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Petition - Save the Future of our Class Stories...


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I dunno where the petition to sign it is, but if this is it I too also sign!

I remember a time when they wanted it to be KTOTR 3 - 10. IIRC someone had the bright idea of saying instead of making a story on just the trooper or just a bounty hunter, we made an mmo that has stories of many perspectives.. So you can play em all.


I have a feeling they dont wanna go through the expense of making them, but damn it it sucks to just end it like this.


Also I have been playing this for months... What made kotor interesting was the constant non fighting as well. Make a neutral planet like manaan, add some swoop racing or pazaak into this game. getting tired of same old grind and grind.

Edited by ExperimentOmega
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This is the only real thing that this game offers that other MMO's don't. Without them this is just another MMO with nothing special. That being the case, why pay for something sub-par?


I'll stay until I finish every class story (1/2 way done). If nothing is expanded upon by then, then bye swtor... Onto better things.

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The Class Story ship sailed for this game the minute it went F2P.


I mean, look - the story parts of the game are the most expensive, slow, and labor intensive to produce. It requires a working subscription model with a large staff to keep churning out that kind of high quality voiced over animated content. However, this game's incredibly whiny and entitled and impatient playerbase voted with their wallets and unsubscribed in droves after they burned through the game. Bioware/EA learned it's a hell of a lot cheaper and easier to make people happy with pets and rep grinds and stupid cartel trinkets while occasionally throwing them a story bone with a new planet every once in awhile.


So sorry folks, the whiners and complainers and impatient players ruined any chance of more class stories six months ago. No petition or no number of forum posts is going to bring all of the writers and developers who got laid off back or change the way the game is headed now.

Edited by Prisoner
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i want more class story i ALSO want more companion converstions and missions (like the aric jorgen story)


i would of loved a mission for my trooper "return to genral garza" for deployment to makeb instead of just having the genaric faction storyline

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No petition or no number of forum posts is going to bring all of the writers and developers who got laid off back or change the way the game is headed now. .


Obama is to blame. Too bad this game did not come out in the Bush era.

Edited by AhsokaTanorules
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While /signed, I don't really think that RoTHC is a real full blooded expansion. What is a real full blooded expansion? I have no idea, but while I expect meaty content with it, I doubt meaty content would fit in such a cheap expansion cost given the amount of expense they surely have gone through getting voiced as it is.


Also, the time factor.

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I don't think a petition is going to matter in this case. I think they would love to do more class stories if they thought they could. Apparently all the different choices strain their tech and/or QA and it is quite cost prohibitive.


But in any case /sign

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