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I currently have 9 lvl 55 toons on harbinger that I only pvp with... WZs and Arena are getting a bit stale... Especially with the influx of PVE people ruining the quality of matches at all levels

I have 5 toons on Bastion and only went to play on Harbinger because my old guild and friends went there after our APAC server merged with them

I'm look for a change...

My question is... What's the quality like of both factions??...

Is it pretty balanced... Is it a time of day thing... Or is it completely dominated 24/7 by the one faction??

While I like a good ROFL stomp... Smashing the same people over and over can get boring... But continuously being on a team who can't play is like smashing your head against the wall

I'm hoping the server is at least slightly balanced, even if it is only at certain times of the day... I would love to be able to play both factions like I do on Harbinger

Also looking to do some world PVP... Which seems pretty non existent on Harbinger


So who is the best at PVP on Bastion?




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As for world pvp i pvp level all of my chars( my guild hates me for it profusely but i love pvping) I levle my Vanny tank most (started playing 3 weeks ago) hes only 41 but world pvp has kicked up on tat a huge amount with people for conquest so grouping with a people taking down commanders for pvp kills is a good idea i stood there and watched as they pulled level 30s in and murdered them while they sat litterally /sit and got pulled so yea.


But for side balance unless u can get a premade on republic its usually chicken with heads cut off. So ull probably get tired of smashing into the ground alot too

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