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How to customize companion abilities?


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I've noticed that my companion gets new abilities as I level - but I can't seem to figure out how to move them around.


They seemed "fixed" on the mini bar and if you expand them.


It seems I can turm them on or off, but not move them?


The reason I'm asking is because in the mini bar for the companion you get 4 abilities.


Do they use all of their abilities or just the ones hotkeyed on their mini bar?


Can I switch these 4 out?


If I expand the mini bar for my companion it takes over my whole bottom row - for my main chracter hot keys.



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I like your suggestion...I want to use both rows of my hotbar for my character's skills, and still expand the crew member's, so maybe they should go UP? Or in a double row like mine 4-wide 2-high?


You can add them to any of the four available ability bars, you just need to go into the preferences and set it to left right center or bottom center.


I have them on left, this way I can see and trigger them all manually while using the two center bars for my own. :)

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