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Darthmoriquendi last won the day on November 20 2022

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    Svedala, sweden
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  1. No it wasn't @EricMusco. I believe Arcann's face model was an actor named Ryan Gunnarson. Even his IMDb page shows a picture of Arcann and Thexan with photos of his other works. He really looks like the twins. Made me giggle as he has the same left side ear that sticks out a little more. Nice looking too!
  2. I'm right there with you. I think it was a year last august that we sent Arcann on his mission. As slow as content gets dropped, it doesn't seem realistic to think that in game time is like real tiime like it used to be or as Charles Boyd had stated some time back. This would be an incredibly long time for our boy to be gone. I mean how is he surviving? Food, Water, Shelter? I guess he could sleep in his ship, but supplies for that length of time on a planet that is most likely uninhabited, unstable and maybe inhospitable? I can just see him sitting over a campfire with tattered robes chewing on some wild roasted critter....Lol Hopefully Sana Rae brings a few things with her and mom Senya sends a care package. Which makes me wonder why on earth has not Senya even asked about what is going on. You would think she would be worried to death about her son. And even worse, the fact that the Commander would even let him be gone this long makes no sense. I just hope that whatever story that is planned is well worth the wait and he will be back safe and sound with us. I have wondered about his mental state as well, or if he will even be the same Arcann when we see him again. Just depends on what he gets himself into. And about Sana Rae? I'm not sure I am entirely trusting her anymore. I have been getting some bad vibes from her ever since she wanted to send him to this place. Just some cut scenes and her expressions have rubbed me the wrong way with her.
  3. His romance comes late, but is still ongoing even now. I don't believe it is finished yet with new content coming with Arcann and the Darth Nul stuff going on. I love his romance and he is my favorite. His cutscenes are really sweet.
  4. This would be a good oportunity for bioware to take older CM items and put them on a vender for credit sinks.
  5. We need things to spend credits on. More vender items. New deco. There are so many decorations in this game that will never be on the cartel market. Those assets could be used for a vender refresh. The DvL vender? Let us buy with credits since you won't fix it. Less spending of other game currency. Use credits instead. Travel cost isn't going to fix this.
  6. Right? Although I would really like to have the Zakuulan skin for T7 that I see on the same model droid on Zakuul.
  7. Agreed. At least level 25. Another one that infuriates me is Raina Temple at the copero flashpoint. Sit there leveling her up to fight the isotope droid and I will never again use her as a companion on anyone.
  8. Agree that the economy is in a bad state, but brand new players quitting because they can't immediately power level their crafting skills? They are not supposed to be able to afford that even if the economy wasn't broken. What is with people and the I have to have it now thing? An mmo takes time, patience and yes, work. And over time they will scquire more money. Imagine this type of player having to grind at launch and do everything for themselves.
  9. You do realize those posts are dated april of 2020? Almost three years now.
  10. Agree so much with this. I transferred some toons to Darth Malgus recently and reacquired my Alderaan stronghold. Totally forgot about this bug and reset my loading point. I am so mad at myself now, but just the fact that Bioware has not fixed this issue. It's really annoying when you have to load in several characters there for crafting, transferring items etc., and having to keep running back to the room. My workshop is in the western lodges and we don't even have a kiosk on that end to set a load point. Half the time the travel droid doesn't load in either. Maybe put this in bug reports again until they take notice.
  11. Just no. Some people are away from the game for various reasons. Medical, work, military or just taking a break. I have never played any mmo that does this and it is wrong, especially to paying customers. I keep my sub going even if I am not playing for awhile. It's not that difficult to come up with a name. I just made ten new toons to transfer to Darth Malgus. Had no problems with coming up with names and didn't have to change any of them when I transferred. Her is an idea. Try making two names for your character instead of one. Like a first and middle name. It's a lot easier this way.
  12. Okay I just tested this on another stronghold I have not touched yet and sure enough it let me log back in where I logged out. Now I wonder if I set my arrival point back to the original kiosk in the stronghold I am having the problem with if it will fix the issue or is it just broken like this indefinitely. Update: Nope it didn't work. Looks like it is just broken like this permanently with no way to reset. Really an annoying bug.
  13. That is really odd way of doing this then. I mean the save point should be for when you load in from another location outside of the instance. Not when you are already inside.
  14. Bioware could you please consider changing that when you log out in a stronghold you load back in at the same place you logged out? Gets really frustrating getting put back to the loading point every time you need to change toons for crafting or switching things around. Especially in big strongholds like Alderaan and you have to log in and out several times. And why on earth are there two set points at the main hall? We only need one at the front door. Move the one by the elevator back by the western lodging to make the access a little easier please.
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