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Suggestion: Just say no.


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After reading this thread and a few others about sexual content in the game...

I find a distaste for more people than I realized who are evidently for some reason in the genre of sw (because it's really it's own genre lol)


As for the op, ya, I mentioned hiding sexual content, but they said it was a topic early on that didn't get too much attention.


Of course from what I've seen on the forums, it seems more an concerned with getting more sexual content put into the game lol

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Marrying someone and then letting them know you have no intentions of ever having sex with them?


Leading someone on just to gain affection faster with no intention of ever being romantically involved?


Sure, give an option to say no. I've no problem with that. But place a -2000 affection cost on that option. You guys did these characters wrong and there should be a cost to that.

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Ahh yes, if only the marriages in game were more life like and perfect.

Like IRL where there never is a problem in any marriage.

No problems with money, or lack of affection, or any sort of sexual stress.


Too bad they can't make games more life like.....





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Wife refuses to have sex: husband- "Ok :("

Husband refuses to have sex: wife- "No time for me?!!!? dont you fint me attractive?!!?!? balblalbalballbalblalblabla!!!"


Allow me to offer a counterargument:


Husband refuses to have sex. Wife: Whew, good. Now I can go do all that other stuff I had planned to do. I'll make my token offer again in a couple weeks. Hopefully he says no again!


Wife refuses to have sex. Husband: Oh c'mon. C'monnnnnnnnn. Let's do it! We haven't done it in at least four hours! I'm 'orny! C'monnnnnnnnnnn babe! *starts 'poking' under the covers* C'monnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. You know you wanna. You know you do. C'mon. C'monnnnnnn!



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