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10 Good
  1. This definitely happens. I run a fairly OTT rig, where I can play Arkham Knight with a consistent 60fps under heavy graphical load without strain on my resources, yet in max level warzones, I suffer from stuttering and am benching 25-30fps, and in lowbie warzones I can easily get 100+ fps in the same combat circumstances (heavy player and aoe presence). I've looked into this and cannot seem to find a solid answer on this issue, and it infuriates me
  2. Is that what 1v1 has been reduced to now? Guarding in 1v1's? "SEC GUISE, GOTTA GO TO TATOOINE AND GET ME SOME GUARDS UP BEFORE 1V1 BREH, TIME TO GET REKT AND EREKT"
  3. I don't get why people always say loose when they mean to lose. Simple explanation ladies: Loose - not firmly or tightly fixed in place; detached or able to be detached (i.e. "her fanny was as loose as a wizard's sleeve"). Lose - be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something) (i.e. I lost my sanity because people get loose and to lose confused all the time).
  4. Lel I just noticed I'm in the hall of fame of this thread. Much impress. I should make a return, but man am I loving my Resto/Feral Druid in WoW atm. Rip me.
  5. Can you stream offline too?
  6. Yes, tier 5 is clearly the best tier.
  7. Yes, I'm still around Giin! Pm me if you can't get me ingame buddy, my play time is all over the place.
  8. I hate to ask if he's Scottish, the way he was typing is like how we Scots talk irl... I was even reading it in my slang... fml...
  9. LMAO! I can see new guilds forming out of this.
  10. Hehehoho, oh the irony! Just me? Too soon? Dhaima anyone? Dead inside, and it's not me. Rip.
  11. Lmfao & lmfao at this thread, too funny.
  12. Don't do it! He will claim your women, and sacrifice his newborn boys to the White Walkers! Silly Wildling
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