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    Mathematician, Physicist, Software Developer
  1. I play a full Healer spec for PvP purposes. 1) Other classes view my spec as being tougher to be killed than the other healer classes, but in general, much less useful for warzones due to typically having the lowest healing output and ease of being shutdown through chain interrupts and CC. 2) I do not think commando healers are as bad as people think they are. However, we are extremely weak against good players because we are extremely easy to be shut down through chain interrupts and CC. Scoundrel healers are widely considered to be the most useful for PvP due to the majority of their healing output coming from instant-cast heals.
  2. TorStatus Graph : http://www.torstatus.net/mandalore-the-indomitable/history/7d So my server Mandalore the Indomitable [PvP West Coast] is flat-lining. A few weeks after launch, our server was in the top 20 for population. It's been a steady decline with guild after guild disappearing. My own guild was pretty solid leading up to 1.2. But the lack of ranked warzones bomb gutted our motivation to play and fewer and fewer people log on every day. The quarterly report showing that subs are down 25% in no way represents how bad the servers are doing. Just looking at torstatus, there are literally dozens of servers with plummeting populations. The promise of server transfers seems pretty shallow. I don't think anyone takes the almighty 'SOON' seriously anymore. And I expect that when it comes, it won't be free, won't let you go to the server you want, and will will be too little too late. What's worse is any excuse BW is giving us for not doing them now. They completed all the APAC transfers, proving that their system is working. I'm sure that with minor tweaks, they could perform server merges much sooner than 'SOON'.
  3. Why doesn't the group finder help you find a group for a warzone?
  4. Some of the 'devs' that you find on the dev tracker are in fact not developers at all. For some of them, it's their job to communicate with the community (lol imagine that). It's like when you're waiting for your food at a restaurant. Your server will come by and say it should be out soon. Never do I assume that it would be faster if the server was back in the kitchen making my food cook faster. But if my server doesn't tell me what's going on and assure me that it will be out soon, guess what? No tip.
  5. HuntinSikness


    The silence on PvP is deafening. After dropping the 1.2 bomb on us, not a single encouraging word has been uttered on PvP development. Nothing on the Dev tracker, nothing in the Q&A's, not even stuff popping up on other sites. When is ranked coming? When is cross server queuing coming? Is there any serious development on OWPVP? Please throw us a bone.
  6. You can't RE the PvP implants for schematics. When you hover the cursor over it, there's no indication of a percent chance to learn anything, which the devs stated was required for there to be anything learned. /wave Zimms
  7. So since PvP got the 1.2 shaft, and the 1.3 patch is about 'more legacy', when exactly were you guys going to tell us that the PvP department got laid off?
  8. Commando/Merc is not a 1v1 class and hasn't been since day 1. Yes there are scenarios where our abilities work for 1v1, but we are much more useful in group situations. People also tend to duel in wide open flat areas, which also do not work to our advantage.
  9. But it was anti-grind. Every combat profession aside from BH could be leveled in 1 day without creating a new character.
  10. SWG is the only game I've ever played in which I knew it was time to go to bed when I noticed the sun coming up. That's how fun WPvP should be. 100% crafing based gear truly limited resources 99% player driven economy Player built bases Player built cities Planetary control through PvP domination.
  11. Do /bug and report it. But yes, we've seen the bug happen a few times. One time we had a double premade that won 6-0. The other premade got all the Dauntless medals and we got nothing. I've also seen it with a single person getting nothing.
  12. I played my Combat Medic last night and only noticed that I had to do a better job managing my ammo. Oh and Kolto bomb on 4 target is amazing. So if you guys are all sucking now, then it must be skills. I guess you can't nerf awesome
  13. 1.2.PvE : 4/12/2012 1.2.PvP : TBD The patch was not ready
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