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  1. So I've been doing the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event for years now and I've gotten an insane amount of Vectron BWL Wraith speeders. I like the speeder but everyone in my legacy already has one by now and so I can only vendor them. I thought it would be nice if we could trade them in for something like a deco. Like turn in 5 or even 10 of them for a burning trash heap deco of Vectron BWL wraiths. There is already a speederbike trash heap deco in game, but with generic basic speeders. Shouldn't be to hard to adapt though. I understand it might be to late to add this deco to the vendor this year, but maybe next year. Would be nice anyway. Also would be nice if there was some more new stuff on the event vendor, I have too many golden certificates and I got everything off the vendors already.
  2. They tried with Iokath. Like when you kill someone in pvp zone you can loot them. Problem is you don't get anything worthwile, just a bit of the Iokath currency that you can get from just doing the dailies and weekly. But if the rewards were too good people would complain anyway, that they're being forced to pvp. lol So no point really other than achievement hunting. I do a lot of questing in pvp instance cause it's nice and empty. Fun fact new ops entrance is on a walkway, so if you're in pvp instance you can just push ppl off there. Already got a couple of kills just going in and out of R4.
  3. No chapters were removed. Base game class story chapers are still in the game, they just are not repeatable on same character. Once you start Kotfe or Kotet storyline it locks you out of your class story and sor as well I think. So you wont be able to finish your vanilla class story, if you hadn't done so before you started Kotfe/Kotet. So it's possible that happened to you. But you get like 3 pop ups that warn you about it. No idea about your missing stuff. Genreally if you don't log in, things like gtn mail should still be there. Otherwise it get's deleted after about 30 days or so. Hard to say what happened to the stuff in your cargo bay, specially since you don't know what was actually in it. Some items like renown boosts were converted to credits in 7.0, cause they removed them from game entirely. Think some tacticals also got removed. Might not be a bad idea to check patchnotes for major updates btw. Migth avoid some confusion that way. Or like some ppl suggested you actually did get hacked.
  4. Can't start Manaan story at all on my sin. When I click on Commander Qrukk conversation just breakes off, not starting properly. Please fix this can't really play new story on my sin.
  5. You're clicking on republic datacron? Looks to me like you're on imp side. Republic and Imperial Balmorra are like two different planets and you need to get your datacrons on both. From your achievements it looks like you only did imp side Balmorra in your datacron hunt, so you need to get missing ones on rep side. Coruscant datacrons only avaiable on rep side as well.
  6. Your endurance is capped in level synced content anyway, so more endurance doesn't really do anything. Level sync for tertiary stats seems broken right now. Like sometimes on lower level planets you might even have more acc than on fleet but you have almost no ala or crit. And also your presence get's synced down which makes your companion weaker. Anyway it seemes a bit inconsistent, think there are some threads about it on the forum. Also most classes got nerfed in that they have less dcds and less crowd controll abilities avaiable. So some stuff is more difficult now. Can't say I personally have issues doing heroics solo on any planet, but the difficulty seems really inconsistent. Like some heroics on high level planets seem to be easier than some on some lower level planets.
  7. Players will usually do whatever is easiest and fastest to get what they want. So now instead of hammer station and tc, it's ev hm, kp hm and nefra nim farming. I saw people forming up for rav hm on fleet this week, doubt they were able to finish with pug group. That someone even tried, tells me they are either really inexperienced or really really optimistic. Not sure what gear rating hm ops were balanced around, but everything seems to take way longer and is a bit more difficult than before so most hm or nim ops probably not pugable right now. For those that think 7.0 is cartering to raiders, can't say that's true. You can't even gear up just doing ops, you need to keep grinding dailies and weeklies for arms and do conquest for the comms. This can be a huge time sink. Then the 326 gear from pvp/gsf is actually better than the 326 gear from hm ops. Which makes no sense really. Those of my raid team who don't have a lot of time to play cause of rl commitments are still only in 321/322 gear, while the rest, who did some crazy grinding are in 328/329, that's not helping either. We can't even help much with their gearing other than grouping up for dailies, but they still have to run through everything. If they can't upgrade stuff at the vendor they keep getting drops of same gear rating. I personally during 6.0 didn't raid to get gear, but because I enjoyed doing it and like the challenge of doing the more difficult content. Now I'm essentially "forced " to do ops that bore me to death to get gear so that we might one day do progression raiding again. Can't say it makes much sense to me to only raid to get bis gear. I mean once you have it you stop raiding and then what just use it to do heroics?
  8. I'm still not a great pilot, been playing gsf on and off for around a year now and can only say that I've been struggling at first to do even 1k dmg. And that was me trying. Unfortunatly mosts pilots don't hold still so they can be shot at in leisure. Now I sometimes do 50-60 dmg , but still not consistently. Gsf doesn't come to everyone naturally. So those ppl doing mabe 400 dmg or even 0 dmg might be trying as well. Don't think being called a leech or a thrower is helping them to improve, some might just go afk in protest or just quit playing all together. Not talking about those that actually just hide behind a rock and don't move, they should just be kicked. Even no dmg and lot's of selfdestructs can happen because ppl just accidently hit a rock, happened to me at first as well, still does ocasionally. If it's 34 deaths though that seems to be a bit excessive. Also calling everyone who is guarding a satellite a leech, not helping either. Seen that in some matches. Some might have just decided to guard cause they feel it's the only thing they are capable of atm. I know that's what I did when I first started playing. If there are too many ppl guarding, I wish it could be communicated in a normal way without just accusing everyone of leeching. Also now that I've been playing more gsf again I noticed that some pilots rather than being killed by me rather selfdestruct, just to be vindictive and to deny me a kill. Talked about it with a guildy and seems this is quite common, think this is also a crappy thing to do.
  9. Yeah only noticed this last night when talking with a guildy. Thought I had two alacrity implants cause they were both yellow, but one of them was crit, which should have been red. And the yellow should have been acc actually, if we go by the color scheme of previous expansion. Seems which ever icon is used it just random, which is kinda confusing.
  10. This is at least working as intended. You can do the weekly 3 times per week per character now. The daily still resets once a day though. So once you finish gsf weekly you can pick up new weekly immediately, the daily wont be available till next daily reset though. Think it works likes this with most weekly missions now.
  11. This happened to me as well. Bought the schematic used it, started crafting, logged out and when I logged back in the schematic was gone from list and comps returned mats to me. So bugged. Can I get my 5k credits back?
  12. From pvp gear box I usually get a piece that would upgrade my lowest item rating piece. Like if everything is 326 but my mainhand is 324, it gives me 326 mainhand. If everything is 326 or even obove it's likely you just get random 326 piece. Anyway you should be able to influence whatever item you get if you equip one lower item rating piece. At least this is how it works for me and anyone else I talked to about it.
  13. Think they announced this, that's why some ppl spend days opening their supply boxes before 7.0. I gave up after about 700 or so. Just took forever.
  14. It's way too low. I have been doing gsf for gear and almost hit the cap on tue cause I hit conquest on 4 characters already. Wasn't even trying really. After hitting the cap on wednesday I now keep getting 0 comms for everything. Guess I can just stop playing till reset. I understand they want to artificially slow down our gearing but like others mentioned you need other currencies to upgrade stuff anyway and I really hate grinding those aquatic thingies. Also why in the world does cz weekly that takes maybe 10 min give the same reward as iokath weekly that takes way longer? Makes no sense at all. Can see you really thought this through.
  15. The only guild mate I talked to who really liked the new UI and had no issues whatsoever is color blind. Guess that helps a little. I love it when someone has real issues with something and than get's told that they are just imagining it. I assume we all just having a nice mass hallucination then, cause it seems I'm not the only one having problems actually looking at the new inventory. I haven't gotten migranes so far, but I keep seeing the red dots like an optical illusion and looking at the inventory for more than a couple of sec is putting a strain on my eyes and it kinda get's blurry. It's just unpleasant and I can't really say why it needs to be this way. In Germany we call it "verschlimmbessert", that's when someone tries to improve something, but just makes it worse. I did in fact report this way back when I was testing things out on the pts and there were ppl having similar issues. So I had a small hope they would address this and change the interface, but I was pretty sure they wouldn't. Once it's on the pts it usually get's released that way with some minor tweaks. It's possible they think their new UI is great and just an unimportant minority has issues or they couldn't really change it cause it would have put them way behing schedule. And why ppl still play when they get health issues cause of a game? Maybe they don't want to easily give up on something they enjoy and paid for. Some even might not have know that playing the game they'd been playing for years would suddendly cause them health issues. I for one wont stop complainig about the new UI, hoping against hope that they might still change it in a future update. For those that don't have any issues with the new UI good for you, you can just not read these threads and ignore them. And if you are that ignorant that you don't understand that not everyone sees the world in quite the same way and ppl don't all react the the same way to visual stimulus you can just stop impressing us with your ignorance.
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