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    • While this is true, I still feel like you're comparing apples to oranges here. Mobile games, in general make more money than anything else in general by a long shot. Mobile game revenue is about 50% between all platforms (plus or minus a percent or two depending on the year you look up).  Which means the other 50% is divided between several consoles and PC, compared to mobiles.  Why are they so successful compared to better games?  1) Accessibility.  Not everyone is going to have a high end gaming PC, a PS5 or w/e x-box code we're on.  To the contrary almost everyone will have a phone, because of how much it's needed for everyday life.  The phones also not need be top of the line by any stretch of the imagination for most of the mobile games, which isn't necessarily true for the other platforms.  2) The F2P model. Aside from not having to shell out thousand+ for a high end gaming pc, or hundreds for a new console, you gotta shell out for a games as well.  Where as the mobile I can download, and if I don't like it, I can delete it from my phone without any issue.  3) The time investment.  People are much more likely to spend 15m playing a game on the bus, train, lunch break etc, than having the ability to sit down for a few hours and enjoy themselves at home, when they have busy lives.  There are still a number of other reasons as well (depending on the game & region of the world etc, but this is a long post, and I don't need to write a book) that contribute to mobile game's popularity but those are the 3 main ones in my opinion.  When you have a much larger player base, you're going to have more revenue.  You'll have more people who have no self control, and will spend like crazy in both games, but chances are you'll have more whales given more players, and you'll also have a lot more people contributing a buck or two here and there as well.  I get that BG3 doesn't have micro transactions, (and good on them for that) but this is about other games as well on PC & consoles that are well made, but lose out to cheap mobile garbage. Last but not least there is less of a stigma spending on mobile games than there is with the other systems.  Probably because those are all free, and they do need to make money somehow, but also probably because folks like you & me don't want to be nickled and dimed when we've already paid for a product on none mobile platforms. To bring this all back to SWtoR.  WoW or FF14 (maybe some other games as well) can make a huge profit by making a new mount, putting a $20 price tag on it, and walla millions in revenue.  SW can't do this.  For one, we don't really have the player base for it. We have a tiny fraction of their player base.  Yea we have some whales that will buy new costumes and what not but I can't imagine that's a massive revenue boost. Secondly if this was not a SW IP, I think this game would be long dead.  We have a number of veteran players who are still around, only because it's SW.  Which while great presents a different problem for the devs.  See there's only so much stuff in the shop.  Most of the vets, have purchased everything we need for our outfits, decos, and what not.  Sure a new stuff may come along, but it's not really pressing anymore. A lot of people are probably not spending like they used too, when the CM launched, and it was making money hand over fist, because everything back then was shiny and new. Back then they made up for the revenue and then some of the declining subs. There was so much stuff to buy. Now meh.  A few things may appeal to certain people but by enlarge it no longer has the same appeal as it did, or enough new players to go after it all.  Worse yet, cause so many people have so many things unlocked, you can get a number of bronze & silver weapons, armor, and decos at bargain basement prices on the GTN.  Hell you might not even need to go past the 1m credit limit of preferred for some of those things, especially on tech classes who's weapons could be bought with 1 heroic mission revenue.  I think if you really look at the new structure of the game you'll realize a few things.  Start with 7.0.  They got rid of hammer spam, so that people would have reason to raid for that gear.  What do you need in order to raid?  A subscription. Hey how bout them galactic seasons?  Pretty cool huh? They have nifty rewards, we promise.  Please sub and give us money.  We'll give you shiny loot and stuff.  Hey you guys like pvp right?  It's toxic? No worries we'll remove that toxicity by removing ranked (it makes sense if you don't think about it).  Hey guess what we also made pvp better by giving you a track to follow here too, oh and more rewards, you guys like that right?  Bet you that sub is looking might tempting right now doesn't it?  What pvp has problems with premades, afkers, and other issues?  No worries, just sub you'll progress faster and it'll all be over soon, you as you finish the weekly & track and don't worry about it till next time.  Bet you'd like an unlock for your toons to swap combat styles wouldn't you?  I mean there's an unlock for just about everything else in the game.  But you know what would be even better than an unlock?  If you sub.  I think the days of SWtoR making bank on the CM and not worrying about subs are over, at least that's what their business practice implies to me.  They've done a revamp of a lot of things (graphics included) to get people to stay. Revamps upon revamps to modernize their game, and give new or returning players the illusion that it's still going strong, and is worked on just like other MMOs.  Which leads me back to the start of our conversation, and the patch for 7.5.  Again it's made for the biggest player base the solo casuals.  They want to continue retaining these players hence the patch. The more people they retain the more likely some of them will sub, or spend $ on CC.  Where as if they focused on other areas, let's look at OPs, what like 5% or less cleared R4? Well that's not helpful.  PvP? Idk what the % of players are for this, but given how bad people are at pvp, I imagine they don't do it often.  FPs? Oddly enough (or not) because newer FPs are a little bit more difficult, people tend to ignore them for the older ones.  No IMHO the devs are doing what they need to be (at least with this patch).  That's not to say I don't think they're bad at their job, and have piss poor priorities. I think I could train a chimp to prioritize better than them  (if you look at some of my other posts I dig into them) but I think I can understand where they're coming from at least. So all things considered I still stand by that this is still a good / decent patch. That said, my apologies for the very long winded post.  If you made it this far, you're amazing and here's a cookie 🍪  
    • It is somewhat ...tiresome to see these sweeping objectively inaccurate  absolutist hot takes presented as some undeniable truths, heh. Once you introduce PvP to the """PvE"" game then guess what? It isn't accurate to call it a "PvE game" in some overtly sweeping fashion any longer. SWTOR is certainly a PvE game for you, no doubt. Just like it is a space barbie&Barbie dollhouse  enjoyment simulator supplemented with GTN schenanigans in  a  200 million dollar waiting lobby between GSF matches for me. But these things are subjective and look bad when presented as some great universal truths.   SWTOR has literally never been without PvP being an element among others. Ever since its release,game has offered a PvP element.  Your window for declaring SWTOR a "PvE game" closed somewhere around early  alpha stages of this game, heh. FWIW GSF can be played completely isolated from every single pve component of this game. Ability to do so is clearly a point of some particular value in these parts. I have plenty of pilot characters who have never killed a single mob. I have a max lvl pilot character who has never left trooper starter walker, but that is another story! Ability to unlock companions as your crew in GSF is largely irrelevant, since majority of the crew you want aren't companions  from your own class story, so you need to buy most of them with requisition anyways.      
    • I'm still waiting for it. I don't know what was planned but it was certainly cancelled, because calling "big" only having the christmas vendor a whole year is a freakin joke!! and not a funny one
    • I rebooted my router in case it was my internet. I also rebooted my computer. It started working again about 2 hours later.
    • Ship Upgrade have always been available, yet they have been for the longest time earned to acquire: So you can always buy them next to the Fleet Conquest Vendor, they want to encourage people try GSF, Space Missions grant less:  If they made them available for Coins and account-wide unlockable; far less people make the effort to earn them. You also don't need all your character's, except maybe 2 (One Main from each Faction) to be fully upgraded with 144 (Artifact) Ship Components.  Some you buy direct, while 3 others they require you to buy schematic's and then craft them; those like others can also be sold on GTN too. Still the easiest way to earn Fleet Commendations, is doing the [Weekly] Galactic Starfighter, which you can do 3x each week per character. So you can acquire pieces on different character's then transfer via Legacy Bank to give to whom requires it. Perhaps you were aware of them here, or perhaps not...
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