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Question about War Supplies: Invasion Force


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I know the Invasion Forces are used to craft Dark Projects and that Dark Projects can get you "powerful tools" such as the Fly-By for conquered planets, and that by just crafting the Invasion Force you can earn conquest points, but my question is this:


On the description of the Invasion Force[/u ]it says: "Invasion Forces can be used to earn points toward planetary conquests - [color=Lime]or exchanged for powerful tools on conquered planets.[/color]"


WHERE on the conquered planets do we exchange these for "powerful tools"? I haven't seen anything new on the planets that were conquered last week. Was something forgotten in the patch, or is this a false description for the item? Any credible information is greatly appreciated.

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Its used for purchasing orbital strikes, which can be used by the guild that conquered a planet to destroy the shield on commanders on that particular planet.


The other option is that you can buy walkers for your guild to use on the planet, the walkers are 110% speed with 15% armor increase.


EDIT: You don't buy those on the conquered planets, you buy them on the fleet.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Its used for purchasing orbital strikes, which can be used by the guild that conquered a planet to destroy the shield on commanders on that particular planet.


The other option is that you can buy walkers for your guild to use on the planet, the walkers are 110% speed with 15% armor increase.


EDIT: You don't buy those on the conquered planets, you buy them on the fleet.


You need Dark Projects to purchase both of these, not Invasion Force (even though Invasion Force is used in the crafting of Dark Projects). Dark Projects also say they can be exchanged for powerful tools (obviously the Flyby and Walker). But my question still stands: was something left out of the patch where we could exchange the Invasion Force itself, or is this a false description? Right now it's looking like a false description, but I want to make sure.

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I'd like to know the same thing. Something must be missing, the Dark Project uses 1 Invasion Force, yet we are crating them in boat loads for the Conquest; this week the mission is even repeatable.


More than could ever be used for Dark Projects because the rest of the mats are all rare/exotic.


Either something is missing or it is a really dumb design.

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