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Nee-Elder last won the day on November 10 2023

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  1. Yeah that's a fair point. Which is also why, back in beta, we were pleading with BioWare to create 1st-person cockpits for GSF ( like we had in SWG JTL ) . Especially since the stop-gap filler "space on rails" mini-game from aboard personal ship was already a 3rd-person viewpoint; therefore making GSF strictly 3rd-person too was redundant. Negative. Although there was an old forum thread posting about some *hack* method , but it didn't work for me. Again, i come from SWG JTL where flying with joystick was near perfection pilot bliss. So, admittedly, i'm a bit jaded. Well, ironically , thanks to our earlier "argument" , you motivated me to give 'Elite Dangerous' a try. Started playing it today. ( only the new 'Odyssey' tutorial starter mission , onto the 1st newbie space station ... so far ) Ordinarily, i'm really not a big fan of modding games at all ...but.... hmm, i wonder if anyone from 'Nexus' has created a STAR WARS mod yet for it....
  2. In your OPINION. ( for whatever that's worth ) Strawman attempt x 2 smh You are correct on that one, Capt. Obvious. However, our SWG JTL wasn't a true hardcore Flight 'sim' either, but we still provided BOTH m&k plus joystick support too. Same with SW:Squadrons btw. First, your speculatary opinion doesn't = fact. ( Unless you've somehow polled every single GSF player in history of SWTOR? ) Secondly, i am a GSF player and i "care" about those [ flight sim ] games. So does @Stradlin , as far as i can discern. So thats 2 GSF players already. Meaning, your presumption is....well....worth about as much as your earlier opinion lol. uhh, i already have and still do. My only point before was: GSF would be better if it allowed the option for joystick peripherals and would also be way more fun & immersive if it was expanded to incorporate more exploration & customization/crafting/mining elements as we had in SWG JTL ( or even as say 'Elite Dangerous' ) . However, i've been campaigning for such things since ohhhh about 2010 ( directly to Devs in alpha/beta testing ) and let's just say by now i've lost any delusions-of-grandeur ( or hope ) for SWTOR to ever satisfy or do justice to the *STAR* in 'Star Wars' . Game is....to put it nicely....seen it's better days.
  3. i also mentioned fictional STAR WARS too though. First, i never said anything was "disturbing" , so please don't misquote/misrepresent me. Secondly, no because swinging LS is gravitationally grounded activity ( not flying , as in no Yaw/Pitch/Roll ) . Third, nice attempt at strawman'ing lol . Anyways, SWG JTL we coded for both m&k AND for joystick support, so there's no reason why BioWare couldn't also do same for GSF other than lazy dev'ing + poor old 'Hero' game engine limitations. But why you of all people are trying to argue mouse&keyboard is "better" than an actual FLIGHT STICK for legit pilots is beyond me and seems like a very strange forum-hill to fight on tbqh. So before this goes even more off-topic & sideways , i'll just leave you with these.... goto the 1:03 mark---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDJlqX-ZE1E another in case you prefer static shot--> https://res.cloudinary.com/lmn/image/upload/c_limit,h_360,w_640/e_sharpen:100/f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto/v1/gameskinnyc/7/5/8/7589f4b61d1455.jpg ...which are directly from 'Elite Dangerous' in-game official graphics. Heck they even use FLIGHT STICK while navigating on-planet too.... So umm, care to show me the in-game mouse&keyboard versions? I'll wait. -------------- *On-topic more: Imagine if we had a STAR WARS version of 'Elite Dangerous' .... /sigh , so much potential squandered here in SWTOR & GSF yet again.
  4. i disagree and so does literally every SW pilot ( from movies & lore ) in existence. Not to mention every RL pilot in military service. Show me an aircraft in war "flown" with mouse&keyboard and i'll show you a defeated/dead pilot. It's sorta similar to comparing a hardcore PVP'er with their keybinds + controller ( or gaming mouse ) going up against lol casuals without any keybinds who just *click* commands in combat. So yeah, i respectfully but vehemently disagree with you on this one mate and historical fact is on my side of the "argument" too.
  5. That was ( and still is ) only because BioWare refused to provide JOYSTICK support. Any self-respecting Pilot knows mouse&keyboard ain't no way to fly. Sadly, they never will. It took me 7+ years of pleading with devs to pay some significant attention to GSF, but i've finally accepted it won't ever happen. Instead of focusing on the *STAR* in 'Star Wars' , current Broadsword prefers digital date nights + baking pies. ( both fine as side mini-games , but not as primary "content" ) smh
  6. Time has just told --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934089-unable-to-login-into-swtor/?do=findComment&comment=9812757
  7. Most likely they are waiting to address it here--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934885-game-update-75-livestream-coming-may-1st/
  8. Agreed yep. It's pretty pathetic tbqh , how they try to insult our awareness of gaming history ( not to mention insulting our intelligence ) . No company , not even BioWare back in tha day, wants to acknowledge they pale in comparison to SWG's innovation & genius. If only SOE hadn't allowed that weasel from LucasArts ( i can't name him for legal reasons, but it rhymes with Fooleeoh Borez ) to blatantly ruin SWG with that awful garbage 'NGE' system ( they should've just kept the CU but added the content/quests ) perhaps we'd still be enjoying & thriving today united into one grand server. ( instead of 3295748943 differing emulators ) . There will never be another Raph Koster , nor another SWG. And sadly, imo , after SWTOR is finally put out of its' deteriorating mis$ery, i'd be shocked if any SW based MMO is ever gonna made again. Bingo ^ . Once again: i'm only curious because it's STAR WARS of course. But my expectations are very very low. I'm wayyyyy more interested in SW: Eclipse ....!
  9. Yeah to me that's my only real "problem" ( gaming wise ) , since i personally love character customization & OPTIONS. Bingo ^ yep that's probably the issue from a code/Dev perspective. Plus, nowadays even if they did offer male/female option, then some 3rd/4th group might get upset. So i guess they figure just pick ONE and stick with it story-wise, focus-wise, etc. Still though , it seems like many other games are offering way more diverse customization options and imo tha's a good thing. Curiuos to see SW:Outlaws pans out either way.
  10. You just might get your wish next week --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934885-game-update-75-livestream-coming-may-1st/ That has already happened and has been happening since around 2016/2017. Alas the slow deterioration of a game that just might end up as the last SW themed MMO ever.
  11. How so? Not sure why you think that ? Because i haven't seen ANY info ( officially ) that mentions anything remotely similar to Ghost Recon type complex TEAM ( ai teammates SQUAD control ) dynamics; other than her one "pet" companion or whatever. Which reminds me: As mentioned earlier in this thread, how do you feel about the whole being locked into "female" protagonist thing? ( re: no options to customize character ) -- Do you think it's just sorta like an "equal" substitution purposely trying to make up for all the mostly "male" protagonists in SW games over the years? ( like Jedi Survivor/Fallen Order , for example ) Or do you think it's just much ado about nothing? ( as in, the "gender" is inconsequential and shouldn't affect immersion if the story & gameplay are enjoyable )
  12. It doesn't, except in very rare cases, since for obvious reasons they just can't go around replying to each & every "ping" on these forums. ( Plus they are busy doing things like Coding & such ) Your best bet instead is to just send a detailed email to: support@swtor.com
  13. No such code exists, nor will it ever exist for SWTOR, since 1's & 0's cannot detect the depths of human momentary motivations. ( much less whether or not a player crashed into an asteroid or their cat just happened to walk across their keyboard ) Unless maybe both the game has access to player's computer-camerra and/or the player has 'Elon Musk implant' installed
  14. Forums, as antiquated & unnecessary as they supposedly are, still provide fascinating entertainment value to augment the game. Truth is, it's both because they aren't mutually exclusive. A symbiotic relationship, they must be. One problem to remember though: Players can't code & release EXPANSIONS.
  15. As i suspected. Like i said above: We're pretty much arguing the same point in different ways lol ( typical forums ) First: it wasn't just "me" ( and you know it ) . Nice try though. Secondly, you never mentioned JTL in your original comment, so yeah i corrected that omission with additional facts & intel. Does it really matter in 2024 SWTOR? Nope. Game is....well.... obvious is obvious. i already did , but you just don't like/accept them. The links were from BIOWARE themself and i provided them more for other readers, so they would have something way more substantial record-wise to go on besides just "Ramalina said: " i don't expect , nor desire, anything from you, since i don't know you. Once again, i posted the links for OTHER people to reference as context. Your acceptence, or lack thereof, is merely incidental. uh, welcome to basically any company/corporation in existence. i don't work for BioWare ( i only helped them unofficially ) and therefore i don't need to "achieve" anything on SWTOR forums. At this point you're just trying to bait & troll me with your silly goalpost-moving "prove MORE to me!!!" tactics. These forums are pretty barren & bleak these days, but not so much to fall for your tricks. Particularly when i don't even know why/what we're arguing about anymore LOL.
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