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  • Posts

    • I'm pretty sure you can buy the schematics for cheap and then just make them yourself. I have all of the schematics and I know I didn't go out of my way for them. Otherwise just buy the stuff from the vendor for the non-crafted stuff. I do the heroics every week because I actually enjoy them. Anything less and I can clear it with my eyes closed. I'm not sure what grind you're referring to as I geared my ship on a new character in like 2 minutes. Crafting the few craftable parts took the longest. That said, some of the heroics are harder than the others. Try the ice field one first, that's one of the easier ones imo
    • A stats/info tab I think would be the best way. Put it at the top of the character window, toggle and it shows guild, conquest points, crew skills (I forget sometimes) and imo gear rating. Nice to know if you remembered to pull the gear off your toon or not. I don't NEED any of these things, but it would be a HUGE QoL improvement.
    • The way hairstyles are slapped on they could easily port the existing ones to either masculine or feminine characters. The hair model already exists, the anchor points for the other hairstyles already exist. There's really only one head shape per body type and they really don't change. Yes, it's not effortless, but it's also not so difficult as you're making it out to be. I also don't need anime hairstyles. But I also think Torian's hair is stupid. And multiple other hairstyles. But some people like them. That's fine. I just go, that looks dumb, and I move on. Can you please explain what you mean by this? I don't understand.
    • I won't say it can't be hard, but I've rarely, had issues getting those groups to form. I've done them on Saturday even. It's slower, but not that bad. Allies/Endgame can be helpful, going to the planet the boss is on is usually easiest if it's like The First and SD-0, but fleet can also be helpful for the quesh ones since people are less likely to just be on quesh. Being active in recruiting the group goes a long way. Also, I just put LFM even in the beginning because it gets people more interested. Ultimately the earlier in the week the better as others have mentioned. But here's the thing about using groupfinder. People don't. It's so hard to get an operation to pop on groupfinder. Even master flash points I've sat for hours as a tank in queue. As DPS I can only assume it's worse. About the only thing groupfinder is any good for is vet flashpoints. It's sad but it's a product of the groupfinder not working correctly for a very long time when it was introduced so people got used to not using it. That's a hard stigma to erase. Adding world bosses to it is just gonna have frustrated people in queue waiting because I'm not randomly thinking about joining groupfinder for a world boss even if I need it still because my brain isn't trained to think that way.
    • Ultimately, these suggestions will typically fall flat for one reason. It's a massive multiplayer online rpg. It's NOT and never WAS a single player game. Your class story is single player, but the flashpoints and later operations, incentivize group content. Heroic Missions on planets were designed to get you to group in pairs or 4 depending. In Vanilla, it was needed. You were not soloing a heroic 4 back then without a companion in at least full columi gear.   They'd also have to completely redesign the boss mechanics as they would never work.   That said, there are story mode dark fortress and dark palace runs basically every day. Hang out on fleet and join up. Or start one yourself. I promise the story modes are extremely forgiving and you may find you actually enjoy it.   And if you don't want to do that, then just abandon the quest. It literally changes nothing. It's storming their fortress, then their palace and defeating all the dread masters. You miss exactly one cutscene at the end which can be summarized in like two lines. It's something, but honestly you're REALLY not missing anything. Like 4 minutes worth of story see the spoiler if you want. But ALL of the ops have stories to them and honestly are worth playing at least once imo. But personally, I think decrying the multiplayer components of an inherently multiplayer game is gonna fall on deaf ears most of the time.
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