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  1. I have a question about character slots and the legacy system. With a potential of 16 classes in the game and only 8 character slots per server, it seems like to experience the whole game we would have to have 2 servers, with seperate legacies. Will the Legacy system allow us to unlock enough character slots to play all 16 classes on one server, or more? Or will you extend Legacy across servers?
  2. I also brought up early on in this thread that a selection at character creation would be the least offensive. It would be predetermined at creation and you could see what you want. You'd have to make it more that just one or the other though, but yes this is the best way to go about it if it has to be brought to that.
  3. The people who say that an option dialog selection breaks their immersion are simply using it as an excuse to get their way. Your character doesn't think or act on any choice unless you select it and the game will present you with dialog choices some players, or their characters will never pick. If you play an imperial you will encounter many racist dialog options due to imperials generally not being accepting of alien species. If your character is completely tolerant of alien species and would never say racist things, then those very options which do appear in game would also be immersion breaking, thus more than just flirt prompts should be removed. The simple fact is that it is merely a dialog choice, and no one is making you choose it. If you don't like it, or agree with it, do not click on it. There are many dialog choices that I don't like and agree with but I still have to see them in game, so does that mean other players immersion is more important than mine because there is no racist, dark, light, murderous, or any other type of toggle? I'm specifically addressing your fourth point there. The only way I will concede that it breaks immersion is if same gender flirting is forced upon you, and realistically maybe it should be. Its not out of the realm of possibilities that in real life someone of the same gender may show unwanted advances, and you would react however you see fit. No one is going as far as saying it should be that straight forward when in fact I believe it should, as games like this strive to be as close to realism as possible. All people are asking for, and waiting for, is their option to flirt with characters of the same gender. Personally, with such options I wont even be using them all the time. Honestly I would probably use them consistently with my female characters, and never use them with my male ones, or if I feel safe enough, possibly use it as a ruse to see if I can get something I want. When playing a male character they would become options I most likely would never select, but the options should present themselves none the less, because I may take that chance sometime, just like the game continually gives you light or darkside choices regardless if you've never taken a choice of the other side, or if you would even take the choice, the choice is still there. As I've stated plenty of times in the past, same gender flirts are just as immersion breaking as any other dialog option that you would not reasonably choose, and as I know some people I play with choose Darkside no matter what, shouldn't they have a no lightside toggle so it doesn't break their immersion, and so they can keep true to their characters and not accidently make a lightside choice? The thing is many people aren't looking any farther then themselves and I understand that, its human nature, but with something like this people need to take a step back and look at the whole picture and think of something more, think about how this makes others feel. If people are really going to quit the game because occassionally a dialog choice might get put up in one of the options they have a possibility of choosing from, then they might as well quit now and save the crying for the next game they come across that may contain something they don't want to see. Oh and as for reason number two/three (which are basically the same reason just drawn out to look like a bigger list of arguements) about customizing other content, the last time I checked chat boxes or colors and other things you may find in an options menu like antialiasing aren't particular to a persons lifestyle, whereas race and sexuality are. I don't go around hoping for chat boxes to pop out of my mouth in life, its not a possibilty. People that flirt with others of the same and opposite gender are real, its in the realm of possibilities, and they want to play their characters the way they see fit, it is completely different.
  4. I'm sorry but seeing a same gender flirt dialog option you don't like breaks immersion just as much as the other two options that are there right now that you don't pick when you choose that third option. These are dialog paths you can take, if you want to argue that an option breaks your immersion, what about those that make exclusive dark side choices? They should toggle off lightside options because it breaks their immersion. What about those that make exclusive lightside choices? The darkside ones would break their immersion. What about those that don't like the sarcastic responses? Wouldn't seeing them there break the immersion of someone who plays a more straight forward character? Do we get a sarcasm toggle? Implementing an option and having a toggle to turn it off implies that something is wrong with that option, whether you believe it or not. For instance, like I already stated, profanity. You can toggle the profanity off, many people dislike profanity and believe it is wrong. I don't believe its wrong and I remove the profanity filter in every game I play. You see, just because your saying that it's not there due to it being unacceptable, it may not be unacceptable to you but it still shows otherwise. I hate that everyone wants to blame real life politics for same gender flirt/romance options. Same gender relationships have been around since before this political issue, its been around for centuries, I kinda remember it being big in Rome back in the days, etc etc. Just because there are issues with it in politics now by no means indicates that this is a current fad, same gender relationships have been happening long before this current issue and will continue long after, whether people like it or not. They're forcing same gender flirts on you just as much as they're forcing lightside/darkside/sarcasm/serious/racist dialog options on you.
  5. I'm generally a carebear too, I play on a PVE server. This option would go against all a PvP server stands for. No PVPer wants to stalk and hunt his prey just to see that they've got a free pass because they're "special". No. I'm sorry you don't want to risk dying in a videogame to play with your bro and friends, but that doesn't mean you get to gimp the game of other people.
  6. There are problems with this. First and most simply, if it was free to unmod, noone would ever have to buy additional mods, thus the tradeskill for making these mods would become useless. Secondly, if you don't spend all your money on tradeskills, or maybe pvp a little bit in warzones, or possibly sell stuff you harvest you can easily make enough money to remove mods from equipment. Last, once you hit endgame you will have more than enough money to do this with. This isn't suppose to be something frivilous for you to do, its suppose to make you decide on whether its worth it to remove the mod, or just buy another from another player.
  7. Yes they are Galactic Trade Networks, but they are faction based. Just because its labeled Galactic doesn't mean Cross-Faction. Thats why theres the black market in Nar Shaddaa, the Hutt Trade Cartel. The Hutts are willing to work with both Republic and Imperial, whereas Republic wouldn't sell anything to Imperial and vice versa. Yes, its not in a convienient spot, but come on, its an illegal black market where you can sell supplies to the enemy, it shouldn't be easy to get to.
  8. What if I was a straight character, but wanted to flirt to try and get my way with something, with no intention of following through, therefore not intending a homosexual relationship but making the other character believe I was so I could get my way. For instance, as a male if there was a rich male that I could flirt with to get some money, maybe I'd go through the talk, but I definitely wouldn't walk the walk, get what I'm saying? I'm still straight, but leading them to believe otherwise for my own benefit. It would be like a female toon refering to themselves as male if they were in disguise, there are parts of the game where you have to pretend to be the opposing faction, or where you choose to express hatred to one species or another, and you may not in fact feel that way, but use it as a show of force.
  9. Your argument, while well thought out and planned in your mind by the obvious large amount of text does not make any sense. The anti toggle crowd isn't trying to censor any racial options. Noone is saying that people can't make a definitive statement about their character. You can currently roll fat, skinny, black, white, brown, blue, orange, red, young, old, freckled, withered, scarred, etc. The only thing is, no matter what you make your character has to be straight currently. The anti-toggle crowd isn't trying to censor anything or limit anyones choices on anything, we just want our choice for same gender interactions. It doesn't take away the pro toggle crwds option not to click it, but the pro-toggle crowd is saying theres something so innately wrong with it that it needs to be toggled like profanity. That it isn't acceptable and should be off unless someone wants to turn it on. It should just be a normal part of the game, and if you don't want to deal with it, don't click the flirt option and move on with the rest of your life.
  10. If you want to stop everyone from crying about Advanced Class Respecs, I've got an easy solution for you which isn't really ideal, but would solve the problem at hand. Remove Advanced Classes Yes, you heard me, when you create your character, at that point you choose between Sith Juggernaut and Sith Marauder and so forth. Thus, instead of 4 classes at character creation it would be 8 and people would finally get it through their heads that the classes are seperate. I can't believe how hard it is for some of these people to understand that, some of these advanced classes even use different armor types! When Everquest 2 had this system there was never this kind of reaction. You picked 1 of 4 classes at creation, then you specialized at 10 and then specialized further at 20. The system in tor is one step easier yet many people are having trouble grasping the concept. I would hate for you to have to change the game because people can't seem to understand and accept this, but if it would get them to stop it would be worth it.
  11. I'm with you so far. This is where I have an arguement. While the stories are similar, that has nothing to do with the class design itself but everything to do with how you want to play the game. Just because the story would be the same doesn't mean you should be able to switch classes. In many other MMO's out there all classes will share the same story, yet you wouldn't be able to respec from rogue to warrior or mage, even though the story is the same. You are trying to punish SWTOR because they had the decency to improve MMO storylines and offer as many unique experiences as they fesibly could in the amount of time they had. This would imply that just because a person leveled up a character once, if they wanted another character that followed the same story, it should just be granted and they shouldn't have to work for it. The story is just part of the game, and theres not going to be new content everytime you make a character. If you play all four storylines, you shouldn't just be handed new max level characters just because you dont want to "choke down old content" So because a person doesn't know how good they will be at the class they chose, they should be able to just respec to another until one they are good at is found? You learn to play your class through practice and if its just not for you, then you can start another character and try again. You shouldn't be granted benefits because of your uncertainty. All in all what I'm trying to say is although the two advanced classes inside of each class do share the same storyline, that does not mean they should be interchanged at will because you no longer like what your doing. Many games have multiple classes that follow the same story, and in any such game you would find the notion of changing classes rediculous, but because the story is so pronounced in this game, and there are four different storylines to follow per faction, you expect change that shouldn't be given.
  12. I can feel for your situation, as I have a Sith Juggernaut thats gone Immortal Spec and I would love to try the DPS tree, but the thing is we don't need to level two characters to do that. We've always had the ability to go to the skill trainer and switch our specs if we wanted to. I'm sorry your in this situation, but nothing should really be done about it. Dual Spec doesn't change anything. It only adds convienience that allows us to easily switch back and forth instead of having to manually do it. If respecing wasn't in originally, I'd have to agree with you, and even though I'd love the experience of leveling a Juggernaut to 50 as DPS instead of tank, doing so would be at my own expense as the concquences are known. Good luck with your decission.
  13. I see this is the Suggestion Compilation Thread so I will input all suggestions I've had so far into here in a clear and concise manner. Not all of these are popular suggestions, some are plain out hated, but if looked at from the point of view of the games best interest and not personal gain, I think I can be agreed with on most or all points. 1. Increase success chances of Reverse Engineering. Make it a competitive tradeskill. Right now its far to easy for Artificers, Armstech and Cybertech to get their end game recipes purples while Synthweaving and Armormech fall drastically behind. Chances should be vastly improved, or a new system should be implemented where every RE increases an RE experience bar by a random percentage. When this bar is full, one of the unknown recipes would be learned. You could take it a step further and specifiy what recipe you would like learned, as that would make much more sense, but it wouldn't be necessary. On the reason why it would make more sense, if you were to take something apart and try to think of a way to make it better for you (lets say your a tank) you wouldn't be looking for ways to increase your presence or surge, you'd likely be focusing on defense or shield rating. 2. A veteran reward system should be implemented. I know a legacy system is in the works, but thats based upon gameplay. Extra rewards should be unlocked for dedicated subscribers. You could either go with a monthly reward program closer to the City of games, a 3 month reward program like sony games or a yearly reward program like cryptic games. 3. More character slots should be added. There are 16 different classes available, eight for each side. If I want to experience all aspects of the game, I will be having at least 16 characters. Since the current limit is eight per server, that means I can only experience half the classes. Furthermore if I just roll on another server, it then splits my legacy exp between two legacys, thus being a detriment of the system. In conclusion the only ways to fix this is to increase character slots to 16 or to have your legacy go cross server, with the character probably having to pick a new name on the new server but still sharing the same xp pool. 4. Improve the bug reporting feature. Your company asks for so much detailed information when submitting bug reports that I can't remember what you need. The bug report screen doesn't tell us anything either, we just get responses from the CSR's asking for more information. If you need that information, please have it in the empty form so we know what to put, or have a form we can fill out with blank entries. You could always do what other companies do and have the client take a snapshot of that information and automatically submit it with bug reports and save everyone time and misunderstandings. 5. Add a way so we can link our crafting professions in the trade channel or to guild. With so many different recipes from reverse engineering and from world drops, it would be nice if we could link our professions so people can see what we can make. 6. Improve the auction house interface. Sometimes I go to the auctionhouse and I just want to find the best priced best stated boots but you know what? I end up having to search through every piece of Heavy Armor there is, I can't sort by slot. 7. Stop the companions from returning and interupting whatever it is I'm doing. There have been times i've been in the middle of a long and detailed bug report just to have the window closed because my companion brought back some crystals for me. This also happens at the auction house, when i'm crafting, when I'm slotting my gear, etc. 8. Implement a way so I can see if the recipe I'm looking at is already in my known schematics. I'm trying to flesh out my schematic list, but I can't look at my schematics and the auction house at the same time because if I open my schematics first, clicking the auctionhouse closes schematics and opens the auctionhouse and my inventory. If I open the Auctionhouse first it opens the auctionhouse and my inventory, I can then close the inventory and open my tradeskill window, but if I try and click on synthweaving it then closes the auctionhouse. Its a stupid system, I should just be able to open the auction house and I should be able to just open synthweaving. 9. Warfronts should have a deserter debuff. People join and leave right away, either because its Huttball or because they don't like the team they're in. They then keep rejoining trying to get on the winning team, or another maptype. People who quit a match should be unable to join another match for a minimum of 15 minutes though I would prefer 30 minutes to ensure that this kind of behavior is stopped. 10. On the topic of warzones, only half the people ever vote for MVP. Either make the leave warzone button not clickable until someone votes (or theres noone left to vote for) or remove the MVP system completely. 11. Revamp the objectives section of the scoring screen. Right now its flat out stupid, excuse my language, that when I score in huttball it doesn't count for objective points. Scoring points in huttball IS the objective of that map! Also, placing bombs in voidstar, extending the bridge, all of those actions and more do not contribute to objectives but by definition are objectives themselves. Please remedy this. 12. Just like people have been farming Valor, people are farming social points. Social points should only be a reward to players doing relevant content. I understand some players want to help lower level players and thats fine. Make the system reward social points as long as one of the participants in the group is relevent to the quest, meaning at least one person needs the quest to be green or higher for the group to get social points. It is not intended for four level 50's to run normal black talon over and over again to powerlevel their social. If they want to do hardmodes or other green flashpoints thats awesome! But to take advantage of a no risk scenario for personal gains? That isn't fair to the players who do use the system as intended. 13. Please implement a threat meter system, preferably a small UI window with dynamic bars next to each players name, therefore you can see who is coming up in threat and people can hold back on dps, healers can use their detaunts or tanks can make sure they throw more threat out. I believe this can only enhance the experience. 14. On that topic I would like to see a damage meter. The system could be optional, something you would have to toggle on so others can see your info, but it could be very informational, allowing you to assess your strategies and vary your rotations with detailed educated information. 15. Change the nodes in ilum from quests to a fancy objective box like in warzones. The quests often fill up your questlog and they don't go away if you head to warzones or use fleetpass or quick travel to leave the pvp area. Moreover they don't really need to be quests because we don't get any rewards. Just have a small ui window with the names of each node and have it color coded. It would be much easier to read that having 5 quests spam the side of my screen saying imperial base republic controlled republic base imperial controlled etc. 16. Change the plantary comendations or allow us to drop them and remove them from our inventory. Even if we have 0 it takes up space in the currency tab and its hard to locate the tokens that are actually relevant to me. You could make the tokens that you have 0 of disappear, you could put all the planet ones in their own collapsable category or you could combine all the planet ones into a single token that you could use for any planet, the rewards aren't that great anyways, so if someone wants to save up, let them. 17. Allow us to hide our companions headslot just like our headslot items can be hidden. It reminds me that they are an actual person and not just a moving suit of armor. 18. Add a premium server with premium features. Charge $30-$40 a month, offer live events and unique items. It would be like the legends server from Everquest 1, it lasted four years and was a very amazing server to play on. 19. Revamp the preorder crystal so we can have it for more than a couple levels. Make it sold from the current vendor and have it equivilant at least to artificers green crystals but keep them endurance only. Therefore it wouldn't be stealing marketshare from artificers because they can craft blues and purples. 20. Last but not least, don't give in to pressure from your customers ever, don't listen to their threats. Please don't go back on implementing same gender romance options, and don't implement a toggle therefore implying its offensive to hide it from players that don't want to see it. Don't allow us to ever respec our advanced classes to the completely opposite one, they are distinct classes and I don't want someone leveling to 50 as a sorcerer because its easier then all of a sudden they're an assassin, it just wouldn't be fair or right. Keep the advanced classes serperate, give us our same gender romance options, and bring on all other content your planning and don't compromise your vision because some people don't like it.
  14. Just because you want to be 50 and test things there does not in any way mean there aren't fully capable players and raid guilds already testing the content. There are many people who play on the test server as their main server. They want access to new content the quickest and they get it, they test it, and it comes to the rest of us. Just because you don't want to roll your main there, or roll an alt there to split your time doesn't mean the things aren't being tested. Frankly I'd rather have the people who dedicate all their time on the test server to be testing it. Not some person that thinks it would be fun, still plays their main on a live server but comes over to test just to see how changes are going to affect them and then come cry about it in the forums. If you want to play live, play live. If you want to play test, play test. Testing out the content isn't just something you pop on and do because its fun, or because you have an extra five minutes. Testing the content is a lot of menial repetition, hard work. If you think it would be hard just to level another character and gear it then you aren't ready to face the challenges of actually testing content, you just want to preview it just like many thousands of people do whenever a game has a beta test. How many of those players are actually testing and how many are playing to see if they are interested in purchasing?
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