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  1. it's been a long time since I've purchased an Additional Cargo Tab, but as I recall you unlock a specific tab. This means when you purchase the legacy unlock on a character with no additional tabs unlocked yet, you specifically unlock tab #2 on all characters: If you already have tab #2 unlocked on one of those characters, that character gains no benefit from the purchase. EDIT: Or maybe I am remembering it wrong, as I see a few posts from 2012 complaining about the legacy unlocks boosting the prices of future individual purchases (https://forums.swtor.com/topic/494384-cargo-bay-and-the-cartel-shop-carbo-bay-tabs/#comment-5216608)
  2. Remember that you are only seeing the population for your faction: The other faction might have a lot more players running around... Or it could be a case where there is a 40 player cap in an instance but there are 50 players on the planet, so you are probably going to end up with 40 players in instance 1 and only 10 in instance 2.
  3. Speaking as someone who soloed a fair number of world bosses and flashpoint before level sync was introduced, the game is much better with the sync. If they did remove it, they would also have to level cap all rewards as well (including planetary dailies, heroics, and Flashpoints) which would leave them with very little actual content for end-game characters. Also, removing the sync would shift the 'no reward' complaints from end-game players to levelers who out-leveled the storyline (a very common experience in the 'good old days') and are facing half a planet's worth of grey missions because they ran a flashpoint or two... The fundamental issue with 'end game leveling' is they need to come up with rewards for these levels: If you just want another number to grind up, they could do that easily enough but the 'meaningless grind' complaints would be deafening. If you want cosmetic rewards, get ready to be disappointed (most players will be at least somewhat disappointed by most random items). If you want to get actual ilvl gear this way, you've just made it much harder for a fresh 80 to 'catch up' with cutting-edge content. One day, you'll realize that this is a video game, which means it is, by definition, a 'big waste' in its entirety: One day, this game will close down, and everything you earned in it (outside of your memories) will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
  4. And your rejection is largely irrelevant: It is fairly well known that the capital worlds were the 'hang out' point at one point pre-launch, but that was found to create issues and the fleet stations were implemented in a hurry (hence both having the exactly same layout with only minor cosmetic differences) to serve this purpose. This is also why the Black Talon story makes so little sense (this transport is the only ship available at the fleet station???) as it was presumably written with Korriban/Hutta as your point of embarkation... In a game like this, you want to have a single central hangout location: Splitting this up among multiple locations just makes life more difficult for the players and can make the game seem less populated than it actually is. Developers encouraging players to hang out in other locations is basically them shooting themselves in the foot...
  5. I have one of these titles in collections, but I'm fairly certain I've purchased two or all three of them over the season: I suspect they 'fixed' the issue but it isn't retroactive...
  6. There haven't been a lot of changes in the last two years outside of the economy / GTN, so there's no real need for a fresh start on that basis. Finding a guild is probably going to vary by server. I'd recommend playing through the story: Honestly, the end-game isn't as good.
  7. Coruscant and Drommond Kaas are both already pretty full worlds (being '6 level' planents rather than the typical '4 levels') so there really isn't a lot of room for a bonus series. I think you could consider the Gree missions to be the Coruscant bonus series... They used to be rewarded by missions, but they were taken out a long time ago. I think you could purchase some of them from the Space Mission vendor as well. I know I have the better part of a bank tab filled up with them on one character... Legacy vaults were originally exclusive to strongholds, but were eventually added to the fleet for convenience since it is where players are supposed to hang out. They really don't want players 'hanging out' on the capital world since it could create lag issues for characters actually trying to play the storyline there (the fleet stations were actually a last-minute addition to the game when they realized the capital worlds couldn't really handle the additional strain).
  8. The "Advanced Black-Green War Hero's Crystal" would have originally been a 'PvP only' stat, so it was fine as a level 1 item since you really can't really PvP at that level. At some point, they must have changed it to Mastery and neglected to update it's minimum level (I really don't pay close attention to PvP, but I remember the "War Hero" stuff was originally not useful for PvE). The "Advanced Black-Purple Striated War Hero's Crystal" that veteran players get seems to have a similar issue and can even be added to collections (ironically, even though you get one of these 'no level requirement' crystals in the mail at creation, the box it comes in can't be opened until level 10).
  9. 82 power or crit is insignificant at decent levels: 82 power or crit is probably roughly equivalent to an entire set of green gear at level 10 (which might have 10 mastery on each piece) 82 power or crit is probably HUGE at level 1 where the content is built around the assumption that you have no gear and low stats... Another way to think of it (using arbitrary numbers): When you are doing 1,000 Damage per Second, adding 2 DPS is insignificant. When you are only doing 1 Damage per Second, adding 2 DPS is TRIPLING your damage output. The lower your level, the more significant that static +82 points becomes...
  10. The real trick is to do these objectives on Tuesday or Wednesday when 'everyone' is trying to get it done: By Thursday, it gets a lot harder to get a group together as so many players have already completed it... Two things to keep in mind: You don't necessarily need to be part of an operations group to get credit: You can get Objective credit (but not Mission credit) by 'tagging in' when another group is killing the World Boss (even the 'wrong' faction). Strongholds have a 'return to previous location' option, so if you are sitting at the WB location, you can periodically pop back to your guild flagship or station apartment (assuming you have one of these unlocked) to post another LFG message in fleet chat before returning the the WB location to post in planetary chat - or - tag in with another group's pull...
  11. I think you are underestimating Sith politics here: A general who not only failed in his mission but got captured by the Republic and ransomed back would be kept out of important leadership positions for a good while. Honestly, they'd probably only want him back to make certain he doesn't give the republic any intelligence... Keeping the general brings little benefit to the Republic: There are bound to be plenty of other psychopathic officers lining up to take his place, and while they may not be a good as Rakton, that's not going to significantly slow the imperial war machine... Exchanging him would help the thousands of prisoners you get in exchange, along with their families. Additionally, it would be a bit of a morale boost for the other soldiers to know that their government actually has their back rather than just abandoning them to the enemy. There is a risk Rakton might return to a significant command position, but he's really just another general now...
  12. Unlike dyes, Weapon Crystals have stats attached to them: A +41 stat bonus (or two) is potentially a very significant power boost at single digit levels. Honestly, these are level character level 50+ items, but the requirement was set to level 10 to get around the 'generally only available from crafters' problem in one simple step. Even the '+4 endurance' pre-order crystal has a 'level 7' requirement on it.
  13. Perhaps you could take a moment to explain why you feel forced to PvP? As previously mentioned, there were plenty of non-PvP objectives and if you really want to make your point, you need to explain why the others are not an option for you (which they very well might not be). Last week's objectives included: Two PvP Objectives (Arenas and Warzones) One Heroic Space Mission Objective (Not PvP, but probably the most skipped objective ever created) Two 'freebie' Objectives (Conquest points and Rishi Stronghold visit) One Crafting Objective (requires high-level crafting skills) One Seeker Droid Objective (requires level 52+ I believe) One Agent or Trooper Objective (could be an issue if you have no eligible character) One World Boss Objective (fairly low level) One Cross-Faction Mob Kill Objective (Requires a level 50ish+ character in each faction) One Level 80 Daily Mission Objective Week 6 (April 16th - April 22nd) Daily Influencing the Galaxy Earn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy. Weekly Complete any 7/11 March Across the Galaxy Earn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy. Drop In: Rishi Visit another player's Rishi Hideout stronghold. The stronghold directory is located in the Stronghold and Crew Skills section of the Republic or Imperial Fleet. Supplying the War Effort Assemble materials into any of the following War Supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, or a Holocron of Strategy, then assemble an Invasion Force. Seeking Artifacts Uncover artifacts and other lost treasures with your Seeker Droid across Alderaan, Tatooine, Hoth, and Makeb. Fielding Loyalty Complete Missions as a Trooper or an Agent Origin. Liabilities of Corellia Track down and defeat the following high profile targets on Corellia: Admiral Kalmic (Central Blastfield Shipyards - Republic), Jimme Weasle (Southern Government District - Empire), Lord Rashal (Northeastern Labor Valley - Republic), Prototype RK-4 Sentinel (Southwestern Labor Valley - Empire) The Terrors of Taris Defeat The Ancient One and Subject Alpha on Taris. Storming the Battlefront Complete Arena matches. Earn double progress for wins. We're Not Out of This Yet Board your personal ship and complete 2 [HEROIC] Space Missions. Heading the Frontline Complete Warzone matches. Earn double progress for wins. Sweeping Ruhnuk and Kessan's Landing Complete the mission: [WEEKLY] Daily Area: Kessan's Landing or [WEEKLY] Daily Area: Ruhnuk. (Requires a Subscription and/or access to Legacy of the Sith)
  14. From my personal experience: If you use the default access point, you'll be positioned where you were when you logged off when you log in. If you use one of the alternate access points, you'll be positioned at that entry point each time you log in.
  15. A little bit of research would have revealed there are in fact four companions in the initial batch of 'date night' missions: https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20240312-1
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