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Could anyone recommend good Serenity vids?


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I am looking for recorded (not real-time streamed) vids of someone playing regs well on a Serenity Shadow :) Please, link if you have happened on it. Thank you!


Did you check on Youtube for Kre'a's vids... I would think he had made some? He created tons of guide info etc., I would think there wouold be some vids too.

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That was my first thought, but Kre'a switches specs a lot, and is an arena-oriented player. I was more interested in someone who is more strictly Serenity and regs and right now.


Well I got a lot of info from him on classes in the sin/shadow section too, you might find his responses there too. If I remember right, he answered questions regarding regs and ranked.


*He played all forms of pvp not just ranked.


Well, nm you want vids not just info or to read on the class I guess? So, my "help" is useless then if he did not post any vids while he played regs.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Hey are you playing 65s on TEH Domi? And when do you play, let me know I can log in I have many 65s on pub side as you know.


I do, but I am Rakghouling this week, so I might not be able to wz till the weekend. I usually play on Hawk from about 4 to 6 pm MST, so it's 6 to 8 EST, then I switch to the Binger unless I am raiding that night. Always off on Wed. I have not seen any of your chars though. Yes, I do want the vids specifically to see what the folks do in the zones on Serenity. I've read Kre'a extensively. :)


And, thank you, Greezt. I will check out the site to see if I can find the examples for every zone.

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I do, but I am Rakghouling this week, so I might not be able to wz till the weekend. I usually play on Hawk from about 4 to 6 pm MST, so it's 6 to 8 EST, then I switch to the Binger unless I am raiding that night. Always off on Wed. I have not seen any of your chars though. Yes, I do want the vids specifically to see what the folks do in the zones on Serenity. I've read Kre'a extensively. :)


And, thank you, Greezt. I will check out the site to see if I can find the examples for every zone.


Ahh yeah, you play right during points when I usually do not play haha. Ok, well if I log in then I will log on pub side though and keep my eyes open. Good to see you finally in 65s, I really hate mids now. lol

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I am going to try to push myself to play more 65s, less mids/lows, and I feel shaky. Hence trying to find good vids for my ACs that are about there or there.


EDIT: I am still looking for more, that channel only had Alderaan and VS on Serenity, and from October. :(

Edited by DomiSotto
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I am going to try to push myself to play more 65s, less mids/lows, and I feel shaky. Hence trying to find good vids for my ACs that are about there or there.


EDIT: I am still looking for more, that channel only had Alderaan and VS on Serenity, and from October. :(


I find mids way too imbalanced to find it fun now. With high lvls that have all of their abilities fighting lowbies that have hardly any, to stat min/maxing being totally impossible or effective this tier for PVP is stupid to me.


Stats don't even seem to mean much in 65s when min/maxing, but mids totally removes any kind of gear acknowledgement by bolster.


I have ran in tank mods on healing/dps classes just leveling through PVP in mids, and bolster totally made it fine. The only thing you got to do for mids is stick an item of equipment in every slot, and bolster does the rest.


65s offer more even gameplay only because everyone has all of their abilities. That and gears do slightly matter, at least if you do not equip a slot, it will vastly affect your performance do to lower expertise.


Oh well off topic. Good luck finding some vids for serenity haha. I honestly think reading strats can be just as effective as watching a video if you find a well-written guide.

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Haha, as someone born and raised in America (where we love to do things backwards just to mess with people) it never occurred to me that the dates could be read otherwise by viewers in other countries. I might have to change the way I label videos in the future to avoid confusion.


Here's the playlist for all of my regular warzones, ordered automatically from most recent to oldest, if that's easier: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR2FYtFWHTrUDPwUTGneFQdoCNu9d_Rze


As Greezt mentioned, I also have a video guide up for the spec:


Hope you find what you're looking for; Serenity is a lot of fun to play and a great spec in warzones!

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