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  1. Anyone know where to get the C-303 Assault Rifle in the current version of the game?
  2. If FF14's PVP was good, 99% of us wouldn't still be here. FF14's PVP is probably the worst part of that game. You get pruned down to like 10 abilities, all of which work differently than they do in PVE, forcing you to learn every class twice. It's gross and it's completely unwelcoming to newcomers. Now imaging being new to SWTOR. You enter PVP and you're told to set up almost three full bars for abilities and then figure out how to use them. Lowbie PVP is supposed to be part of the learning experience, not end game. There's a specific reason why you don't start with every ability in the game at level 1.
  3. Set bonuses were never the problem here and disabling them won't change a thing. They're active for literally 1 level and anyone from 76 to 79 in min-maxed gear have almost the same output. The problem is level 75+ players in perfect gold 306 mods + 300 augments going up against level 50 players in green fleet mods who have been bolstered for 40K extra HP. It's a joke. I've played like this and I've had three players beating on me in arenas and struggle to scratch me because of my perfect gear. There's two solutions for this: 1) Remove gear entirely from lowbies and mids. Everyone has fixed stats based on their level and discipline. 2) Change the tiers. 10-44, 45-74, 75-80. Reintroduce bolster into 80 WZs so that everyone gets boosted up to at least green 325.
  4. They don't need to clarify it because you can see it with your own eyes. All of those people on your team with 30K less HP than everyone else? They have no augs.
  5. You said that you could watch ranked streams at any time of the day. For this to be possible, ranked would have to pop all day long, which has literally never happened. You made it up, got caught, and now you're arguing "I didn't mean it literally..." Ohhhh, you meant the exact opposite of what you explicitly said then??? Wow, what persuasive damage control you've got here. lol BioWare's stakeholders? What are you even talking about? I think you've been watching too many bad movies or something. BioWare has exactly one stakeholder. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Electronic Arts. Even if that wasn't the case, stakeholders don't control day-to-day decisions at publicly traded corporations. The entire reason boards of directors exist is because corporations like this literally can't oversee every little detail. I'll also point out that you are subscribed. You cannot unsubscribe because reg PVP is just too fun. I know for a fact that ranked only popped a few hours a day when we had it. I actually played ranked so I saw this first hand. For the vast super majority of the day, you could queue for ranked for hours and hours and get no pop. There's no assumption. Because this is an objective fact, that's definitely what BioWare's telemetry data also shows. Because that telemetry data exists, it's impossible for you to gaslight them.
  6. The community never left. Regs is popping every 10 minutes like it always has. Reg PVP warzones is and always has been the fastest pops in the entire game. lol You guys keep talking about unsubbing in protest but you need to be subbed to post here. Even you can't stay away because PVP is just too fun.
  7. Here's your exact quote: "SWTOR Twitch is in a very sad state now, but you used to be able to hop on and find someone streaming solo ranked at just about any time" For this to be true, ranked would need to pop 24 hours a day which obviously was never true. One lie you tell exposes the next lie. Your own link debunked you and now you don't want to talk about it. I accept your surrender. lol BioWare did not say they ended ranked because of toxicity. You're hearing what you want to hear and you went out of your way to not answer my question. Ranked has been toxic since pre-season 1. If you were around then, you'd know that without me having to tell you. So, I'll ask again. Why did BioWare wait TEN YEARS to do anything about it if they actually cared? Anything to the tune of "I don't want to talk about this" when you've been stumped is not a persuasive argument. Ranked isn't coming back. Thanks for staying subscribed for regs. You lose.
  8. There were definitely toxic teeth-grinders in ranked but this was a problem from pre-season 1. Why do you think they left it alone for TEN YEARS if they actually cared about it? But you've moved the goal posts here. You can't defend your absolutely absurd claim about ranked being active 24/7. Your own link debunked you. Not a great look.
  9. Evidence for what? You're asking me to prove a negative which is a logical fallacy. Your little link doesn't show a single case of ranked ever happening 24/7. Your own source contradicts you. lol
  10. You keep asking me to search for evidence for your argument that you can't find. I'm waiting for you to post evidence of a higher quality than "just go to google.com bro"
  11. Thank you for that link which contains exactly zero evidence of ranked ever popping 24 hours a day, I guess. You've been very helpful in debunking this horrible attempt at gaslighting which will never fool a single developer. Thank you.
  12. It's easy to miss it. It never happened, so everyone missed it. I'm glad we cleared that up! There has never been a point in this game's history where ranked has popped 24/7. The end. Fin. Stop trying to gaslight me because I've been around longer than you. lol You keep trying to pass off this fabricated anecdotal evidence as a real evidence but once again, you can't fool telemetry data from the developers. They are immune to gaslighting. Who are you trying to convince? Do you even know?
  13. Again, very bad gaslighting. Ranked did not pop 24/7, so there could not be streams of it 24/7. lmao
  14. This is interesting fiction, but again, you can't gaslight the developers because they have the actual telemetry data. It's impossible to fool anyone who has to power to bring ranked back. So your end game here is to just lie and rile people up on the message board. It's your free time, you spend it how you like. Ranked did not end because of "toxicity." The same whiners who exploded in rage every time they lost a game are still in regs and they still grind their teeth down to little nubs while steam shoots out of their ears. If the devs wanted to get rid of toxicity, they'd implement harassment rules like FF14 has where you get suspended for a week if tell someone they have bad DPS. No, ranked did not pop 24/7. I'm not sure if even anyone here is going to be fooled by that one. SWTOR twitch is also mostly dead and the most popular PVPers have trouble breaking 15 viewers. They certainly do not stream PVP all day long, let alone ranked. This just never happened.
  15. I've said it a million times before and I'll say it again, I don't know why people bother lying about stuff like this. I get arenas at all hours of the day. Why is that? The only people you can gaslight with this nonsense is people here who don't know better. You literally cannot successfully gaslight the developers because they have the telemetry data. They can pull up the list of every single arena that happens on any given day and the exact times those arenas popped. So, making up lies about it isn't going to get the game changed because the developers know better. PVP seasons wouldn't have fixed ranked. Ranked has exclusive rewards and it was still a dead game mode that popped like 3 hours a night.
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