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10 Good

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  1. Were the Missions fun? Yes, but only the first few times, doing it multiple times weekly would most probably feel just boring after a while. Were the Missions the right length (not too long, not too short)? The story missions were alright, might be a bit too short, the racing quests are fine, only thing that might be a bit annoying is going back to use the flairs if you forget about them. Were the objectives for each Mission clear? Some kind of intro run would be nice, it's not actually clear at first what you can/can't do and that you can do additional runs if you fail, when you just get the dailies thrown at you. Which gang's Missions did you like the most? The least? For racing best to worst: horizon's razors > pit screamers > blatant beks, because higher speed just feels so much better. For story quests: blatant beks > horizon's razors > pit screamers. Did each gang's objectives make the course feel a little different? Not really, and in my opinion this is the main reason why the missions feel a bit boring after a while (aside from the speed issue), would love to see some extra mechanics/possibility of failing added. Were you able to easily stay on the course? Mostly yes. Did you understand the bike abilities? Not exactly at first, but it's not really a problem, at least it gives us some space for exploring. Did the speed of the bike feel good? No, it feels way too slow even if I use all the speed boosts available, only time when the speed actually felt right was when i used turbo boost on the horizon's razors bike, but that should be more like the normal speed, not the boosted one. Hopefully, desync won't be an issue with higher speeds, like I can already desync through the finish line from time to time if I use speed boost. What did you enjoy the most? What did you dislike? I'm going break this down into multiple points: Dantooine: overall the most boring course, the mechanics just feel...uninteresting, would be nice if we could at least utilize the mines to throw us in some direction. Tatooine: the borders of the smoke cloud area should be more visible, sometimes it looks like I'm outside the zone, but still get the slow. Onderon: probably the best of the 3, the traps and the jumps are a nice addition. Would love a (more advanced) mek-sha course with the risk of falling down and maybe mechanics that are trying to push you off. I know it's PTS, but when I first arrived to the area, it felt somewhat dead, adding some racing npcs while you're just hanging around the area and not actually in a race would be something that could make the zones feel more alive. Overall: I love the idea of extra mechanics, like pickups, traps, would need more of the these with much higher impact than what they currently do and what i really disliked was how slow the bike is right now. Edit: almost forgot about the timed bonus missions, which are also a great feature, what could be even greater is to have a few special achievements for making some heavily tight timers (e.g. complete run X on planet Y while doing some extra stuff in Z seconds).
  2. If you go into RE mode and hover over the item, the tooltip should tell you the chance of learning the schematic. But first, you should look on the gtn, i can see a few dread forged gear pieces listed there right now aswell. Also, i'd suggest checking out the dvl vendors on fleet, they have some pretty similar pieces (except those have some animation going).
  3. Gotta agree with that, looks way better with tail. #addtailtothemountpls
  4. Let's just keep it simple and make it PTS Cheater <Name> Although, need to find out something else for germans.
  5. Üdvözlet Olvasó! Az <Ad hoc Victory> egy magyar játékosokat tömörítő klán a Darth Malgus szerveren, birodalmi oldalon, most tagfelvételt hirdet. A klán létrejöttének egyetlen igazi célja volt, mégpedig, hogy otthont adhasson mindazon magyar ajkú játékosoknak, akik társaságban szeretnék kihasználni a Star Wars: The Old Republic nevű MMORPG játék adta lehetőségeket. Játékosaink többsége több éve játszik már, HC és Semi-HC szintűek egyaránt, de bárkit szívesen látunk, segítséget mindenki kaphat tőlünk. Rendelkezünk saját TS3 szerverrel, honlappal, klánhajóval, rendszeresen szervezünk eventeket, és szeretnék egy flexibilis ops-csoportot összeállítani. Igény és lehetőség szerint próbálunk időt szakítani raidelésre, de részt veszünk conquesten és PvP-ben is. Ha felkeltettük érdeklődésed, játékban megtalálsz minket, bárkit kereshettek a klánból, segítenek! Weboldalunk: adhoc.shivtr.com Üdvözlettel, Yorick ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings, dear Reader, The guild, called <Ad hoc Victory>, hosts Hungarian players on the server Darth Malgus, Imperial side is now recruiting. The only true goal of the establishment of the guild was to host all the Hungarian speaking players, who would like to enjoy all the opportunities the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic can offer them. Most of our members have been playing for many years, we have HC and Semi-HC raiders, but all levels are welcome and we render help to everyone in need. We have an own TS3 server, website, guildship, we organize events regularly, and we would like to assemble a flexible raiding group, but we participate in conquest and PvP as well. If you have any interest, you can find us in-game, almost everyone can help you! Our website: adhoc.shivtr.com With regards, Yorick
  6. Sziasztok! November 8-án érkezik a szerverek összevonása, mely azt jelenti, hogy a 3 angol nyelvű európai szerver ettől a naptól kezdve egysül egy új szerverré: Darth Malgus = The Red Eclipse + Tomb of Freedon Nadd + The Progenitor. Szeretnénk jelezni minden magyar ajkú játékosnak, hogy birodalmi oldalon megtaláltok minket az Ad hoc Victory guildben! Van facebook csoportunk, saját teamspeak szerverünk, honlapunk, guildhajónk, és rendszeresen eventeket tartunk (Ops, PvP, GSF, conquest, stb.) November 8-tól megtaláltok minket a Darth Malgus szerveren. Hello there, from November 8, all the servers are going to be merged, which means that the 3 English-speaking European servers are fused into a new one: Darth Malgus = The Red Eclipse + Tomb of Freedon Nadd + The Progenitor. I would like to raise attention to all of you Hungarian speakers that you can find us in the guild: Ad hoc Victory! We have a facebook group, own teamspeak server, webpage, guildship, and we hold events regularly (Ops, PvP, GSF, conquest, stb.) You can find us on Darth Malgus from November 8.
  7. Sziasztok! November 8-án érkezik a szerverek összevonása, mely azt jelenti, hogy a 3 angol nyelvű európai szerver ettől a naptól kezdve egysül egy új szerverré: Darth Malgus = The Red Eclipse + Tomb of Freedon Nadd + The Progenitor. Szeretnénk jelezni minden magyar ajkú játékosnak, hogy birodalmi oldalon megtaláltok minket az Ad hoc Victory guildben! Van facebook csoportunk, saját teamspeak szerverünk, honlapunk, guildhajónk, és rendszeresen eventeket tartunk (Ops, PvP, GSF, conquest, stb.) November 8-tól megtaláltok minket a Darth Malgus szerveren. Hello there, from November 8, all the servers are going to be merged, which means that the 3 English-speaking European servers are fused into a new one: Darth Malgus = The Red Eclipse + Tomb of Freedon Nadd + The Progenitor. I would like to raise attention to all of you Hungarian speakers that you can find us in the guild: Ad hoc Victory! We have a facebook group, own teamspeak server, webpage, guildship, and we hold events regularly (Ops, PvP, GSF, conquest, stb.) You can find us on Darth Malgus from November 8.
  8. Sziasztok! November 8-án érkezik a szerverek összevonása, mely azt jelenti, hogy a 3 angol nyelvű európai szerver ettől a naptól kezdve egysül egy új szerverré: Darth Malgus = The Red Eclipse + Tomb of Freedon Nadd + The Progenitor. Szeretnénk jelezni minden magyar ajkú játékosnak, hogy birodalmi oldalon megtaláltok minket az Ad hoc Victory guildben! Van facebook csoportunk, saját teamspeak szerverünk, honlapunk, guildhajónk, és rendszeresen eventeket tartunk (Ops, PvP, GSF, conquest, stb.) November 8-tól megtaláltok minket a Darth Malgus szerveren. Hello there, from November 8, all the servers are going to be merged, which means that the 3 English-speaking European servers are fused into a new one: Darth Malgus = The Red Eclipse + Tomb of Freedon Nadd + The Progenitor. I would like to raise attention to all of you Hungarian speakers that you can find us in the guild: Ad hoc Victory! We have a facebook group, own teamspeak server, webpage, guildship, and we hold events regularly (Ops, PvP, GSF, conquest, stb.) You can find us on Darth Malgus from November 8.
  9. Üdvözlet Olvasó! Az <Ad hoc Victory> egy magyar játékosokat tömörítő klán a The Red Eclipse szerveren, birodalmi oldalon, most tagfelvételt hirdet. A klán létrejöttének egyetlen igazi célja volt, mégpedig, hogy otthont adhasson mindazon magyar ajkú játékosoknak, akik társaságban szeretnék kihasználni a Star Wars: The Old Republic nevű MMORPG játék adta lehetőségeket. Játékosaink többsége több éve játszik már, HC és Semi-HC szintűek egyaránt, de bárkit szívesen látunk, segítséget mindenki kaphat tőlünk. Rendelkezünk saját TS3 szerverrel, honlappal, klánhajóval, rendszeresen szervezünk eventeket, és szeretnék egy flexibilis ops-csoportot összeállítani. Igény és lehetőség szerint próbálunk időt szakítani raidelésre, de részt veszünk conquesten és PvP-ben is. Ha felkeltettük érdeklődésed, játékban megtalálsz minket, bárkit kereshettek a klánból, segítenek! Vezetőink: Ker'win, Synaran, Bart'holomew. Weboldalunk: adhoc.shivtr.com Üdvözlettel, Yorick ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings, dear Reader, The guild, called <Ad hoc Victory>, hosts Hungarian players on the server The Red Eclipse, Imperial side is now recruiting. The only true goal of the establishment of the guild was to host all the Hungarian speaking players, who would like to enjoy all the opportunities the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic can offer them. Most of our members have been playing for many years, we have HC and Semi-HC raiders, but all levels are welcome and we render help to everyone in need. We have an own TS3 server, website, guildship, we organize events regularly, and we would like to assemble a flexible raiding group, but we participate in conquest and PvP as well. If you have any interest, you can find us in-game, almost everyone can help you! Our leaders: Ker'win, Synaran, Bart'holomew. Our website: adhoc.shivtr.com With regards, Yorick
  10. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=923727
  11. The agent is hiding between the leafs and tree, you can see him if you turn the camera around a bit.
  12. http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php or in the menu: Community >> Forums >> Developer Tracker
  13. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8928102#edit8928102
  14. Tomb of Freedon Nadd Level 60 Character Token Mission Discovery: Diplomacy (Dark) (110) Mission Discovery: Archaeology (115) Mission Discovery: Investigation (110, 500) Mission Discovery: Treasure Hunting (115) Advanced Critical Augment 40 Exarch Relic of Focused Retribution Exarch Relic of the Fortunate Redoubt Arena Champion's Prized Blaster Collected History of the True Sith Carved Relief of Zildrog's Fall "Miniature Black Hole" Gravity Grenade Emote: Superflex Galactic Trade Network: 10 Sale Slots Species Unlock: Togruta Nexu Handler License Black and Deep Red Dye Module Advanced Neural Augmentor MSM JT-9 Jetpack Augmentation Kit MK-2 Manaan Research Data Holo Sign: Hovering Rishi Dancer Basic Junker's Light Temple Standing Lamp Scaffold Lighting Array Rishii Idol Banner: Republic (Large) Banner: Imperial (Large) Potted Plant: Weed Flowers Title: Galactic Wanderer Augmentation Slot Component MK-2 Augmentation Slot Component MK-3 Augmentation Slot Component MK-4 Augmentation Slot Component MK-6 Augmentation Slot Component MK-7 Augmentation Slot Component MK-8 Fabricator Crystal MK-3 Synthetic Prefab MK-3 Dark Project MK-1 Flagship Plans: Engineering Encryption Flagship Plans: Logistical Encryption
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