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You had plenty of PvP ideas from the movies


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In the Empire Strikes Back, you had that fabled fight between the Imps and Pubs on Hoth. The Imps had AT-ATs going after the Pub's shield generator so that the full scale invasion could begin and Vader could land and force choke more people (cuz we all know that was Vader's keybound ability). The movies were, what, 30 years ago, and I see huge PvP material thinking back on these scenes.


Yea, I know, the timeline was 3k years later than when the game takes place, but look at all the tech between to two time periods, it remains almost identical. Lasers, lightsabers, vehicles, they're all the same when you take away the body styles.


Allow us to relive or take part in similar battles as was done on Hoth. Each side had their own tech, both on the ground and in the air. Allow the Imps to have huge walkers and give the Pubs the grappling cables and air speeders to try and take them down with. That's just a basic example, think of what else all those high paid design experts at Bioware can do with this stuff.


Scripted, en-ending, fake walkers that NEVER ACTUALLY WALK, firing fake lasers that do no damage to anything or anyone? REALLY? This is what you came up with for end game PvP? I know the game is new, but you DID decide to release it and thus start charging people, so I expected better than this.


Player/class/pop balance/ability bugs and issues aside, I would have had a tremendous pile of respect for the design of Ilum if you would have incorporated something resembling a combat PvP system on this planet. The fake environment and mechanics currently in place are staggeringly stupid and mundane.


PvP on Ilum amounts to 1. speeder riding or 2. getting rolled by a larger group.


Please tell me that all those PvP experts on the payroll have some huge improvements coming soon, as I find it really hard to believe this is what the might of Bioware and Lucasarts has ultimately come to bear on us. Please!?

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