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  1. Choosing a talent or not doesn't update the tooltips. That's why Tech Override still just says the next ability. They should probably update the wording somewhat, I believe this particular talent has existed in some form before ability charges were a thing (I believe they introduced that with 6.0?). So back then saying the ability gets an extra charge was pretty unambiguous.
  2. I've just tested this on my Merc, and it does not work as you describe. It provides two buff charges, not a second ability charge. This exactly how it used to work in 6.0 as well. There doesn't seem to be a difference between Merc and Commando here. For both it's: Click the ability once, gain two charges of the buff, the next two abilities with a cast time activate instantly and the immunity kicks in afterwards.
  3. Seconded, I'd like to bring PT tank to Apex, but relying on other to cleanse contagion for you is a pain. While we're at it, probably add it to PT dps and Snipers as well.
  4. But they just don't though. Sins are a little behind in burst dps sure, but damn near the same in AoE as juggs, and only slightly behind PTs in AoE. Their AoE got massively buffed already with Chained Volts. Their AoE damage is very solid. And I do agree tank damage should be brought down, but I feel like that has more to do with tanks running dps stats. In tank gear the damage isn't a problem on any tank. If they ever got bolster to work properly that would be a great way to fix that. On the jugg side, Pooled Hatred probably needs a nerf (or just be straight up removed for tanks) and the burst issue is non-existent as well. Overcharge Saber cd reduction would be nice for pvp, but a little much for pve. Better to give out some self healing, that helps them in pvp with minimal impact in pve where sins are already king.
  5. No I'm not, I'm arguing that their AoE damage is fine as it is. Sure before 7.0 they used to be the tank far behind the others in AoE damage. But ever since Chained Volts got introduced that just isn't the case anymore. They have plenty of AoE damage with it. Certainly not the area to buff them in for any game mode. Giving them some more sustain in pvp like OP suggests seems like a way more useful buff. As they can struggle with survivability a bit in pvp.
  6. Not aoe damage lol. Sin tank is broken, but not for damage reasons. You could take away all its AoE damage or buff it into the stratosphere. It doesn't matter for pve. It's their mechanic skipping together with shroud just being crazy versatile cd that makes them op.
  7. Of course more AoE damage won't make them broken in pve, they already are. Can't break something that's already broken. And who says the playerbase says that sin tanks have poor damage? That's just you saying that. Sin tanks have solid AoE damage, maybe not quite as much as PT, but absolutely competitive. When did I ever say stealthout is Op? It obviously isn't. But is definitely an advantage over not having it. I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, I disagree. And I'm explaining why, is that not one of the reasons for having a forum at all? To discuss the state of the game with other players?
  8. What other data do you have on damage except for parses? I get the dislike for dummy parses, but boss parses is the closest we're going to get to how classes can actually perform in combat outside of someone creating a database for pvp parses. You literally said: So presumably you thing the AoE damage is an issue, no? Otherwise why ask for it to be buffed? Well I disagree, Sins have very competitive AoE damage if they opt for AoE Volts. Even their single target damage isn't far behind the others. And with Stealthout in PvP and Shroud still being completely busted in PvE they should be worse in some category than the other two tanks, might as well be having slightly lower single target damage.
  9. I didn't miss the especially pvp part, if I was talking pve I'd explain why sin tanks are broken. As they are the best pick for basically every single boss (usually two sin tanks is the best setup even). The parses are just the only real source of data we have on damage. AoE damage is the last problem sin tanks have, be it in pve or pvp. A Wither, DV, Discharge is going to hit like a truck in pvp just as well as it does in pve.
  10. Tank dps is all incredibly close at the moment. With AoE Depredating Volts sin tanks have nothing to fear from the other two tanks in the AoE department. Seriously take a look through some top tank parses on parsely: On Brontes highest is jugg, but less than a 100 dps over the next parse which is a Sin. On Dread Council, Sin provides the highest parse. This being straight up boss parses, not just dummy parsing. Sin tanks don't need any more damage either. They keep up with the others just fine, and with DV, Wither and Discharge can pack impressive AoE.
  11. I feel like the upper end to this is a bit too much. With just Depratdating Volts and Discharge (which you can use immediatley after devour) you're already consuming all stacks on the off targets and 5 on the main target. That already scales up to 40% healing every other Wither (so every 20 seconds). Obviously that is a highball number, but even if we're only hitting 4 targets it's 20%, which is way too much. It also encroaches onto Ancient Tome of Exar Kun's territory by being another tactical that scales defensives by number of target you can hit. Essentially if you make this tactical, you can more or less get rid of Ancient Tome of Exar Kun altogether, which did become a fair bit stronger with its fairly recent buff. I do like the idea of adding some self healing, so perhaps something a little more straightforward. Back in the day Force Lightning (now replaced by Depradating Volts) used to heal 2% max health per tick with 3 stacks of Harnassed Darkness. The problem was that this couldn't really be balanced between PvE and PvP. For it to be good in PvE, it had to be OP in PvP. So eventually that was changed to granting 1% DR stacking up to 4 stacks (as we have now). I say why not bring this back as a PvP focused tactical for Sin tanks? It's clean, simple and provides a fair amount of regular self healing. My suggestion would be simple: Each time you gain a stack (or refresh your stacks) of Dark Protection, you also heal for 2% of your maximum health.
  12. It is energy damage, which is equivalent in every way to kinetic damage. (that is why force lightning and telekinetic throw are equivalent, even though one is energy and one is kinetic). White damage means it's melee or ranged (in this case ranged). All melee and ranged damage is kinetic or energy. And all kinetic and energy damage benefits from armour break (because it is mitigated by armor). Only internal and elemental damage, which is always force or tech (yellow) doesn't benefit from armor break. (Because internal and elemental damage aren't mitigated by armor)
  13. It's got sustained damage and AoE pressure. What you'd expect from a dot spec. Obviously it doesn't hold a candle to AP when it comes to burst, but that's kind of the point, it shouldn't.
  14. Burst used to be fantastic with Superheated Fuel making all fire damage guaranteed crits. It's definitely less since that was nerfed, but it's a sustained spec and brings very good AoE as well, it shouldn't have amazing burst. Your suggestion wouldn't really help in any way, since elemental damage (which Immolate is) is superior to energy damage (what you suggest to change it to) even with an armour break active, since it completely bypasses armour already. Chaning Immolate to Energy damage would be a straight up nerf. And armour break makes no sense for Pyro, since almost all of your damage bypasses armour anyway.
  15. Damage reduction passive increases are all additive, so I very much doubt that. The proof is in internal/elemental DR. That's 13% for Rage, and 15% for Vengeance. (10+3 and 10+5). So it looks like either the damage reduction from Shien or the always active damage reduction from Defening Defense is bugged. Edit: Or easier yet, just take off the armour and check the values of Kinetic/Energy DR. 3% for Rage, 5% for Vengeance, something is bugged.
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