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2.0.1 Individual Class Records (under new management)


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Did he come in late to that warzone?


This^ or

Bioware #1 maths india


*Bricks will be shat when calculator is picked up*


And Idk why I have to defend myself ...Saying Splinterz took my spot on the rated team? No, I was busy with real life stuff and barely played for the past couple months. Been waiting for a good thread to read on JC forums for awhile keep it up!

Edited by Rynis
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everyone knows this thread is just epeen stroking and all these parses are situational, doesn't mean ur top dog. and that was a full match


by full match I mean I was there from the start

Edited by Physcoz
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The reason we got trolled on pot 5 is because of babies who couldn't handle getting farmed in regular warzones went out of their way to create drama and tension towards ld50 before we even got there , no other reason. Get your facts straight babyboi before you go posting jiberish. Who am i talking to btw is this physco , his brother , his room mate just checking because i've talked to all of them lol apparently.


Lawl, the reason you got trolled was because you run your mouth more than you play. You have a bad tendency to have diarrhea of the mouth, but don't size up to the challenge when presented. Oh excuse me, that's right, being a healer in a premade consisting of another healer (because we know how much you love to heal in circles) and a tank who guard switches makes you some invincible PvP god right?


You'll never learn. So do us a favor, cry some more baby so we can have some comedic relief off your ignorance. But you know, what's funny is that CM you're not the only one who ran back to JC and started spouting off at the mouth again. Apparently there are quite a few of you running around on alts that were renamed, hiding in the shadows.


Face it, you think you could just come back to the server, cry a little bit, attempt to troll someone and we would accept you (not like we did before anyway)? So relax, go sit in a corner and stroke your e-peen some more, it's proven to be the only thing you're good at aside from getting carried.

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