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Developers - We need smarter Loot/RE Tables


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So, after Reverse Enginnering between 15 and 20 'Critical Focus of Devastating Power' I finally got the 'Tempest Focus of Devastating Power' schematic. +47 Shield Rating... on a Focus?? If there's a way for a Tank to have a Shield while equipping a Focus, please let me know, otherwise please apply a little logic and make some of these RE Schematics a little less Random and a little more logical.


Same thing with all of the items that drop with Cunning and Defense/Sheild/Absorb. Admittedly, I haven't maxed every class yet but if there's a Cunning based Tank out there, I haven't found them yet.

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For what it's worth, it's not actually useless because you do have 20% chance to shield without a shield on.


Also, while cunning and defense is indeed a bit obscure (it's my theory at some point in beta there was a cunning based tank spec/class) it's not entirely useless as defense does indeed work in pvp. Most Medics often use the defense stim, for example. (More health, 2% defense).


I know a handful of Medics and Bodyguards who use the defensive relics as well, it's not too much of an extension to assume some people are willing to use defense gear on their lower level medic/bodyguards.

Edited by Saeria
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