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  1. In all other past seasons NimPil has been a 12 point objective. Why is he now an 8 pointer with zero communication from the dev team about it?
  2. Well i sent one ticket and basically got told "It's a known issue, check the known issues page" after i expressly said that it was patched and the ticket got locked. Now sent a second one clearly stating again that it has been patched and i'm still out three in collections. Hopefully this stays true that they'll bother to send replacements, GS tokens are few to come by when the devs keep adding vendor exclusive items.
  3. This is still gonna annoy me to no end.
  4. I sent a CS ticket after patch and got a response earlier today that literally said "Check the known issues page" and closed the ticket. Now had to send a second one clearly stating that it's already been a patched issue as i said in the first ticket and that i'm still out three titles in my collections. Not happy with CS.
  5. Just purchased the vendor exclusive titles for the new Season and consumed them, only to see that i didn't get them unlocked in collections for my alts to claim.
  6. Waiting for the Renown replacement? What about the DvL replacement? The tokens? The bosses?
  7. Considering it's the achievement reward and Fen's and PH4's (the laziest so far) achievement skins aren't on the vendor, i wouldn't bother trying lol
  8. Can confirm that this objective's bugged. Worked fine during previous seasons. Had to run Hive and TC twice just to finish it. Classic bugs. Also for OP, Heart is only the instance boss and not the one wandering around Ziost.
  9. Restoring the Akk Dog and Nexu influence 5/10 animations for use in SHs and factional fleets was a great idea after they were removed for no reason... But one companion is still missing theirs. The Probe Droid. I checked a few hours ago on the description on the PD's "Restraining Bolt" buff and it still lists the rank 5/10 animations that it can do. I'm not sure what dev doesn't use the cartel comps or reads the buffs associated, but that's embarrassing to have missed. For context here are videos of the animations (not mine, credit to creator): Reboot sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odL4xskIN24 Celebration sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkZA6YwwcJ4
  10. This is the second thread i've seen about this bug (which i encountered yesterday) the first being: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/928338-eternal-vault-sm-invisible-rock-and-platform/ @JackieKowhen is this going to be seen by the devs or at the very least be put on the known issues thread? 7.2.1 came a week before EV, EC and TFB were scheduled as the weekly Ops and nothing was done about it. I'm sure there's a thread somewhere here from last week mentioning it.
  11. So the Akk Dog and Nexu animations get brought back but not the Probe Droid?
  12. Preach OP, preach! I've had nothing but horrible responses from CS tickets (and to a stretch, bug reports) over issues i've had on my account. 1. My main has HK-51 as a companion, but the HK-51 companion deco remains at 0/0. Need i say this has happened for years. 2. I've had items stuck in the 'Mission items' bay of both my Imp and Pub mains with zero way of getting rid of them. In regards to my Imp he has almost a full row plus a few extra HK Weapons Protocols (False Emperor drop) because even though i have the quest done, anyone on the quest can loot HK-47 and i get a copy of the Weapons Protocol. He also has a battery from the Theoretika and a Seeker Droid... But that means he has two of them. One ability SD (for GSI dailies and treasure digs) and a SD as part of the long since completed questline. My main on Pub has a few extra HK Weapons Protocols. Can't delete all these items that are from LONG since completed quests. I've asked CS to fix it, they can't. I ask for it to be moved to a supervisor or dev, no dice. Make bug reports, they go nowhere.
  13. Bit of a curious deepdive we're about to undertake. I recently completed the Macrobinoc questline with some friends on my Trooper (Origin) Scoundrel (Style) and a few curiosities came up about it. At the end of the Coruscant part of the questline, my rewards were all gear for Smuggler comps and not Trooper comps. More interesting is at the end of the questline. In the final quest (Before taking on the Shroud) you encounter four droids that take holo likeness of characters you encounter in the story. I was with two people of a Smuggler origin with Scoundrel and Slinger styles and a Knight origin with the Guardian style. I was the only outlier in terms of origin/style mix up. So imagine my surprise when Darth Angral, Rogun the Butcher, The Voidwolf and Skavak appear as the droids' holo disguises! Not one of them relates to the Trooper story. I have no idea as to how these oversights could have been missed.
  14. I know none of the devs will read this since it's so set in stone, but i might as well try and voice my lack of approval. The removal of CC, hike in Collection cost and addition of packs was stupid. With coins i know i can definately put those towards something. 4k CC could easily net me the Collector's vendor and an armor set for an alt. It'll leave me with a few hundred CC for Collections. But halving the CC and upping the Collection cost ruined those plans. In exchange i got RNG. The packs never gave me any good items. (The rare Silver tier stuff like Czerka weapons, Satele's dualsaber. Any golds or plats.) I was just given heaps of unsellable trash. It left an incredibly sour taste in my mouth. I hear of other people having better RNG than i did and it just leaves me to wonder why the hell i couldn't have the additional CC to make purchases i want and instead get shafted by packs. In short every pack level filled me with nothing but annoyance because i knew i wasn't going to get anything of value or something i don't have in Collections. Lo and behold, i was right. Also the reward for all GS3 achievements is dull. Just a slightly modified base skin? What happened with the quality of reward from S2? I'm convinced you're just going to sell both Fen's custom and PH4's modified default custom as slightly marked up Season Token purchases compared to other companion customs. GS3 has been the worst of what we've gotten so far. 3, 1, 2 is my ranking from worst to best and GS1 is only mid for the fact it got no achievements and that Altuur's not on player ships.
  15. Smallest band-aid solution BW can do to fix a decent amount of scarcity with CM items and the stupid credits people would want for them... Put everything in Collections on CM (barring pre-order, founder, collector's edition stuff of course). The Czerka weapons, Satele doubleblade, just a whole trove of weapons and armor that BW removed from the CM for... What reason? To maybe be direct sale at a random point? Can also bring back the older packs pre Ultimates. But those, again, band-aid solution to what really is a larger problem than it can solve. On SF a few hours ago i saw a Antique Sorroco weapon for about 200m. Which is completely stupid.
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