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Hey guys I have no idea if this is the right forum to be posting on, but I wanted some advice. I have begun writing a book based in the Old Republic, a pipe dream of mine is one day to see it published. My question is, is there a copyright issue and do I have to contact someone for permission to have this book published if I ever get that far? I assume the answer is yes, if it is, who would I contact?
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I would say contact Bioware first. Since, they have the license to the Old Republic. I wish you all the luck with your story. Please save my contact info I would love to read it. I am also writing a story in the Old Republic era based on my characters and Legacy name.
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What I would suggest you do, is look up the publisher of Old Republic novels, which, if I'm not mistaken is Del Ray Books out of New York, NY. Or contact them on their site, http://www.delraybooks.com for a contact and pitch your idea with a query letter. If they're interested, they might ask you for a synopsis, or a few chapters as a sample before they ok your idea.


You might also check out this guy, he wrote Revan and has a FAQ board here...Hope this helps you out. GL :)



Edited by Lunafox
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you have to contact BioWare first, then LucasBooks and LucasLicensing, if you want to write a bestseller sure... but why simply not write a fanmade book? Its better, it will give you no money but it will show your love for this saga. You can publish it as fanmade, in a blog like the mine (Capo Nerd) or in someone of the fan-fiction forums (even here there is one!)


I have created a blog, and the first guide in my language (italian) im alone, i take no money from this but my obsession for bioware and star wars repay me :rak_wink:


ps: sry for my bad english

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My advice is to not do what you are doing. Or to do it for it's own merits. Del Rey doesn't just take in randomly crafted works. Book slots are commissioned and run with stringent deadlines. Don't try to publish under an established universe. If you want to write in the IP, you need to prove that you can write. Which means original works, well acclaimed, before you even begin to think about the possibility of being offered a contract.
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