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  1. A second round with a predetermined result is not needed)
  2. Solo arenas need to be brought back, that's for sure. Only without rating)
  3. Nobody forbids you to continue playing arenas (solo if you prefer). So it's not clear what mode removal you're talking about.
  4. You can further deny reality and refer to the fact that mmo should be mmo, while even fp without group finder they will not work, and heroics have been solo for a long time. Solo vs premade is a flop, foul play, it shouldn't be. Therefore, developers simply have to add a solo q option that the vast majority of players will use. And this problem will be solved. Not the problem of skill difference or something else, but the problem of premades, which has existed for ten years. It's already good. You can wait another ten years justifying premades, but casual players 1) won't create them (which will allow pros to blame them further) 2) there has long been a closed, established clique of elites, with which it is difficult to compete. Now people have a completely different attitude towards MMOs, the social aspect and the fairness of the game. For older hardcore players, a significant gear advantage or group advantage is the norm. Like the winrate is close to 100%. For casual gamers, it's just a bad game with broken matchmaking. You can tell that there are not enough people to split into groups and solos. Or the fact that the presence of the group is taken into account (it is not). There are enough people here to play solo, but premade lovers, who are not so many, but who are a lot of trouble, can wait. If the group mode does not work at all, then this will be a confirmation that the premades do not want to play against each other. And as a result, be farmed by the strongest. Which has already been confirmed before. But solo players are forced to "enjoy" this all the time.
  5. And how did you want to immediately get experienced players? Either a dead mode, which practically does not work, but everyone knows each other, or a lot of players of very different levels. I think that without taking into account premades, the idea to popularize the arena mode was a success. Of course, there are many problems. I read that this is a problem now. But just don't say that after the repair, premade lovers will use it. This feature, like PvE uprisings, should be quite popular, but it isn't. It happens, but still premade 8x has not gone anywhere, like other smaller ones. Since there is no ranked mode right now, it cannot be said that warzones do not matter. Let them play vs premades. Why initially allow the situation of lopsided games?
  6. If only they played on Tuesdays lol. On Malgus, ranked players and nightmare raiders (and everywhere, probably) are a partially coinciding clique, so I have not seen any true pve premades. 8x is generally more or less the same people on any given day. Yeah, you shouldn't blame griefers who have a choice, but find a hundred excuses why destroying pvp is good. The bottom line is that it's allowed for now. In fact, now ranked players could continue to play solo arenas because this mode is more popular than it ever was. Yes, without a leaderboard and special awards, but with the presence of players. So it's a matter of choice. Challenges can be arranged too.
  7. At the moment it is not possible for solo and casual players to play on the server. In fact, 8x premade is on duty at any time. Often there are more than one of these premades. There are also several premades of 4 people each, which makes it impossible to escape to the arena. And at the same time there are not so many matches to dodge, that is, you can go to the imperial char, check the list of "friends" and exit the game, or do some pve, engage in crafting, selection of costumes and furnish apartments. Middle basket - the same players, one premade tyrannizes the arena only. It's interesting how many new and old players managed to attract to pvp with such an attitude of developers and such a disgusting ranked community. What is the point of pvp, which is a sandbox for several dozen griefers now? There is not a single argument in favor of a common queue for solos and groups.
  8. Long but good post. It looks like the system treats tanks as the equivalent of a healer. Vote, maybe the developers will read this feedback.
  9. slowdude

    i339 gear in PvP

    It doesn't matter where the gear comes from, how good the players are. What matters is that it gives a boost. What shouldn't be. Ideally, gear should not provide any benefits at all. The maximum level of implants with bonuses is 334. Probably because of this 339. not 340.
  10. Learn to read now. I was talking about any games with mmr, in this one you don’t even need a new account, so players can try to catch or adjust the winstreak as many times as they have character slots. There are currently no ranked games. Аnd no mmr calculation for matchmaking. Even the selection by roles does not work correctly, which allows you to abuse the premade with a heal and a tank against random damage dealers. Well, that is, they are griefers. Why tell stories about competition when you can use the challenge mode? There was a thread where a run player boasted hundreds of wins without losing in 8th premade. Probably, a dozen games were not enough for him to understand that there is no other premade, lol. Or understand that matmaking does not take into account the presence of premade at all. You exude toxicity even when you don't tell players to kys.
  11. Copium? I don't need premade for arenas where most are still playing solo or 8 man for warzone to look good. And outside the comfort zone with voice communication, you can take away your real potential to carry. So far, ranked players (many, not all) show more arrogance and shortsightedness, to say the least (it was difficult to predict the result of their attempts to reduce the population of the arenas). If we take not conversations and boasting, then it is clear that these people absolutely do not care about competition, everything is for the sake of narcissism and prizes. About prizes. In any game with mmr, the first games are decided, which is why many players create new accounts in order to play the qualifier well.
  12. So much arrogance. This is probably due to the protective capsule of premades, without which ranked players (except for careless cheaters and macros lovers) die in the same way as any other players. Yes, it may take longer and require more teamwork (as much or slightly more than to beat an ok casual player). Once again, I don't really care about solo ranked players in arenas and warzones. I don't know how it is on yours, but on DM they create more gold and platinum premades. In fact, several guilds are known for this and several players are in the mass guild. It can be said that some of the former ranked players created an even smaller group of griefers. And before the demise of ranked arenas, these people also did not meet without premade. This is to the question of how toxicity spilled out of ranked games. It's not that 332 can't beat 339, but 339 is just better as gold augments. And any advantage in gear in pvp is the opposite of being competitive. Let's leave MOBA and shootets out because players start the game with the same budget and no items.
  13. What's stopping you from noticing when you can already see? Especially before, ranked players already knew all of their own. The most weird names containing symbols, again, I saw among ranked players. It will be necessary to tell them to remove their ranked outfits, weapons, titles, gold and platinum flairs. Have you already decided who has too many friends, ranked or regstars?
  14. It only takes 8-12 online premade lovers to ruin the queue. This is even a little less than there were fans of the ranked. It turns out that some really left, while others play solo (what fools!). By the way, your mask fell off))) Tell us about the class balance or the fact that the gear does not matter when almost any pvp player (not just ranked) will try to get the best gear they can. And yes, golden augments give a boost, as well as 340 gear. So it will help the beginner not to stand out with a low item rating and hp.
  15. You don't have to play a single ranked game to understand what ranked players are like. After all, all premades x5-8 are they. And they don't call it griefing, they call it a smart way to win. One could also assume that they saw toxicity and vote kick as a smart way to keep the bads/casusals away, and wintrade and synq as a smart way to guarantee top rewards.
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