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Sarova last won the day on October 5 2022

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  1. I've not been on the forums for a while, however, is this real? Is this the first time in 10 years of playing that giving a refund (in the form of an entire month of game time) has happened? And some players are moaning about it? What is wrong with people? A whole month of game time? Wow! 🥳
  2. With the date nights and them expanding to other characters, dare we hope to get a Quinn interaction? I don't even care if they have to get a different voice actor - I will not be able to log in fast enough (and hopefully, Quinns will have their customisations).
  3. I was one of many who asked for more interaction with our romanced companions therefore, I love them. Don't care that they're short. When we did the class stories, each interaction was short too (yes, there were more but each one was still short). I cannot wait for Aric Jorgan and Malavai Quinn. I'm not sure either of them will get an interaction; if they do, SWTOR/Broadsword can have all my money and my house!* *this may be an exaggeration that I will not be doing but I will be very happy.
  4. What the whating what?! 😆 People do that? I hope they don't do that! Back to in-game romances, to me it's like a story and an aspect of the game people enjoy (half a dozen "love threads" ain't wrong 😂). Besides, enjoying the romance story aspects is no worse than the people running around with their almost nude female companions. Let people enjoy what they enjoy (but I agree on one of your points: anyone replacing real-life relationships with in-game romance ones - seek help!).
  5. "Cringy"? Ask yourself why romantic novels and films are so popular (The Princess Bride is undefeated for example ☺️) and yes, romance in all media is still popular in 2024! Romance in a/the game is no different - not everything needs to be slashing and smashing.
  6. Agreed. I mentioned in my unsub feedback that whilst KoTFE/KofET might have had issues storywise and messed with our companions in unwanted ways, the chapter format was excellent. I hope they listen. The current stretching out of the storyline over several game updates is awful. SWTOR has done many things outside of the story well - in fact, I went back to wow recently and saw they've copied some of the quality-of-life stuff we've had in SWTOR for ages (though wow has done a much better job of gearing alts). You'd think that would give the Devs & new owners a boost. Anyway, like you, I'm looking forward to the date nights. I'll be dusting off my many dozens of alts for it.
  7. So did I!! I felt obliged as I'd put a "lack of interaction/story for both companion friends and companion romances" in my reasons for unsubbing. I may also have mentioned Malavai Quinn, Aric Jorgan and Darth Rivix a few times too 😆 (I also asked for "more immersive story please"; however, the companion thing is a good start).
  8. I've been reading through the feedback and I must be missing something. I decided to log in and give the story a try. I've just completed the cut scene with Gizmel and Krovos. Up to that point the story is underwhelming. I'm playing on my main - Sith Sorc - and am disappointed with the story so far. My Sith has been reduced to below the level of apprentice! Does the story get any better, or is the 7.4 story just a lead-in for yet another daily/rep area? I have to agree with other posters: if the game devs don't have the budget for voiced inclusion, LETTERS from Aric and Corso (and our other old favourite class companions, especially the romanced ones, would have been great. And the text box cut scene responses in response to NPCs - that's just a no. Edited to add: This does not happen often for me, however: I also agree that as an update, the story was once again far too short.
  9. So you're my Oricon screenshot nemesis!! I jest - congratulations 🥳Enjoy that gold decoration (I'm not jealous. I am? Yes, it's true 😂)
  10. I made the shortlist video they showed in the last Livestream (50.58) for the Oricon screenshots, but alas, I failed to win yet again 😭 This was mine https://imgur.com/a/Yrdo1pz Congrats to the winners. I'm old; I'm hoping I get a win before I die!! 😂 Fingers crossed for next year, if they run it again. __________ Aside: it's a shame this thread has been hijacked by so many people moaning about the contest. If you have bugs or issues with the game, start your own thread somewhere else!
  11. I got the survey! I went a bit nuts. Mine seemed to be tailored to my game-play style - I got my thoughts in about PvP, however, most of my responses related to storyplay which is more important to me than PvP.
  12. I was in another game and was sure I heard Rivix's voice so I looked it up and yes - same voice actor (see spoiler ⬇️). So, of course, I've come back to this thread to say this game needs MORE DARTH RIVIX asap! And where's that Rivix romance option??? Also, no updates to this thread since March 2022? Dear Rivix fans, we are slacking! ⬇️
  13. A patch or so ago, guarding was given an upgrade so those who guard are getting more for that role. I'm talking about those players who literally hide themselves in some inaccessible place that allows to them to sit there and get a match completion and contribute nothing. In my sci-fi imagination, I'm wondering if there's a way to do something like wow does and debuff someone in the game until they participate? The people hiding in the game know that if they die they'll end up being kicked out of the match because they basically hide where they can't be attacked and go afk until the match is over. Debuffing them during the match so they get no completion credit/no medals/no valor and an additional debuff once the match is over preventing them from entering any match for an hour. Is my imagination too advanced for the reality of this to happen? Have I been reading/watching too much sci-fi? How about adding a "practice" PvP allowing players to earn valor against npcs but they can't enter PvP proper until they hit a certain valor achievement or valor rank? That would clear out a lot of the loiterers because they won't make that effort to access PvP.
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