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    1. Developer Tracker   (867,750 visits to this link)

      A tracker for all the game related posts published by SWTOR devs. 

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      A general discussion space for players who partake in the Player vs Player game mode. 

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      A place to discuss all things related to STAR WARS whether it be the movies, comics, events, etc... This is a sub-forum for non-SWTOR topics. 

    15. Public Test Server

      Where we ask for feedback and bug reports on new content that players can test before it goes live! 

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  • Posts

    • It's honestly not hate so much as disappointment. Been watching this game since 2009...played the beta, launch and through the various "Expansions" as they call them, and every time they just somehow...dig even deeper.  This game could have and SHOULD have been the top MMO for years and years. Bioware storytelling and one of the BIGGEST IPs ever in history. Then you look at what the game has gone through: How in the HELL can fumbling of this magnitude honestly happen? Serious, answer that question. I'm upset, angry and letdown by what the devs have done to this game. This game could have been something so damn special, now it's alive on life support more or less (yes, I'll die on that hill, I said what I said). Lastly, I have just as much right as you @JakRoanin to voice my opinion. I have paid for this game for over a decade, and yeah I can voice my distaste. I have as much right to voice it as you are allowed to voice the stuff you like about it. Please do, I am glad you enjoy the game! I mean that truly, I am glad you do as well as others...but it just sickens me on what they have done with this game. It's pathetic. Edit: And no point have I ever said the devs are evil and doing this on purpose to piss people off. Am I saying they extremely incompetent in one blunder after another? Yeah, I am. If I have messed up on a Core network design topology as much as they have on their game, I would have been kicked out of Telecomm years ago! 
    • For @JackieKo and team 🥰 - From MeshlaMorut Did you encounter any bugs that prevented you from completing missions? If so, please provide as much detail as possible about what you experienced. Not really. I did not try these missions on the imperial side. Were any mission objectives unclear or confusing? If so, which ones? It took me a minute to realize the mission markers only showed on the local area map. Speeder indicators did appear to be working correctly to indicate which area to travel to. Were any of the missions frustrating? If so, which ones and what caused you trouble? Fishing was a bit frustrating, as it seems to be a timing/reflex minigame (Which I am apparently bad at). But it was fun. The music was a nice touch. It was super relaxing. What was your favorite mission? What did you enjoy about it? I really liked the cultivation mission and the rehabilitation mission. Both are feel-good things for me. I find gardening to be relaxing, and it's a proven fact that gardening is good for your mental health. I wonder if this applies to virtual gardens, too.  What are your overall impressions of the Spring Abundance Festival? I really liked all the missions I tested. The only ones I did not were the pie baking and egg hunt.
    • If you’re playing on a level 80, why on earth would you not use shift m to travel???
    • My motives are only these... Anyone, who repeatedly spams threads with "I hate everything happening in this game, and the Devs are liars," are not accomplishing anything. That's all.  Have there been major missteps? YES! I'm not saying this game is perfect, I'm not saying that the Devs, haven't massively made a mess, they did. However, they are cleaning a good chunk of it up. That takes time! There was a time when years would pass between LiveStreams and months before any forum Dev posts, that's not the case anymore.  Now, they've still got a lot to do, but since the move to BroadSword things are slowly changing. Where it goes in the future IDK but, if I don't want to play anymore, I'm not going to spend the money to pay for a sub to access these forums to scream how much I hate it.
    • WTB the following Archeology and Treasure Hunting mats. Please mail COD or whisper for pickup to Lylapsya. Sunblaze - 10,000 cpu - Need 250 Firkrann Crystal - 5,000 cpu - Need 250 Galactic Artifact Fragment - 5,000 cpu - Need 200 Damind Crystal - 6,250 cpu - Need 400 Hypertech Artifact Fragment - 6,250 cpu - Need 400 WTB the following Bioanalysis and Diplomacy mats. Please mail COD or whisper for pickup to Nykktya. Molecular Programmer - 4,375 cpu - Need 300 Neuro-stimulator - 6,250 cpu - Need 200 Bio-energy Cell Sample - 3,125 cpu - Need 300 Metabolic Enhancement Agent - 8,750 cpu - Need 400 Artificial Microbe - 8,750 cpu - Need 400 Metamorphic Cell Culture - 10,000 cpu - Need 400 Anodyne Extract - 10,000 cpu - Need 400 Fresh Neurochemical Extract - 11,250 cpu - Need 500 Fresh Red Goo - 11,250 cpu - Need 500 Fresh Medicinal Fluid - 12,500 cpu - Need 300 Fresh Toxic Extract - 12,500 cpu - Need 300
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