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Blue parallels and Green purpendiculars


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  • 8 months later...

So this has become quite an interest to myself and wanted to see how comprehensive we could make the language.

I took Diviciacus' analysis, mixed with subpop's list of Gree lines using the color-shape wording -- did some extra reading in the wookipedia on Gree Language and reviewed other posters proposed ideals and think I've developed a decent translation, some parts are left blank due to lack of perception to what they may be.

For the translated concepts, they were assessed to fit the Gree Droid dialogue in any circumstance used:



::Color Sense::


Black = something dangerous/violent

White = something troubling or difficult

Grey = may be prepositional, such as "above"

Ochre =


Purple = something complete or perfect

Red = something good happening

Orange = something easy or in a neutral state

Yellow = something bad

Green = (dependent on shape) hostile or opposing; could also be a superlative, "very" or "most"

Blue = related to mayhem or chaos




::Color Shifting::


White Shifting = to become confused or have difficulty


Purple Shifting = to induce completeness or perfectness

Red Shifting = to become or encompass something good

Yellow Shifting = to become or encompass something bad, become corrupt

Blue Shifting = to become or encompass mayhem or chaos




::Shape Sense::


Bisector = someone who intercedes or divides; warrior or champion

Parallel = things in-line/moving in same direction, a good state or a solution

Perpendicular = (opposite of parallel) something opposing

Nonagon = encompassing an area of interest

Tangent = something unpredictable/unexpected

Obtuse = (opposite of acute) something very important or large

Acute = (opposite of obtuse) something of little importance or small

Sphere = task/duty or idea

Concave = damaged or disrepair

Vertex = relationship between two objects/individuals, or discord

Equilateral = (dependent on color), referring to multiple parts of something ??

Tetrasphere =

Pentachoron =

Convex = something of mystery






Green Obtuse = something of great importance

Red Parallel = something representing a good solution

Black Bisector = someone who deals with dangerous/violent situations

Yellow Concave = something badly damaged

White Vertex = a troubling or difficult disagreement or relationship

Black Sphere = a dangerious task or idea

Blue Nonagon = an area of choas, area that is bad

Orange Sphere = representing an easy idea or task

Green Perpendicular = something opposing with hostility

Blue Tangent = (relative double negative?) inferring an unexpected turn from chaos

Purple Parallel = a completed solution

White Acute = something of little importance

White Perpendicular = something of difficult opposition

White Convex = referring to a difficult mystery

Red Bisector = someone who encourages good (situations?)

Grey Sphere = may refer to being above average duty

Red Tangent = something good that happened un-expectantly

Blue Vertex = (relative double negative?) to achieve a good relationship out of something bad

Ochre Tetrasphere =

Grey Petachoron =




::Gree Droid Lines::


-Senator, please comprehend. Repairing Coruscant's infrastructure is green obtuse. To form the red parallel, we require a black bisector.

-The enclave bargains resources and offers reversal of Coruscant's yellow concave. We commit to white vertex to achieve this.

-Impossible. My delegates require aid from one accustomed to fire, damage and chaos. A black bisector, you see?

-My delegates will describe their black spheres for you. These are bold, courageous, mission-callings. Speak to them and learn.

-Never going back... Never going back to blue nonagon. Now, I am yellow concave. Injuries mark my chassis forever, and why? Ungrateful humans!

-That is difficult to impart. The level below is concentrated, strong, misery-wrongness. It is blue nonagon and horrible. Never going back.

-I crafted a solution to achieve Pat-aK's command. All was orange sphere, until I arrived at the level below. Then, green perpendicular!

-You offer yourself as a black bisector? That is a gratifying and unpredicted announcement! I pledge to provide items of Gree ingenuity in return.

-Be alerted, Black Sun green perpendicular will provide onslaught. May you experience blue tangent and return intact...

-You are unmarred by Black Sun green perpendiculars. I am gratified by this.

-My black sphere evolves go a purple parallel because of you. When I impart this development, Pat-aK will progress enthusiasm with the senator.

-Operator units always inherit fouled labors. I administrate as well as Pat-aK, but I am marooned to waste processing! What have I done to incur white acute?

-Please restrict unneeded slang terms, comprehending your sonics is white perpendicular enough as it is

-Many species attempt access of Gree ingenuity. This is no white convex-ah, mystery-puzzle-labor.

-My aptitudes are grey sphere, but the enclave permits only Operator unit assignment. This is inequitable distribution of my aptitudes.

-That is the expected response, black bisector. Why exhaust respiratory functions on it?

-Ah, superior. This red tangent generates appreciativeness, black bisector.

-With this optimization solution repossessed, Coruscant's waste processors revive. Filth-disease-poison levels recede, plague outbreaks averted. All resolves to purple parallel.

-I am In-iK, science unit. Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.

-The Gree language-form is dissimilar to Basic language-form. Because Gree senses are unique red bisectors!

-Yes. A blue vertex has been achieved, and we must embed ourselves.

-But enemy droid-machines intersect the power conduits and yellow-shift their functionality. Enemy droid-machines must stop, and conduits must be fixed.

-I monitor the power conduits, and know where to implement purple-shifting. As black bisector, you can "take out" many, many droid-machines.

-Excellent, red tangents envelope us. You will do well black bisector.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Sort of digging this outta the grave but here's some more terms for you (from the Terror from Beyond republic storyline (end))


Purple Tangent - (What purple tangent your arrival has been!) - Seems to be used in this context as 'good fortune'

Red Rhombus - (Your are red rhombus) - A title. The highest in Gree society according to the Chancellor. You are able to ask about this term and he goes on to explain (You are absolute, unequaled, without defect!)

Purple Parallel - (Be purple parallel, little sentient!) - Right before the second quote about red rhombus, after you ask what it means

Ritual of Blue Vertex - (We have never designated red rhombus without the Ritual of Blue Vertex.) - A ritual obviously

White Equilateral - (...finally, white equilateral!) - said after the ritual of blue vertex is complete (Fades in from black screen)

Bisector - Calls those present Republic Bisectors (Chancellor, Major, and toon)

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