exclusive owners of the IP for Games. It's kind of disgusting the number of games they made considering how long they owned it. Battlefront was damn good and Respawn did an absolutely amazing job on Fallen Order. Super excited to see what they achieve for Fallen Order 2 AND their brand new First person shooter Star Wars IP too. Finally EA has some redemption with the Star Wars IP license. Obviously now that EA arent the only holders of the license, other studios are already creating amazing new games. I honestly think the only reason we're getting a "UI Refresh..." is because they want to make it seem like theyre putting effort into this game, some kind of strange and terrible business decision in order to not lose customers going to other Star Wars games developed by non EA studios (Aspyre, Ubisoft, Quantic Dreams)
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