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  1. First of all, allow me to start with that I absolutely love the UI changes. The game looks so much better now! However, something I noticed is that the Large Tooltip doesn't stay anchored to my mini-map when I select that. As soon as I log out or when there is a loading screen it resets to "Anchored to Position". It's not a game-breaking bug, but it's a little tedious to have to set it back to "Anchored to Mini-Map" after every log in or loading screen.
  2. I think this would be a good way of introducing the Falleen into the game. As can be read in the novel Annihilation, the Falleen are around in the galaxy in this era, and having one as a subscriber reward companion would make for a truly unique comp, as we have not seen the Falleen ingame before. The backstory could be that they're a young Falleen noble on a tour of the galaxy, experiencing life outside of their homeworld. According the the lore of the species, the youths of Falleen nobles would tour the galaxy this way to see what it had to offer. Perhaps this companion's backstory could be that they heard of our character's adventures during their wandering, and wished to experience them from up close by fighting for us.
  3. Nothing bad is going to happen. SWTOR will stay on like it always had and will not be shut down anytime soon. The game is doing well, player numbers are rising (especially since the Steam release) and we had multiple hints that something big is happening behind the scenes. I have been speculating for a while now that this behind the scenes stuff is about greater funding/revitalising the game, or even about integrating the game into the Disney canon. In other words: stop worrying, because there's nothing to worry about. SWTOR won't be shut down for years to come. Anyone who says otherwise is fearmongering for no reason.
  4. Glad to see I am not the only one, I was starting to fear it was just me! Yes, I have really bad ability lag as well. Ever since the update finished to be honest. Related?
  5. Chats could have the feature of displaying Person @ Account 1 and Person @ Account 2. That would solve the issue, and players could be given the option to hide the @ Account part or enable it. That would solve the problem you perceive.
  6. With the changes made to the ignore system, I was hoping to also suggest some changes to the naming system in SWTOR. Several MMO's out there allow 2 players to have the same character name, as the name will be tied to 2 different accounts. Could this system also be implemented into SWTOR? It seems a bit archaic that each character name has to be unique. Legacy names, for example, do not have this requirement. Besides, many players try to circumvent this system anyway by altcoding character names that have already been taken. Couldn't the system be simplified by removing the need for character names to be unique? The game already seems to have a system in place to allow for guilds to have the same name (I know it was because of the server merges) by adding @[insert server name] behind the name. The character name system could employ a similar system, but leave out the @[accountname] part from the display name. Or, give players the options to disable this part in the display name, but still be visible in the friends list or something like that.
  7. Question about the legacy ignore: if you have one player's character in your friends list, but then you ignore another character from that player's legacy, will the character you had in your friends list be taken down from it?
  8. I have a question! If you have a player's character in your friends list, and then proceed to ignore another character from the same player's legacy, will that mean that character you had in your friends list will disappear/be taken off the friends list?
  9. Each time I have a spin on a Kingpin Slot Machine, after it has spun its circle and it's a win or lose the entire machine disappears, only to reappear a second or few seconds later. It seems to be experiencing a very visible reset each time someone takes a spin on one. Is this working as intended?
  10. Yes, you're good to go by simply downloading. No need to rebuy anything again.
  11. Well, well, well, isn't this a nice suprise! I am thoroughly thrilled! There go all the "SWTOR is dead" comments and arguments, right down the drain
  12. Hmm, maybe my anti-virus is oversensitive or something.
  13. Watch out when you click that link. My anti-virus blocked an automatic download and notified me of malicious content on that website. Best not to click the link the OP. Excuse you, I am here for all the Low Angle Male Butt shots, thank you very much ;P
  14. Hmm, you seem to be correct. In my head the Republic Dark Age seemed much closer, but it is indeed more than a millennium away. Still, I do think there is room for the Empire to fragment, as you elaborate on yourself in your post. There is also the comment made by Darth Malgus about the timber of the Empire being low and the fires of the Dark Side running out of fuel. It seemed to me as if he was anticipating the fragmentation of the unity in the Empire and that soon, we'd have dozens if not hundreds of Dark Lords competing for power. I believe Jadus could indeed be the catalyst for such a fragmentation, by either instigating it or by seizing power, becoming an unrivaled power within the Empire and eventually dying, as such leaving a power vacuum. Personally, I'd prefer the second option as that would rhyme with what happened with Marka Ragnos. His reign was the golden age of the Sith, but after his death a power vacuum was left behind that eventually led to the conflict between Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh, which was what began the fragmentation of the old Sith Empire. Jadus could seize power within the Empire, become the new Sith Emperor and rule for a while, leading the Empire into a glorious age. Perhaps he could even lead the Empire to conquer Coruscant, as both Legends and Disney Canon lore state that the Sith once ruled Coruscant. The Republic capital could be temporarily be relocated to Empress Teta, Corellia or perhaps even Alsakan (which after Jadus' death might spark another Alsakan War, once Coruscant liberates itself from under Sith rule). Either way, I sincerely believe that Jadus' return would create a very interesting setting for SWTOR to experiment with
  15. I think (and hope) that Darth Rivix will indeed be a gateway to introduce more Near-Human species, as it's quite evident that he is meant to be a Zeltron, especially with the lines Vector gives. It would be odd for them to turn everything around and make Rivix another species, when he's obviously intended as a Zeltron. With his introduction, perhaps the way will be paved to the Zeltron becoming a new playable species
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