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10 Good
  1. Random words in random order = funny posts...
  2. o´really dude go back to your mara lalaland... and you boast about being an "serious" critic.
  3. I just love when people moan about nodes and guarding them... dude you can stay there and guard it or are you too busy jumping nodes and trying to 3cap... next time stop ************ about what someone else could have done and guard the node yourself.
  4. like they did with arsenal mercs and dps sorcs /mirrors. Don´t know but i never had difficulties against GR/TM spammers or sorcs even on a shootout ie. no los , no kiting ... but i´m 100% sure i will die if i don´t kite a marauder.
  5. you wish ... whole ars3/gun specs need a total overhaul to work and BW is not gonna do it.
  6. Sure don´t nerf mara´s but increase all other classes dps by 20% to deal with your cd´s.
  7. Don´t bother arguing with Xerain he loves his mara too much and even if you could prove maras op like really PROVE it he´d still decline it like he does evolution and such things.
  8. Selling separate ques to premade people is a dead cause you always see them writing the same stuff "we want to play against the top teams" and " we want a challenge" but when separating ques comes to table that´s a big nono. But with the serverpopulations being what they are separate que is almost impossible to keep alive in 90-95% of the servers. Without X-server que separating ques won´t work in swtor.
  9. You forgot Teams.. oh wait Marauder killing teams of players causing them to unsub and Dps sins in tankgear killing teams of marauders causing something i guess...
  10. anticept


    Just so sad mate
  11. Ye i was there too and while waiting at AV portal /AB we had epic battles in southshore/tarren mill and arathi´s plains. Having everything happen at single spot where enemy can´t reach you eliminates all world pvp from ever happening.
  12. Nice try but merc´s knockback isn´t instant at least wasn´t for me sorcs always got the KB on me and my was wasted somewhere mid air or landing.
  13. So what you play with dolls while you wait for wz-pops... nah good luck with recruiting.
  14. Hey bud i just did a reroll on there with my last days done about 15-20 wzs pretty good fights think i´ve won a little more than lost but all matches been with proper players and quality play. Oh yea rep side.
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