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SteveTheCynic last won the day on August 21 2023

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  1. The more important reason why nobody groups for them is that it is almost totally unrewarding. When someone was campaigning to change this soloable content to make it soloable, I reran them (solo), and got 753 credits (roughly) for finishing it (on [Veteran], not on [Solo]). No gear from the boss, nothing, just a few hundred credits.
  2. Good point, and no I wouldn't want to disrupt the NL event. Of course, nothing stops them having the events overlap...
  3. If you're not Preferred, what is your status? As for the "recent ex-subscriber can still post like subscribers can" thing, it's always been assumed by players that it's because the "I'm logged in" cookie (the one that logging in drops on your computer) contains your posting privileges, and the privileges in the cookie don't get downgraded when your subscription ends. And yes, I would call that a bug.
  4. Good point, that. Sorry to have left it out.
  5. There's also one on one of the Pubside planets (my memory wants to say Taris, but I don't trust it any more) where one player stands on a grate in an underground room, then another player presses a button which releases a blast of wind from the grate that shoves the player on the grate up onto some pipes that let the player get to the datacron.
  6. Given that people have been complaining about it here on the forum for some years now, I'd say that they almost certainly already know.
  7. But wasn't (realistically) GS *armour's*(1) value almost exclusively cosmetic as a result of all the weird weirdness about 7.X gearing anyway? (1) And mostly for weapons as well.
  8. By two popular definitions, Spring goes on until either the 31st of May or the equinox around 21-22 June (yes, "Midsummer's Day" is at the beginning of summer, not the middle), so there's time yet, but yes, it would be nice to have an announcement about it.
  9. It's more or less the equivalent of a battle pass in other games. You don't need "anyone to play PvP with". Just queue for warzones and go crazy. The game will put you in an ad-hoc team. As for Heroics, you mostly don't need other players because the changes back in 4.0 (in 2015, how time flies when you're having ...) mean that they are mostly (except in very high-level ones) trivial to solo.
  10. I've found that the ship won't move above the mouse *ever*, and it migrates naturally upwards to where the mouse is height-wise if I'm not pressing S to make it move down.
  11. OK, but you didn't answer the question. Where is it installed?
  12. It was always(1) part of the launcher, but only if you don't use Bitraider (the "streaming" downloader). It was a while back, 2018 or 2019 most likely, but definitely before a certain bat virus turned our world upside-down, when they updated the installer on the website to set up "SSN"(2) by default instead of Bitraider. (1) Well, perhaps not always, but for as long as I've been playing. Er. I started in March 2013... (2) Not a nuclear-powered attack submarine, but rather the "Solid State Networks" downloader, the one that isn't Bitraider.
  13. I haven't looked at the Cartel Coin prices recently, but for a long time after the Master's Datacron came out, it cost the same as the start-at-high-level token, and advanced you to a sufficient level to be able to start KotFE immediately (it also gives you your origin story's ship, which has the console where you can pick up The Hunt. And of course, some people think that the origin story (from the level 1 starter world to the end of your first visit to Corellia and a little after) is the best part of the story, so they might question why you'd want to skip it anyway.
  14. Thanks for coming back to let us know that it's working, and what fixed it.
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