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PVP Vote to Kick AFK


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I was wondering what the mechanics are and how it works. I've seen some people afk for at least 3 minutes but when I vote to kick it feels like it does nothing. Even when i get the other 3 people in my premade to vote, it doesn't kick. Does anyone know what it takes for a player to be voted afk? Edited by dkoo
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dont think I've ever seen this thing work. It's usually something like this:


*see player obviously afk*

*vote to kick*

*5 minutes go by*

*7 minutes go by*

*random enemy comes to node and engages him*

*Player x has entered combat, all votes to kick player x have been removed!"


so yeah, with that said, Working As Intended, best system evar!

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I've had groups attempt a vote kick on people guarding a node or waiting in the endzone of huttball. The "must attack a player" thing should be changed. To what? I'm not sure



Players just waiting in the endzone stealthed doing nothing should be kicked.



You need more than one person to votekick.

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Problem: People well abuse that like in wow.. Like if your gear is to low or you dont agree on tacs..og if people in general just wont to kick someone for fun..


Another thing i dont know if they changed it, but in flashpoints the person being kicked can see if he is getting voted on. So if its the same in pvp..he can see it, and react on it

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vote kick doesnt work ... just look at other games what is votekick ...


and question is how to kick ppl who just stay near turret and farming heals ...


i guess we need more maps like hutball, no stupid turrets, nodes, doors ... just movement ...

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  • 11 months later...
We need an immediate fix to this mechanic or it's useless. A guy in the last wz I was in was AFK from the very start of the game all the way till 1 minute before the game ended some dude on the other team happened to wander up hwere this guy was sitting afk and attacked him. I reported him afk immediately at the beginning of game when I saw him jump down and not engage. It should be if the person doesn't start to move or isn't in an area getting medals then they get kicked in 2 minutes or less.
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  • 1 year later...
I ran into this today. Someone announced that they weren't going to participate, then parked it on an objective so that we couldn't kick them... then trolled us when we tried. I decided to call it a day when I got stuck with them doing the exact same thing in the very next warzone. I did report them, but it would be nice if there were realistic means to keep people like this out of the queue.
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