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  1. The following Codex entries have been moved to a new "Lost Knowledge" category and no longer count towards planet totals: Champion of House Thul (Alderaan) Conqueror of Balmorra Master of the Burning Way (Belsavis) Conqueror of Corellia Liberator of Corellia Ice Wars Veteran (Hoth) Of the Bane Brigade (Hoth) Shadow Hunter (Nar Shaddaa) Scourge of the Underworld (Nar Shaddaa) Venom Drinker (Quesh) Venomous (Quesh) SIS Operative (Tatooine) Primeval Explorer (Tatooine) Mandalorian Bane (Taris) Scorcher of Worlds (Taris) Ambassador of the Republic (Voss) Ambassador of the Empire (Voss) 'Lost Knowledge' is so lost that nothing appears under the Codex heading.
  2. Would these just be glossy, black eyes? This would go down well with players with Sith characters.
  3. Nice that you think that. That would be great. Unfortunately they're not going to re-write the game for you. Is that keeping up with the times? Change things that existed before your opinion to match your opinion?
  4. The answer is because, thankfully, there isn't a Female body-type 13. And... have you seen women in real-life? They generally don't want to want wear potato sacks with when they're out and about in front of other people. This game is fantasy. So, you know, escape from reality, and what you want to see in it. Oh, and the game is pre-2016. Ask a silly question, get a curt answer. 'Forced' to wear is a very knowing take on this. As in, it's nonsense. How about you just wear the 'Huttese Street' (on Empire side) armour set? It's snug, close-fitting, but not revealing.
  5. You should see the Praxon Trackmaster mount now. It's gone from blue/orange to red/white.
  6. It would be nice to see a set 'inspired' by Luke's 'Bespin Fatigues' from TESB.
  7. It doesn't matter if the story is small, you can still make it interesting. Unfortunately, they went the 'epic' galaxy-wide threat route... With no personal stakes in the story. Unless you're the Jedi Knight, or maybe the Wrath. The 8 original class stories were the foundation of the game. That they decided to destabilise.
  8. This is why the majority of people don't own Fabergé eggs or original Rembrandts. The same applies in-game. You said it yourself - you naively attempted to buy. What did you expect? A 'normal' person with a few billion credits... Uh huh. If they brought back 'older and rarer' items - they wouldn't be old or rare, would they? You want them to bring them back so you can 'have them and be happy'. Don't pretend its unhealthy for the game when what you actually mean is that it's inconvenient for you. 🙄
  9. It wouldn't benefit Cartel Market sales... And those have been the priority the last several years. Several of the 'classic' sets were reskinned and added to the CM. Old Battlemaster/Rakata sets etc.
  10. Maybe they could be brought back. Doubt it. The 'classic' era ended with 5.0 when all the loot tables changed, and lots of planetary vendors were removed, all the named Flashpoint gear went etc. There is a market for the 'classic' armour sets, but I can't imagine a huge one. The devs brought back a few with the Adaptive Gear vendors, but that's probably all you're getting. Is this for the benefit of players who were playing before 5.0?
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