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Question for all pubs.


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How active is the pvp community on this server, pub side? Of course, not only 10-29, and 30-54, but also for 55 ranked and unranked.


I ask because I have decided to create another character for sake of pvp...can't stand my sorc now that everyone and their grandma is a sorc too (fotm :mad:), so I was considering making my new character on pub side, if there's any sort of community I can get involved in.


Any and all input is appreciated.

Edited by Acreneau
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I've only pugged regs and one day of solo rated since I've been here on a few diff toons. both sides are fairly active, but it's a small population. there are almost always more imps around the pvp terminal than pubs, but the balance is pretty good in 55s. the WZs aren't always good matches, but the overall balance between factions is best I've seen in regs.


maybe someone else can say something about rated and the leveling and ow.

Edited by foxmob
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