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  • Posts

    • I would like they find a way to allow us to buy the items from the Dark vs Light vendors because we have armors, mounts, pets and customizations locked for these two vendors now. Many simple solutions can be found for this: let us use credits to buy them, let us change our Dark Side Tokens in Light Side Tokens and vice versa, buy these items with the tokens we already have, find another way to get them, etc. All I want it's a simple way to get these items because some items are great and only available here. It's really disappointed we can't get them now mostly when we still have some Dark Side Tokens or Light Side Tokens in our inventory but the item we want is in other side.
    • I would like they find a way to allow us to buy the items from the Dark vs Light vendors because we have armors, mounts, pets and customizations locked for these two vendors now. Many simple solutions can be found for this: let us use credits to buy them, let us change our Dark Side Tokens in Light Side Tokens and vice versa, buy these items with the tokens we already have, find another way to get them, etc. All I want it's a simple way to get these items because some items are great and only available here. It's really disappointed we can't get them now mostly when we still have some Dark Side Tokens or Light Side Tokens in our inventory but the item we want is in other side.
    • I don't play CC so I had to look into it a bit more.  Your right it started on PC and then was made for mobile, and also available on X-box it seems.  So going back to that accessibility thing, yea you're comparing apples to oranges of MMOs being on a single platform in almost all cases, and CC being available on multiple platforms, one of which is mobile, which by itself has a 50% market share.  Furthermore it seems there's CCS, CCSS, CCJS, & CCFS.  I'm not sure if the 20b is between all versions of CC, or just 1 of them.  It would seem it's accounting for all of them, because by itself CCS does not break the 1B mark a year (close though) but all combined does reach 1.25B for last year.  So again while impressive, this is a bit misleading still as you're taking in the numbers for all 4 games.  Though I do admit that CCS by itself does have the majority of that revenue, by a wide margin (about 70% by itself) with the other 3 combined barely making 30%.   Not sure if you realize this but there were exploits that allowed people to generate a lot of credits.  I mean a lot of credits, and Bioware never did a roll back. It's why inflation has been so crazy out of control for a while. You had people with 100s of billions of credits.  So yea it's not that unbelievable that people had storages full of hypercrates.  I'm not denying that SWtoR has whales, but I also realize how broken the economy was due to exploiters and how much money people had.  I know some people also made a ton of money by playing the GTN as well.    R4 was new content that you couldn't get stuff from unless you had a dedicated group to learn the mechanics of it, and you yourself had to not suck as well to clear it. It also offered top of the line gear at release for VM.  So yea people would pay a lot to get carried through it. Because the few that could run you through it could charge w/e they wanted since the pool of players able to do it was so small.  Idk how this equates to well if you're willing to get run through R4, you're willing to spend thousands on useless GTN stuff as well.  I guess yea sure someone out there fits this mold, but to suggest that everyone who got carried is also a whale and spends thousands upon thousands on the CM seems like a hell of a stretch, given how many people had money from Bioware failing to do their job right, or just playing the GTN right.  I had over 60b at one point from playing the GTN for several months and I was still the small dog in my guild still cause by the time I came back to the game people were way, way ahead of me in terms of accumulated wealth. So yea /shrug
    • As the title says, I'm suggesting the removal of "Quelling the Uprising" as a task for Galactic Seasons. The last 3 times that has been an objective, I've queued sometimes up to an hour with no matches made. No one seems to be playing it, ast least with Group Finder. Maybe you're using Galactic Seasons as a way to get people to play the Uprisings - not working, from what I've seen. The WB objectives seem to generate groups to go after them - maybe more of those? Right now, Uprisings are the digital equivalent of a ghost town with a tumbleweed skipping down the main street before the wind.
    • It is so cool what  the other Broadsword game, Ultima Online, has been able to do when it comes to farming.   We speak of an MMO here that runs with code written in mid 90's. Yet, tons of its features are such that people of SWTOR, TESO, WOW etc would consider em incredibly innovative, if they ever encountered em in a modern game!   Firstly, the whole process isn't tied to quests, events and stuff. It actually "works". Ie you get seeds, plant them in souil on your yard. You water them, nurture them and eventually(lets say 1-2 rl weeks iirc)( stuff grows. Then you can cross pollinate  flowers and such, to get a version that suits your needs.  You harvest some wheat for whiskey,  or grapes for wine. Mix the incredients and then through fermenting, distilling and aging it gradually turns into final product in a suitable oaken barrel. You can name your brand  as you please, and it always shows the year it was made on.  So Ultima players can actually get hyped about old in-game wines like one could irl! "Ooh, this was made in 2009..nice. " All of this is very useless beyond some RP sphere, but also extremely cool!  Then you can take your self made wine bottles to your own little self build, self decorated shop, give them to merchant npc who works for you, define the price and see if players want to buy your obscenely overprized RP wine. Good stuff.   Basically, small time busywork such as this can be very cool and welcome and  as an experience, it can grow much larger than its size. Shame it is " just" an event in SWTOR, rather than something more ever present.  Regardless,  I consider this up and coming farming event  like 1000 times more interesting than 90 seconds in map room with same freaking mandos talking about same freaking stuff they were on about  like four  years back!!?  When everybody&every classs story  is so special that sith lords and jedi masters fall to ground as you half attentively swing a wet noodle at them, then special becomes not really that special. Then, maybe it is the mundane things like farming  that need to grow  into epic proportions instead.  
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