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  1. Alright. This is directed at the devs, and if you look at one post it should be this one. Back in the lead-up to 7.0, there were several thread pages full of uniformly negative feedback. These threads, which I KNOW you looked at, were ignored and the terrible decisions you made were implemented despite the feedback saying they were terrible. This entire situation led to me taking my longest break from the game to date- From February 2022 to August 2023. I know that there are more people in this thread who took breaks in about the same period, and I know that there are some who have not, and will not return until maybe the last day of server operation, as a nostalgia trip. You forever lost paying, dedicated customers with 7.0. Why am I bringing this up? It's simple. I see the same scenario playing out here. You had a terrible idea, pushed it to the players, and they told you to re-evaluate it. You spent time adding adrenals to the season track while ranked is gone, balance is terrible, 8-man premades make games miserable, and Queshball STILL POPS TOO MUCH. The only thing keeping PVP alive for me is a few friends that I queue with (don't worry, none of us are top-tier players and we all switch classes enough that our winrate is trash and we aren't winning any awards for quick kills). In this thread, I see suggestions for better options, complaints about the consolation prizes for increased grind, and, most concerningly, far too many people who have given up on you. These players will not keep paying much longer. Feed them what they fear most. A counterargument. Something people can point to and say "Hey, they listened. They made PVP better." But as it is, WE DON'T HAVE THAT. Broadsword has not done one thing that the PVP community primarily benefited from. Please, Broadsword. Listen this time. At the least, revert the change. But ideally... Fix. One. Thing. Just one. There are so many suggestions for PVP. Fit the least complicated one to program into 7.5. Promise a few more for 7.5.1, or 7.6, or something. Give us a better game, and give us an even better game to look forward to. I realize gamedev is hard. I realize that not every solution we put forward would do what we think it would. So pick a good one that will work now, pick a good one that can be reasonably implemented later, and tell us what you think about the other ones. Communicate, and let us back you up. As it is, we don't have any ammo for it. Help us out here.
  2. the AocaVII guy who made like 6 messages in a row telling people to give up on fixing PVP lmao
  3. Because this guy, despite being actively subbed, has given up and apparently his primary objective until his sub runs out is to make everyone else miserable.
  4. While I realize that these devs may be terrible at making decisions that ONLY increase player freedom and do not make it come at a cost to everyone else, I would hope that this would mean simply adding another 3 objectives that work with GSF and not removing any others (also not increasing the level count, dammit). It isn't a zero sum game and adding options does nothing to you unless the devs decide to be morons again.
  5. Yeah, they focused so hard on not giving us decent rewards that would devalue their precious CC that they forgot about actually making the season worth playing. Freaking medpacs? give me a break. And I only saw one armor set listed as being in the actual season, which I hope I'm wrong about but the other one was apparently for the vendor? Like seriously, if you're going to make the grind more hellish give us more for it. As it is, if I finish the season it will be by accident.
  6. So, in short, you increased the grind, added two worthless rewards and an emote you couldn't even bother to make complete, spread out previously clumped rewards, and didn't do anything to fix PVP itself. Worst part of the dev stream by a long shot, and this post added no new information. At least add CC and packs like galactic seasons has if you're going to make this more grindy. There's no reason to chase these PVP seasons.
  7. It's been 8 years since this event showed up last, and it would probably bring people back for that sweet XP armor (at least put it into the seasons token vendor, a lot of us are starting to run out of things to buy). I know it would take some work to build it into the current system but I think it would be more than worth it.
  8. Oh? This you? Look go off, but don't make things up and for god's sake don't lie that you didn't. I'm going to ignore this thread now, which I should have done the first time you responded. I wouldn't entirely mind if this got reverted so I'm not offering much to this conversation but seriously, sometimes I have to push back when people say stupid things.
  9. inflation in·fla·tion a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. GENERAL. ALL ITEMS. NOT ONE. either way it doesn't matter what the definition is. this specific issue will not hurt the entire GTN market. it's a niche issue and while it does indeed make fully unlocking a flagship harder, it's supposed to be slow.
  10. This is fair, but the conversion is not 1-to-1. a given person in this game, especially one who cares about conquest, is not playing only one character. Also, at least where this topic is concerned, they weren't putting in the work of 30 people. They were putting in the work to do X flashpoints, then buying the low-rep tokens for 1 currency per then just popping those tokens on 3 characters a week, once a day, to get 3 easy conquests. The work to farm that currency was miniscule
  11. Let's be very clear here- higher prices do not mean inflation. Inflation means excessive amounts of money going into the economy with no corresponding sink. This leads to higher prices on everything. increasing the rarity of an item does increase prices, but it does not increase available credits. The essential difference is that increased rarity screws over the people trying to buy it, where inflation screws over everyone trying to buy ANYTHING. This will NOT cause increased taxes, it will NOT cause other prices to increase, and you're fearmongering over something that in fact DECREASES the amount of credits coming into the economy from conquest rewards. You hate this change? Fine. But don't act like this specific part of the change will screw over everyone, because it won't.
  12. Back in 6.0, when you wanted to see what would be happening in 8 weeks, you could. The conquest calculator sheet was online, and it had all the conquest events for months into the future listed with the objectives. The main effect of that was making it easier to plan conquest, but the secondary effect was that because the list was datamine-able (or however they figured it out), anyone could figure out exactly when the next BBA event, or swoop gang event, or whatever would occur. Then, at some point in 2021, the calculator stopped updating. Whether this was because the datamine was patched, or the game simply didn't store a list, or because the person who was running it stopped playing, it doesn't matter. Now, the only way to figure out what's going on is to look at the calendar and hope it isn't, say, march 25th and the calendar tells you that there are 2 seasons and a gree event going on (it doesn't even tell you that next week is total galactic war, something that you can find IN THE CONQUEST WINDOW). You were looking for information on the next events and all you got was what was going on this week. Why is there a calendar if it's just going to be a re-formatting of the same woefully insufficient news post that gives you maybe 3 items and a copy-paste description for each that we've been getting for YEARS. Why can't it automatically update? Why is there no source of anticipation other than at the beginning of each month through the news post, and through a half-hidden "next week" box in the conquest window? If you want to go the live service route (and given the low-effort, fetch quest-ridden seasonal storylines you're drip-feeding us in obnoxious FOMO fashion, that's pretty clearly the direction this game is taking), then give us information on what's going on. Keep us waiting for not just the next event (because inevitably, some people will have that event already grinded out), but the event after that, and after that, and a month into the future. Just make a big list, build it out a year into the future, stick it into the calendar and hardcode it into the game, and ignore it for 9 months. Keep us waiting for something other than the GS objectives (oh wait, they're ALSO drip-fed for no good reason). TL;DR: Put things on the calendar, PLEASE. It's worthless right now.
  13. This has been an issue for me as well, and /allies has mentioned it a few times. resetting UI seems to force it to work, as does "logging out" (which in fact does not log you out in this case) are we going to get a third shutdown in just as many days?
  14. Any movement from planet to planet is not working properly, whether it's heroic transports, activity finder transports, stronghold travelling, or galaxy map travelling, There seems to be a decent chance to just not go there. resetting UI or trying to log out seems to get you where you want to go. It seems to come in waves, so one minute it will be fine then another you'll try six times and it won't do anything.
  15. The fix is to group invite someone. That only works to a certain number of people, which depends on the time of day. That number never gets to 16. AS SUCH You CAN typically counter a premade (get 2 people to counter an existing premade) You CAN NOT stage a full 8v8 premades V premades match without substantial planning As a clarification, I don't like going against premades. The last time I went over a 2 person team was to counter a premade (sometimes matchmaker will place 2 premades on the same team but that's a matchmaker problem, not a premade problem). I have, however, seen what happens when the GSF discord tries to set up a premade vs premade match. We only got to 7v7 with significant notice. But if you force all premades into one pool, if it pops ever, it will be exceedingly rare. 4 grouped + 4 randoms vs 4 grouped + 4 randoms is possible during peak times, maaaaybe. So just make a 4v4 mode for premades, right? Here's the problem People will not queue into 4v4 premade matches. Even if you fix the map size problem, force TDMs, etc, you would need 2 premades to queue into it pretty much simultaneously. Grouping people together is far more possible when there's a premade in queue to force people to counter. It's simple psychology. if there's a force to go up against, that you can't avoid, people will team up to go against it. But if the force is nothing but someone queued into a dead mode, no one will be notified to queue against them. They have to ask in chat for another 4 people to group and queue. and why would you? It's entirely possible they're better, or they're in VC, or they're a bomber/gunship stack, or whatever. The alternative, going in regular queue against 1-3 of the other people where you're still better than 75% of the enemy team, is so much more fun. You have an advantage, even if you end up against a few other skilled pilots. There is still food to pump your numbers. Go ahead, insist that going for numbers is bad, that it's greedy, whatever. But it's not. for a lot of players it's a measure of improvement, how far they've come from the days when they were just a drain on their team and couldn't tell if an enemy was out of range. But that's not the point. the point is that, when you ban premades from a queue in a game with low population, you stop them from playing the game for at least 50% of the time that everyone else can. So we end up with two possible outcomes. Players in reg queue have a better experience, sometimes. Other times, it's the same as before. Matchmaker sucks, so when there's only one ace in queue, or when matchmaker puts 3 aces on one team vs a few vets and a bunch of food ships, or whenever matchmaker just decides to work improperly, matches will be just as bad (but maybe a bit longer?). Premades will be locked out of queue for 50-75% of the day, and only at peak times will they get probably unbalanced matches. Premades are allowed in regular queue. They're pretty happy. Normal players see the premades, get crushed a few times, then have the bright idea to group up a bit and counter the crap out of them. It works, or it doesn't. either way, more competitive, likely less spawn camping and closer, more fun games for everyone. Depending on the premade, they either keep going and keep queue going with some really competitive matches, or they quit. Oh well. Counter group breaks up, and because they likely brought in skill from other areas of the game (flashpoints, operations, PVP, the like), those people stay, and because matchmaker has more to work with matches are again more fun for everyone. All you two need to do is join the GSF channel, and when you see a premade call out for people to go ahead and join up. counter the premade, have some fun, competitive matches. When the premade logs off, break up and refill the queue with singles. I suggest you try it. Counter the premades. Have some fun. Forget about personal grudges or the need to win an argument. Then come back here and let us all know what you think of the experience. I'll be sitting around in one of the GSF channels. i'll join up if I see the call. Just try it a few times. Then make an argument. it could be fun! And if it's not, fine. Still report back, do the whole thing, at least then you will have tried a solution that doesn't involve the low chance that BS comes in here and changes GSF on a fundamental level. Until that happens i'm not going to argue the same points over and over again. BS will never remove premading from an online game and deprive people who just want to fly with their friends of the pleasure. it's simply not in the MMO playbook. In MMOs, balance is not the top priority. Want GSF to be an Esport? make a clone. I know some people in the discord who would gladly help out. But if not, just try countering. Premades are not an unsolvable problem, but it takes the actions of people in game to solve them. So try it. I promise it's enjoyable to get those insufferable skillless players.
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