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  1. No, to the first. Yes, to the second. Darth Nox, like any protagonist in the game, can be altered and changed by each player. So, female Twi'lek? Yes, and no. In the trailer for the Inquisitor, the character is a Pub|Zabrak female. I.e. - But point of the matter is, the Inquisitor can be whoever and be with whomever, I generally have a male Inquisitor for example. Which is why I keeping falling into Nox as a male, if it was Darth Nyx then it would be female, but Nox is the Roman spelling and sounds more gender neutral if you ask me.
  2. In some cases, yes. But the Inquisitor's Master was Zash, I think if male that he's learned that lesson at any rate.
  3. True, that and the kicking and screaming of Syo, naturally. But something like that won't work for Nox, there is no loyalty to the Jedi ways in him. No pity for the people he torments. You can't get in there and mess up his thought processes, because he is a practical man. He'll do what needs to be done, the ends justify the means every time.
  4. Except, if shielding five powerful Sith from being used by a single powerful Sith, kills the JC. The shielding Ritual is lethal, imagine shielding all those Jedi that he did, then imagine they are Sith with their own corruptive influence. It would stress the Consular to no end. On top of that, we have to consider the possibility of the Inquisitor implementing his own protection, like generating a veil of Sith Sorcery as he did with Thanaton that one time. He may put in countermeasures, since he knows dispelling the ghosts would be detrimental to himself. And like I said, the Shielding technique stops outside influences (the Plague to the infected), the Ghosts have been absorbed into Nox, he isn't channelling them from their tombs. They are internal, not external. And as seen with the case of madness on Balmorra, it cannot cure madness not afflicted from external dark side influence. As he bound them, the tethers of the Force walk stretch outwards, not inwards, hence the shielding would be inefficient even if they were over great distances. But by their personality, it may never come to that. Nox will believe that he can beat the Consular without his power, such is his arrogance. They are evenly matched, and IF Nox is backed into a corner and does use the Force Walk, the JC will not be ready for it. Thanaton was, and still lost and died. Nox has the element of surprise, and a trump card to fill its vast silence. So even if the Shielding Technique works, it needs time to prepare and cast, as well as close contact with the target. Nox can blast him from a distance. You imply the JC is Sith there. Dun Moch isn't a Jedi skill, it is a skill used by practitioners of the Dark Side to target an enemy. To make them doubt themselves, to weaken their resolve, to make them hesitate or flinch. The Consular just attempted Form Zero, attempting to talk down his opponent, or reverse Dun Moch like that which Luke Skywalker played with on the Death Star II.
  5. I completely agree, I have my opinion and he/she has theirs. I could show all the evidence I have, yell at a brick wall until I'm blue in the face but it is pointless. Outside their respective Ghost powers and Shielding powers, they are equal. This entire debate page proliferates an endless argument that has no answer, they will never really fight in the entirety of the story-lines that have been or are to come, and even if they do its a matter of the Unstoppable Force versus the Unmoveable Object. An outcome that is Mutually Assured Destruction. And that halfwit, ugh. "Fanfictions" are stories written within a genre they are fans of, for absolutely no profit, either for fun or to actually practice their writing skills in a hope to one day become writers themselves. Expressing one's ideas or opinions is not "fanfiction". That is at worst, a theory. Theories are the method in which human beings look at unanswered questions. A scientist would have a theory about any new discovery, would perform tests to prove that theory. A theory isn't wrong until disproved. Theories themselves need very little evidence in which to work. But since I do use evidence, all my evidence is Primary. With these two, watch closely what happens to the ghosts themselves when Force Walk is carried through. They are no longer separate, no linger linked to their tombes or anchorites, instead Nox becomes the anchorite. Therefore, as their source, they become an Internal thing. He draws power from them and they can manifest beyond him, sure, but ultimately the tethers that bind them are an internal hold where their power is contained. And another point that doesn't make sense if they are an external influence, is why you have to battle them within your own mind? Even Zash claims that the ghosts are practically making a battlefield of Nox's body, after his first fight with Darth Thanaton. If they were not forced to be there by internal Forces, why could they not leave? Ergast is clear on the matter, either Nox lets them go in life or they will make themselves free in his death, or failing that take the body for themselves. And now, the shielding technique. A technique that protects from external corruption (traditional possession counts), and thus by shielding the individual from the Dark side, can end Dark side borne madness by cutting off its power source. Yuon Par reveals however, that she could use the remains of the plague within her to counteract the shielding technique, thus internal powers (such as the Force Walk's tethers) would be unaffected. Sources ahoy! - First Son fighting against Syo throughout. The First Son was beaten, yes. Weakened and bested. Defeated means that the Consular defeated him in a battle, without Syo's intervention, he/she did not. Additionally, throughout the battle with the First Son, he had moments where he struggled with himself and I have played it enough times to see it. True, the words have the same meaning. One however is more grandeurs than the other, I used different words to highlight the different levels within the victory. The Consular beating the First Son all on his/her own, would be a thing. Never happened.
  6. Listen to me, I do not believe anything nor have I written fanfictions on this matter. This is fact that I have read into the storyline, as a writer myself. I have even asked regarding writing an original story for the series, but it is probable due to the reboot the entire legends universe is on lockdown. Explain Valkorion to me, he is within the Outlander's mind, we can see and hear him. The Ghosts are not projecting from their tombs, even Horak-mul states it: "Speak for yourself Urgast, I for one do not want to be bound to a coffin in the frozen wastes of Hoth once more". Ergast implies rather heavily, to be unbound and freed of Nox, he has to free them as they are contained within him and his limits. Force Walk is described as a Ritual that "binds the restless dead to the living", and Force ghosts need anchorites (their tombs, corpses) or a vessel to contain them. The Sith Emperor has lived centuries, roughly 1300 years in total. He spent the first century as a recluse, and he has left everything to the Dark Council, spending all his time on research and experiments. Of COURSE he has more knowledge and resources than anyone on the Dark Council. But the fact remains is that Darth Nox has access to the artefacts and knowledge to rapidly develop, it is similar but different to the Bar'sen'thor. But the Sith have a lot more arcane secrets than the Jedi, we know that for sure. That aside, the Esh-ka did not have knowledge of all the Rakata methods, no... they were warlike and despised everything the Rakata were. And regardless of their warlike nature, Nox and any other protagonists wade through them by the dozens. They are irrelevant, a setback at worst, but not a fatal one. No, calling on Marr is realistic. They are in the middle of a war, Marr is the military leader of the Empire, and a political ally of Darth Nox for his services to said Empire. If an army is called up against one of his fellows, especially a powerful ally that is needed to keep the Dark Council on HIS course, then he will step in as needed and as a honourable Sith would repay what debts he owes. As for the IFs and BUTs, let me be clear. Each storyline has CHOICES, that is what I am highlighting. Do not presume to point the finger unjustly at me. Those choices are an intricate part of the game, and do you have any right to make assumptions on my behalf? You do not. My personal business is mine own, keep your nose out. Yes, we can agree with that. The JC would not sit around and do nothing, I am merely highlighting what Nox would most likely do, not what the JC would do in turn. That is what makes this so interesting, it is like if you stick them behind a board of chess, it would be ongoing for ages. Back and forth. But by their natures and interests, and of course Game mechanics, these two characters will probably never meet. Being bright means you are intelligent, being cunning is using one's intellect as a precision weapon. In practice, there is an educated difference. Anyone can be intelligent, but the cunning people make them seem like fools all the same. And I know from experience, I live in an environment of cunning backstabbers. What I believe is irrelevant, just to be clear. What I know for a fact, IS relevant. The First Son was beaten by the JC, he wasn't defeated, he was held back by his host body. The Children of the Emperor are all pieces of the Sith Emperor, his essence resides within them. First Son dies, his essence returns to the Emperor. First Son is imprisoned, he learns patience and is forced to wait for his chance at revenge. Time has no concept to a disembodied entity, trapped or no. It isn't so much what I believe, so much as the most realistically calculated outcome. And, from what I know of Bioware story-lines over the years. For the record, this is all my opinion using methods at calculation and evidence. It is my opinion, you can keep up this infantile display all you want, but nothing you say changes it one bit. You do not share my opinion, I won't push the matter, I will just accept that you choose to agree to disagree. That is all there is to it.
  7. It was actually more like (note this is off the top of my head) "He was the greatest Sith ever crafted by my Empire, but he was not a match for you. Destiny has other plans." Or something like that, I remember watching it one time on Youtube, shall look it up later. But the point does stand... what need does he have to lie? Valkorion could just as easily said "he was a powerful member of the Dark Council, yet he still fell before you". Valkorion has no need of a physical body, he doesn't fear death and betrayal any more, why lie when he is trying to form a partnership with the Outlander in question? And to be honest, he has been rather decent throughout KotFE.
  8. I cannot say, I would spoil it for you if you haven't played Knights of the Fallen Empire. But yes, he is a trustworthy source of information, because he has no need to lie. What reason does he have to lie about Jadus when the guy isn't important to his grand plans at all? And by his grand plans, do you know what they are?
  9. Thanaton was a powerful Sith Lord, he was not the most or even second powerful. By Darth Ravage's claim, both he and Mortis could have "silenced" Thanaton. And at the time Thanaton sat on the Council, briefly, so did Darth Baras.
  10. There is actually a Dark side ability called "Force Travel", http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_travel, it is rather hard to do and pretty dangerous.
  11. So, you are still not seeing it? Allow me to explain clearly, Nox's Ritual binds Spirits to himself and absorb them into his body and mind, any and all Corruption is internal. There are no ghosts wandering around outside of his body, the core of what they are has been devoured by Nox's Ritual, binding them. The Shielding Ritual protects people from Madness, from external Corruption, it shields from external corruption to purify the madness... not purifies what is already there. So perhaps (I say it, because its unlikely) it could stop Valkorion dropping in for tea, but it would have no effect on a being that has absorbed ghosts. The SI has the entire Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge and all the collected Sith Knowledge and military assets that is deserving upon him as a member of the Dark Council, play his cards right and he has almost all of Thanaton's remaining allies indebted to him, he has a Superlaser-equipped Fleet (not one, but many) that can annihilate fleets and destroy ground-side military Fortresses with ease. Nox is cunning, he has made allies before only to ruin them, he knows how to use deception to destroy even the strongest of alliances. And of course, as Palpatine would later do with the Sith Temple under the Jedi Temple, Nox can use a few tidbits of research and the powerful Voss Mystic Ghost to blind his existence to the Voss and predict them. The thing about the Esh-ka... they are predictable, and Nox has an ally in a Rakata supercomputer that knows all about them, their strength and weaknesses which is also on top of Nox killing a great many of them already. Nox also had a bit of technology that once worked well on Cyborgs, I don't doubt he can now create a Large Scale anti-droid device with the resources he has now. And let us not forget, as with all the Imperial "Heroes", Nox has a powerful military ally in Darth Marr and his power-base. Darth Nox won't fight clean, either. He will pick away at the Rift Alliance, personally striking at them from the shadows causing mistrust and anarchy, he will watch as it collapses. But this is a ruse, to lure the JC into direct confrontation, get the JC in a room (with or without a companion) between Nox and Khem Val and its all over. Dashades are resistant to the Force, and have the unique ability to devour it, and the people attached to it. Get my meaning? Tulak Hord fell to such a fate. The First Son DID have all the capacities of Syo Bakarn, the First Son is his true form. The consciousness of a Jedi Master was merely a flicker of light chained in the sea of darkness, it was not until the First Son was weakened by the Consular that Syo managed to regain a resemblance of control. And as Syo said at the time, it required a lot of his concentration to keep the First Son at bay. The First Son is weakened and imprisoned in another's mind, he was beaten, it doesn't mean that he is defeated. And an interesting theory I have... what if the First Son is merely biding his time? He is a Child of the Emperor, and from what I see, he's a chip off the old block. At any rate, from the JK's perspective, we know the Children are reforming now into their own organized front. The question is, who is their new leader? Makes me want to write a story about a Dark Prince using Darth Acina and then taking over the Empire in the Emperor's absence.
  12. Wrong. Mace Windu crushed the plates over Grevious' chest, forcing the compression of his lungs. The bonus was Grevious is that he was more machine, and metal is invisible to the Force. Additionally, Jadus has been claimed the most powerful Sith (by his own Emperor) and even said to be second to the Emperor. It isn't a debatable fact, it has been clarified. You can all debate it until you're blue in the face, it won't change.
  13. Fair enough. Jadus at best, is apathetic to his defeat. He is more inclined to accept capture or escape, rather than going ahead with a plan that he wouldn't be able to keep secret. Part of power, as Vitiate as proven, is to be patient with it. More likely than not, the Dark Council choose to imprison him, probably carbonite frozen or in stasis if captured alive. He's too powerful to outright kill, and it is unlikely that the Dark Council would unify themselves to execute him due to the risk that they would be betrayed and sacrificed by their kin. Self preservation. If he escapes, he is clear that "one day, I shall return to the Dark Council". In the upcoming chapter of KotFE, I feel that Darth Acina is a puppet Empress, either Jadus is free/returned and is pulling her strings, or the "new leader" of the Children of the Emperor.
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