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  1. I think the graphical update to Hutta is a overall a very good thing and the removal of the yellow filter is overdue, but I will say one area where the old Hutta beats the new is in the regards to an initial dramatic first impressions wherever you look up. On new Hutta there are some really dramatic views of the sky when Nar Shaddaa or the sun is visible, but the haze is the dominate feature elsewhere.I think the new Hutta could use a bit of the old's strong contrast between the sky and clouds. Maybe the clouds could stand to be a bit darker, or the skybox a bit brighter.
  2. I just want to post a quick comment about the zone. I wish the Retreat area were a bit more visually distinct from "regular" Voss. I think changing the time of day in the zone would help give the retreat its own character. I'd suggest that time be set in the late afternoon or early evening with a warm ambient glow over everything, and some deeper shadows under the trees. It would still feel very much like Voss, but different enough that players immediately know or feel like that they are some place different.
  3. Hello, SWTOR's new forums! I've finally found a moment in this chaotic year to hop in and check things out. I thought I'd start with a post of what's been going on at my blog "This Week in Aurebesh" lately which just last month celebrated it's 6th birthday on the world wild web! First Impressions: Legacy of the Sith, part two - This post focuses on my reactions to the story that the new expansion has started us on. Fade and Glow - Top Five Non-Cartel Market Color Crystals - This is quite possibly my favorite "Dumb Top Five List" in the history of the blog. Viva Nar Shaddaa - I did have time for some Aurebesh recreations this year, and this post explores the history, design and translation of the "Welcome to Nar Shadda" sign that greets visitors to the Smuggler's Moon. Tricks and Treats - In addition to discussing the new Galactic Season, this post also serves as a raffle I'm hosting for THREE OPAL VULPTILLA MOUNTS. The raffle ends Tuesday, Novemeber 15, so there may still be time to enter as you read this! If you’ve never visited my site before, I hope you’ll take a look around. I’ve been translating SWTOR’s alien languages for six years now and sharing commentary about the state of the game as I see it.
  4. Just a quick update concerning my latest update in which I share some final thoughts about Onslaught before this week's debut of Legacy of the Sith. Be sure to read to the end of the post to learn how to enter a raffle for an rare Opal Vulptilla mount. The deadline to enter is Thursday, February 17 at 11 PM ET. The more entries I get, the more winners I will draw! Onslaught Review and Opal Vulptilla Giveaway
  5. Happy (belated) New Year from This Week in Aurebesh! I want draw your attention to two recent posts. First and foremost is my interview with SWTOR System Designer David Staats. David gives us a deep dive into Galactic Seasons and what sort of changes we can expect to see in the upcoming Season 2. Definitely check this out! Galactic Seasons Interview with David Staats My latest post is rather more silly, but I want to re-iterate that my Adopt-a-Grophet program is still going strong! I still have countless Fiery Grophets and Venomous Ginxes in search of new family! For details about how to get a FREE pair of companion pets from me, check the post below! Adopt-a-Grophet I'll see you soon in Legacy of the Sith.
  6. As part of the building excitement for the release of "Legacy of the Sith" This Week in Aurebesh asks "Who's that Twi'lek?" I speculate about SWTOR's mysterious new character. Everyone who comments on the blog post will be entered in a raffle to win an Opal Vulptilla mount, courtesy the good folks at Bioware! For details on how to enter please take a moment to check out the post linked below: Who's That Twilik? This raffle is open to entries until December 4, 2021 at 12 PM ET. As always if you've a little time to spend, I hope you'll check out the other translations and SWTOR commentary I've created over the last half decade!
  7. Will we keep access to the items in the Renown stash? I still have a bunch of pets and mounts stored in those across my legacy and I dip into it when I make a new character.
  8. Hello! This Week in Aurebesh celebrated its 5th birthday the other day and to celebrate I've translated the runes that light up around the pedestal of the Outdoor Jedi Temple decoration that was recently added to the game. The latest entry also contains some context about the version of the Jedi code used in the decoration, and I also remark on the "Best View in SWTOR" contest that is finishing up this week. Does This Look Jedi to You? And if you've a little time to spend, I hope you'll check out the other translations and SWTOR commentary I've created over the last half decade!
  9. Thank you for the clarifications. How will Set Pieces and Tacticals be handled? Will they be randomly distributed to all members of the group or directed only to characters whose class can use them?
  10. Hello there! As another summer of SWTOR gets started, This Week in Aurebesh remains committed to providing you, gentle reader, the finest fake space language commentary in the Old Republic. My latest post come from a request to translate some Justicar propaganda found on Coruscant, and it is one several of their posters I've recreated in English. You can check it, and many more, out at here: This Week in Aurebesh This summer, my goal is clear out my backlog of signs and posters I've been meaning to but not quite been able to get around to covering. If there are any alien language signs in the game, you'd like me to translate, please let me know. I love taking requests! Feel free to add you suggestions here, in the comments of my blog or on Twitter.
  11. I just had time for a quick tour of both apartments this morning. My first impression is good. From some previews I'd seen earlier, I thought they'd just look like smaller versions of guild ship rooms, but they are visually distinct from the standard Republic/Imperial style and there's no mistaking these strongholds for rooms of a guild ship. The cantina music bleeding into the Republic apt seems like a neat idea, but it got old fast. A way to toggle it on and off would be nice. Speaking of toggles, the lights switches in the Rishi overlook are one of my favorite features of that stronghold, I'd love to see them added here. The lighting in the Republic apt is pretty neutral, so options to mix it up would be nice. I'd love to see some Starship hooks added to the exterior areas outside the stronghold, rather like the hooks on the ocean floor on Manaan. Being able to set up our ship out there would be cool.
  12. Welcome! It's exciting to see the team go and I look forward to what is to come!
  13. Yep. This is my first experience with login rewards, so I don’t really have a frame of reference, but after a week, I don’t feel like I’ve received much additional value. I realize that balancing rewards that are useful to new players and veteran players alike is an impossible task, but currently they are skewing very hard towards being new player friendly. That’s fine, but expect veteran players to complain like they’ve gotten socks for Christmas. That said the rewards are pretty weak even for new players. White quality companion gifts are nearly worthless these days and a few jawa junk won’t really help anyone raise their crafting skill. As for the credit tokens, the absolute last thing SWTOR’s economy needs is more money pumped into it, whether it’s 1k or 100k. The end of the week rewards were the only ones that piqued my interest. A free bit of valor isn’t bad and the purple sparkle powder is something fun and unique. However, 5 powder does not last long at all. I’d trade all those white companion gifts for a few more powders. The only rewards I’d consider valuable are the ones I can’t get elsewhere. I simply don’t need poor quality companion gifts and I have stacks and stacks of jawa junk clogging my cargo bay already. A daily reward of an extra fleet pass, or quick travel to a world boss location or a token that I can use from some extra renown or conquest points or social points could come in handy without being game breaking. I’m not saying I expect platinum quality CM loot just for logging on everyday, but so far the most of the rewards seem like stuff I’m going to get anyway just playing anyway. More of the same doesn’t really feel like a reward. I’d welcome extra tokens from the Gree/Rakghoul/etc events. CM Certs are nice, but I’d also hope the Cartel Bazaar vendors get updated as well. The Market’s backlog is deep enough that more stuff could be put on the vendors. Some of the old sets are ridiculously expensive simply because they haven’t been available for a long time. This is especially true of decorations that haven’t been available since their packs were discontinued. There is also a lot of retired gear that could be reintroduced to players: old flashpoint and operations sets that were removed when the ops were scaled and the flashpoints level synced. There are also tons of level 48-50 recipes that were removed from the trainers during Fallen Empire. Giving players new cosmetic stuff to craft or trade on the GTN is always a good thing. And, yes, every once in a while, there are should be something freaking awesome, something unique to the rewards system, something other players will stop and notice and want, something at least on par with top tier CM loot: a cool armor set or selection of weapons or an over-the-top mount. Pull out all the stops. I guess my main question is this: is the new system designed for brand new players or more veteran players? Is the reward system account based or legacy based? If I have characters on other servers will I have to log on to them daily as well? I’m certain encouraging anticipation is the main goal of the system. “If I keep logging for x more days, I’ll get that cool thing!” Right? That means the thing does need to be cool. Obviously, there is no one thing that all players will want, so the system should be cycling in different rewards to wanted by different types of players. Look, it was cool to get purple sparkle powder on the PTS today, because SPARKLE POWDER!!!!!, but I understand others not giving a flip about it.
  14. I just want to take a moment and share the short Q&A I conducted with Charles Boyd about how SWTOR uses Aurebesh and other alien languages in the game. It was pretty cool to get answers from SWTOR's very own Creative Director! Given the focus of my blog, if you're looking for info about the next operation, PVP balance or next year's 10th anniversary, you'll be disappointed, but I hope you'll check it out: Charles Boyd Q&A
  15. This Week in Aurebesh has just celebrated it's 4th Anniversary with my overview of the Swoop Rally event and a translation of billboard that was first seen on Corellia but is also featured prominently around the event's Rally Courses: Swoop-de-Whoop I have not been diligent in bumping this thread. It's been a odd year to be sure, but since I last posted here I have been invited to join SWTOR's Content Creator program, and it's been a pleasure to be in the company of so many creators and fans, and my mission of exploring some of corners of SWTOR continues as always. If you have a moment, I hope you'll stop on by.
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