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Samcuu last won the day on May 2

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  1. When they announced this server I raised my eyebrows a bit. Figured the devs knew something I didn't like there was a big population in that part of the world just itching to play swtor. I always thought it was strange tho because I played on ss for years and the population was getting so low that I transfered to sf. You'd think that if the apac players were playing they woulda been on the "west coast" na server considering the time zones correlate to a certain degree, and I'm sure many are/were, but not enough to give a significant population boost to ss.
  2. I'm not disagreeing with everything you said, only that the queues shouldn't be split. The game definitely needs a different bracket and rewards for players who are more competitive ie a ranked mode. And I also agree that 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 is a much better model than 4 v 4. Although 4 v 4 with a tank/healer on both teams are insanely fun matches. Also I've been advocating for cross server queues for a while now. Mainly because with more ppl in the pool to draw from the easier it is for matchmaker to make fair matches. Of course matchmaker needs to be fixed first regardless.
  3. Pops on swtor don't take a lot of time either unless ur queueing in a big group and that's by design. Also WOW has cross server queueing, which swtor does not. It would make it easier on matchmaker to make better games if we had it, and you'd also not see the same players all the time. Which I do think you are overstating it. There's a ton of players that play during the day for me that I never see because of my time zone.
  4. Wow pvp is not extremely popular, it's mmo pvp which isn't popular at all these days, it's dead in most games. Pops take a long time on wow. Splitting the queues up in swtor for a game that already has matchmaking issues due to the low population would be a death sentence for pvp in this game. Things definitely need tweaking but not like you've proposed. Btw the devs have already said they prioritize fast queue times over anything else, and your proposal of splitting the queues will just make the queue times even longer. The premade thing has been debated ad nauseum in the pvp section so I'm not gonna get into it here btw.
  5. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934089-unable-to-login-into-swtor/page/30/#comment-9813247 There are a lot more fixes in this thread there was a similar bug in late March I believe that was fixed with a patch to the game but if you are experiencing something similar have a look here. Looks like a lot of players were able to figure out a fix from the info given in this thread.
  6. If they are updating the game I'll never be mad at them. They are probably doing about as much as they can with their dev skeleton crew. What we need is just better communication.
  7. I dont have a full 344 set so I can't give u the answer when u compare it to 336 gear but I run all 340 gear except for relics (which are 336 thyrisian) and the only stat you'll see a difference on is endurance. So you will have higher hp if you have max gear. As far as ur second question goes it's all dependent on what class you play. I personally run a high alacrity build on sorc because I like the faster gcds. Most people run the cookie cutter 5k crit and 2200 alacrity build. Certain classes need accuracy like marauder, other classes don't but some people still run the accuracy because it annoys them to miss on their white dmg attacks. However I've seen the argument made if you don't bother taking away points from ur stat pool for accuracy you'll do more dmg anyways. So in short there's no hard and fast rule about which gold augs you use, it's really up to ur playstyle.
  8. If an 8.0 comes I'd prefer it be a paid expansion. If they need $60 for an expansion, and that money can lead to them giving us something bigger and better than they've been able to muster up these last few years, I'm all for it.
  9. Adding adrenals/stims to the rewards track is so incredibly lazy. Let's be real, pvp is much more difficult content than the pve based GS model. I understand not wanting to give more free cartel coins as that's probably what's keeping the devs in their jobs, but how about a cartel crate, or a silver/gold armor crate. I quite enjoy getting the deco packs in the GS track, those would be fine as well, all of those rewards are low effort and easy to implement. Of course I'd like rewards more tailored to the pvp season but if not the other rewards you get from seasons are fine. But no it's just face palm after face palm with these decisions lol.
  10. Seems fun to me, I've never done a ruhnuk daily in my life guess this will give me reason to go there and start doing them lol.
  11. I've honestly never seen a more perfect time to use the analogy "organizing deck chairs on the Titanic." No better way to describe how the devs are treating pvp lol. The pvp ship has a massive gash in the hull and is sinking at incredible speed yet the best they can come up with is increasing the season by 5 levels and adding medpacks/adrenals to the rewards track lol it's actually insane how inept this is, bordering on self sabotage.
  12. The thing they don't seem to understand is that people who play the game because they enjoy pvp are going to finish the season regardless and no rewards are doing to change that, we simply play because it's fun to us. Their target with seasons is newer players, in an attempt to get them to try pvp and maybe they'll enjoy it, but it's difficult for new players because the mode is broken as currently constructed. The new players have voiced their opinion that the season track is already too long and grindy, so typical response from the devs is to make it longer and make the people who are there for rewards suffer even more... which will most likely lead to ppl just not bothering with it anymore. Vet pvpers have tried to advise them on making the mode a bit more friendly to inexperienced players, but we are ignored. So the idea of seasons is great, the execution is just turning people away from playing.
  13. Honestly I couldnt care less about how long a season is or the rewards I finished without even looking at my progress. What I need to know is if you are going to fix the issues that the pvp community has been telling you about for almost two years now since 7.0 dropped? Reduce max group size for premades and do some balancing to the classes. These are the two most elementary things that you could do to make the experience better for just about everyone. Yet all we've got is radio silence...and just to reiterate it's been close to two years now. It's honestly unacceptable.
  14. Yeah new gtn clears sorry to say. Looking up prices on gold augs for example is one page 7 different items instead of 25 pages of the same thing lol. Like honestly caring about who crafted the item or who's selling seems petty to me, and it shouldn't be a concern of anyone.
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