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  1. Would love to get a pack of twi friendly headpieces like - Major Anri glasses. Lately there has been some twi love but we want more choices. Something like Hera Syndulla's or Aayla Secura would also be welcome additions.
  2. @JackieKo Can you please respond to why so long for a fix?
  3. We have to wait at least 5+ weeks for a fix for this??? It is my understanding that 7.3.1 contains the next Galactic Seasons and the current Season isn't over for 36 days. Why not another 7.3x fix like you did for other drops or put them in the vendor? We deserve a more expedient remediation.
  4. Thanks Jackie for looking into this. Those decos are definitely not dropping except from the story line FP box.
  5. The drop rates are too low. I've run the FP nearly 40 times now. I've not gotten any of the those in MM or VM or SM.
  6. New events thing isn't working https://imgur.com/a/Bkw1crE
  7. While I'm fine with QT Travel Costs why are they 10x more than a speeder? These should be in line with speeder costs else they feel punitive to those that earned QT opens. I'd also like to bring up the cost of leaving a Stronghold as a complaint. This is lunacy. We all paid millions to get a Stronghold. Part of the feature was to have a place on a planet that you can use. You want to talk about a wealth drain, Strongholds are a good way to do so. They cost to obtain, open, and to decorate. Leaving to the planet should be no cost to the owner.
  8. I think that is a good idea. I'll file a bug report today.
  9. This is so ridiculous. I paid MILLIONS for every single SH I have and now you want to charge me to go there? These proposed changes won't do a thing to reduce how many credits people have but it will annoy all of us til we quit. DO SOMETHING REAL vs annoy people. Stongholds are a prime example on how to reduce credits in circulation...they cost a ton to buy and open. RELEASE MORE OF THEM! They costs to decorate both in CCs and GTN purchases to decorate. The decos have always cost millions and millions to decorate. Put back in the need to have fully decorated SHs for CQ bonus......far more effective than charging players to actually travel to them. Put things in vendors for people to BUY WITH CREDITS. You have invented 8 zillion currencies to the point we have a full tab of currencies and complain we have amassed credits. It's such a joke. STOP MAKING NEW CURRENCIES and allow us to actually spend credits for things we need. Start selling things for credits vs just annoying everyone with "fees" People want to buy things.
  10. Does anyone know if the uprisings still give out mounts and decos? I'm still after the Commander Tassar Holo Statue (i've run this 100x for this and nothing) and all the mounts from swtorista's article https://swtorista.com/mounts/uprising I got a lot of the decos from them ages ago but nothing in recent times.
  11. I've run Ruins of Nul a ton and still never seen a few decos drop; - Nul Destroyed Pillar - Nul Ruins Archway Can anyone confirm they got these and please if you recall....where did they drop (mode, boss, something else)?
  12. I've run Ruins of Nul a ton and still never seen a few decos drop; - Nul Destroyed Pillar - Nul Ruins Archway Can anyone confirm they got these and please if you recall....where did they drop (mode, boss, something else)? Thanks!
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