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What's your In Character's opinion of your companions?


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There's lots of posts asking who your Out Of Character favorite or least favorite companion is, but not a lot on your character's IC opinion. How your character thinks of others can give insight into their mind as much as the companion's. The Codex entries for the Agent's companions are a good example.


So, give me your IC write-up on your companions? Are they friends or enemies? Dependable or useless? Competent or idiotic?


An example is below for Yoshyan, Jedi Knight.



- Doc is a bleeding heart who, if given the choice, would stop to help every civilian with a stubbed toe rather than defeat the Empire. He is blind to the big picture, and it is clear to me he primarily desires glory and popularity. He is easily distracted, and his insistence on using an alias is suspicious. Kira believes, despite his bluster, that he does act out of compassion for the victims of this war rather than his own personal benefit, and she may be right. Despite his flaws, his reputation as a surgeon appears to be warranted. He is an asset provided I can keep him focused, but I question his long term dedication. He better not abandon the cause.




- Scourge is Sith filth, and it is only with great reluctance that I tolerate his presence, much less his existence. His information regarding the Sith Empire has, so far, been accurate. I suspect he is trying to lull me into a false sense of security for his inevitable betrayal. Irritatingly, he echoes the Council's sentiment that my means are militant and more in line with his way of thinking; he is in for a surprise if he thinks he can corrupt my loyalty or resolve. Nevertheless, Scourge is cunning and powerful. The danger he represents is immense. I have ordered Fideltin to keep an eye on all his activities, though I am concerned this will not be nearly enough. Fideltin and I agree: once Scourge has stopped being useful, he must be either killed or captured. The SIS can surely make use of him.




- Kira's rise to become my apprentice was via an abnormal path, but she has adapted quickly. Her Children of the Empire association has given me great cause for concern. Although she has been capable of containing them, I am watching her carefully to ensure she does not turn. If she does, she will need to be put down; as she is dedicated to stopping the Empire, I believe this is what she would want. Despite this affliction, she is a very powerful asset. Her willingness to defy the Council's wishes shows insight, though she occasionally lapses into their short sighted peacenik mindset. The only reason I have not lobbied for her promotion to Jedi Knight is that I suspect the Council will not give any of my requests serious consideration. That, and she is more useful with me than pursuing her own agenda. Kira's strength and ability means there is no other I want more at my side while in the thick of combat.




- Fideltin is a good man and a great soldier. His loyalty to the Republic is unmatched, his skill with an assault cannon precise, and his willingness to achieve victory at all costs makes him indispensible. The Republic Military has treated him poorly, but their loss is my gain. He has a keen tactical and strategic awareness, and his advice is always appreciated when I am operating alongside the army. Fideltin respects the chain of command and always follows orders to the letter. I wish his enthusiasm for defeating the Sith Empire would spread to the rest of my comrades, but thus far it has not. I do not believe the others like him. Despite Fideltin's dedication, he is only a man. As a result, when standing next to Jedi Masters and Sith Lords, his weapons are not always enough. Still, he is a superb ally.




- The astromech is loyal and has kept the ship running efficiently, but its eccentricities may soon necessitate a mindwipe.

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Damn, your Jedi is worse than Master Kaedan.


Kira must be killed if she starts to turn? Asset?


Scourge is filth? Must be killed when his usefulness ends?


Your Jedi seems to harbor extreme darkness towards anything remotely dealing with the empire...basically a very darkside version of a Repulic-first Jedi.



Now I'm actually curious if there are examples of Jedi like this in the star wars EU.

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- Scourge is Sith filth, and it is only with great reluctance that I tolerate his presence, much less his existence. Fideltin and I agree: once Scourge has stopped being useful, he must be either killed or captured.


Hmmm... Sounds like somebody's only a few bad hair days away from massacring the younglings...


If Scourge has got a sinister agenda, and it is to turn him/her to the Dark Side, then it appears to be working. :)

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Solstar - Sith Assasin


Khem Val: Khem is my pet that eats my enemies. I find his eagerness to smash any Jedi (and uppity sith) we meet very useful. However, I am starting to lose my sense of humor w/ his constant insistance that he will devour me. Also listening to Zash speaking through Khem's mouth has given me countless hours of laughter & never fails to immediately lighten my mood regardless of how frustrated I may be feeling over the B.S. of the Dark Councel.


Andronikus Revel: My personal Chauffuer w/ duel blasters. A man after my own heart. Shoot 1st, forget the questions & collect the loot. When he isnt obsessing over his blaster he's settling the score with those that have crossed him. As long as he doesnt come to me looking for back pay he remains very useful.


Ashara Zavros: Ashara is my little honey. I find her constant whining about her teachings is almost insufferable. However, she is very cunning & I suspect with the right amount of subtle twisting she'll come to embrace the darkness fully rather than playing at being light. Also, she earns her keep in the bunk.


Talos Drellik: I'm conflicted w/ Talos, on one hand he is far too goody-goody for my tastes & ive decapated children for less. However, he is a great butler & killing him would be such a waste as I'd be stuck w/ 2V-R8 to wait on me. *shudders* I also find his sense of humor most enjoyable. Finally he is loyal to the Empire 100% so i know he is one I wont have to keep an eye on, unlike Khem who i think is still trying to determine if I would go better w/ Barbeque or original recipe.


Xalek: Xalek is a good aprentice and a fierce warrior. He will make a fine sith, so long as he doesnt think he stepping over me to get there.

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Okay, my go. Adelita, Jedi Knight...



Kira is like, totally my BFF. When not fighting bad guys or doing makeovers on each other, we like to go clubbing on Nar Shaddaa. She always drinks way too much, though, and I often have to fish her unconscious carcass out of the garbage compactor. And I do wish those paparazzi shots of her flashing her knickers getting in and out of hover taxis wouldn't keep appearing on the Holonet scandal shows.



My ****-buddy! We just sorta click. Always there when you need some and no strings. Perfect. The relief in both of us was palpable when I told him we didn't need to get married and could just carry on as we had been doing. He wasn't crushed, it was what he wanted to hear. That's the spirit, baby!



Who? Oh yeah, that creepy guy who stands in the corner all day and never says anything. Dunno how he got on my ship but I wish he'd get off it. Thousand-yard-stare, very twitchy and jumpy, and sometimes I overhear him muttering orders to his dead squadmates. Classic signs. Spends every spare minute fondling his cannon and whispering sweet nothings to it. He ain't right in the head, that one. Have tried to get him to see Doc about it but there is no getting through to him.



My old oppo from Tython. Back then anything seemed possible and we thought we'd be an unstoppable team forever. But over the years I think something has gone wrong with his programming. He has become increasingly needy, and never seems to stop seeking my approval. No amount of praise ever seems to be enough, he is constantly badgering me to say how wonderful he is, and how we are still a great team. But we aren't. His woeful performance on Dromund Kaas was plain evidence of that. It nearly got us all killed. Some circuit has burned out inside of him, I think. If only I knew something about Cybertech then maybe I might be able to fix him. As it is his constant, pestering presence on the ship is merely an embarassing reminder of how much we've grown apart since those early days. I'm ashamed to say it but I find him extremely irritating these days. Then when I think back to how we used to be I feel incredibly guilty for being so ungrateful, because without him I would never have made it this far. I'm starting to think it would be better for both of us if we were to part company. I wonder how much I could get for him from those Jawas we met on Tatooine?



Ah, Scourgy-baby. <sigh> The one that got away. A total badboy dreamboat, who stole my heart. Had me moping about like a moonstruck teenager for months. Some kind of Sith power, maybe? Oh well. No sense in dwelling on it. He just isn't into girls. Believe me, I know. I've seen those magazines he keeps under his bunk.

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As a Jedi Shadow:


Qyzen Fess:


My favorite lizard. He is loyal, honorable, never gives up and is all around the rock you can lean on, when you need it. Unfortunately he has no sense of expediency. You'll never forget the expression on a Trandoshan's face, when he doubts your sanity for letting an opponent go. Well, he is the big green hunter, and I can hardly expect him to change for my benefit. I just try to keep him out of diplomatic negotiations. I gave up on sparring with him too, because he doesn't feel comfortable fighting the Scorekeeper's Herald in sparring matches. I never should have allowed this idea to take roots.


Tharan Cedrax:


*Sigh* He is tall, good-looking, brilliant, charming and has a wonderful sense of humour. What's not to like? I could listen for hours when he recounts stories of his exploits with Master Syo Bakarn and he actually manages to make subspace physics sound interresting. And of course I can't get him. At least this time I share this fate with the girls. Tharan is the first calculophile I get to know. He is in love with his AI, and neither man nor woman may come between them. It may be for the best. Tharan is a rogue in nearly every aspect, except towards holiday.




The guy is efficient, I'll give you that. Nobody better if you need someone shot from two klicks. But I have met force ghosts of hundred years dead sith lords, who were more relaxed than him. I once force-threw a pillow at him and the look of utter incomprehension he gave me was a sight to behold. I get it, he is traumatized and needs time. I am sure with patience we will get a genuine smile from him some day.... In the next 40 or 50 standard years.


Felix Iresso:


Now that's a guy. Handsome too, not as brilliant as Tharan, but with an air of mystery, and certainly a lot more dependable. And he knows how to bend the rules when necessary. Oh and he ignores my attempts at friendly flirting so pointedly, that even a love-sick fourteen years old would get it. *Sigh* There is no emotion, there is peace. And if not that, there is appreciation of irony.


Nadia Grell:


My padawan. I like her, really. We could be bff, if not for the fact that she first started crushing on me, and when I carefully made it clear that I am not really that much into girls, she switched to hero worship and now I am apparently becoming a substitute father figure. I know, technically I am her master and supposed to be an authority figure, but I don't have to like it. I hope this mellows out until after her knighting and we can be friends on even footing then.




I honestly thought he would like the pink glitter coating. I probably won't get the best escape pod now in case of an emergency.

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Tannier : Powertech Bounty Hunter


Mako: Good kid, a little naive, but has a good instinct for killing, and for when not to Kill too.


Gault: Dodgy, Wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him, not much good in a fight.


Torian: Another good kid, very worldly this one, but lacks Mako's Killer Instinct, has potential.


Blitz: Crazy Jawa, have to keep half an eye out for him, to stop him dismantling something important like Life Support or the Hyper Drive, but easy to understand, only really cares about Tech.


Skadge: Bully Boy who will get blasted if he tries that rubbish on me again, only this muscle head would try to beat answers out of a droid, needs anger management even more than he needs to learn patience, and boy does he need to learn both.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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Hmmm... Sounds like somebody's only a few bad hair days away from massacring the younglings...


If Scourge has got a sinister agenda, and it is to turn him/her to the Dark Side, then it appears to be working. :)


Yoshyan is a huge hypocrite, yes, but he doesn't realize that :-)


I like the valley girl-esque Jedi!

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Fun Thread


From the perspective of my main Alana, Jedi Sage


Qyzen Fess - Qyzen is a loyal, just friend. He is too quick to claim his opponents head rather than their hearts, but that is more the idiosyncrasies of his culture.


Tharan Cedrax - A ladies man who is in love with a hologram. It's cute really. While Tharan creates this affect of the opportunistic scientist his care for those he loves is apparent.


Zenith - War has damaged this man...possibly beyond help. He is so driven by his hatred. Were he an apprentice I would have sent him to the agricultural corps a long time ago. He is a fabulous warrior though and his ruthlessness will serve him well in his 'day' job on Balmorra.


Felix Iresso - Sweet man, kind, trustworthy. Were I not a jedi.


Nadia - I've very proud of the Jedi my padawan is becoming. She's still, like many padawans a bit to quick to solve problems with a lightsaber, but with time and training I foresee her becoming a great jedi.

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Okay, my go. Adelita, Jedi Knight...



Kira is like, totally my BFF. When not fighting bad guys or doing makeovers on each other, we like to go clubbing on Nar Shaddaa. She always drinks way too much, though, and I often have to fish her unconscious carcass out of the garbage compactor. And I do wish those paparazzi shots of her flashing her knickers getting in and out of hover taxis wouldn't keep appearing on the Holonet scandal shows.


How dare you try to slander Kira.

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Encuror - Male Cyborg Trooper.


Aric Jorgan - Total ***hole, I hate this guy. While havoc squadron was backstabbing the republic and stealing weapons of Mass Destruction right under his very nose, he spent all of his time riding my *ss and complaining about how I wasn't getting the job done. Worse day of my life was finding out I had to take him along with me. I can't believe after all of his failure he thought I would consider making him my XO. Telling him he wasn't good enough was me being far too kind. Oh the ship needs it's sanitation system scrubbed out again, I guess we have the man for the job.


Elara Dorne - Total Professional and we seem to agree on just about everything. I really like and trust her to have my back in battle and to help me make the best choices for the Squad. The only worry I have is that we may think abit too much alike, but that's a minor worry at best. I don't care about her past, and certainly don't hold it against her. She's made all the right choices and it wasn't her fault she had the bad luck to be born in the Empire.


M1-4X - Tough as nails, and good to have in a fight. Slightly too gun-ho for my tastes, but he follows orders and is always there for the team so it's a problem I can get past.


Tanno-Vik - Dealing with this guy just makes me feel like I need to wash my hands afterwards. He's good at what he does, but from a morality stand point I don't like where his priorities are at. I'm pretty sure if given the chance he'd sell out the team for the right price, which is why I make sure he doesn't have a chance to take offers from others and make sure that he makes enough with the squad to not go looking.


Sgt. Yuun. - I don't follow the same beliefs as he does, but he's loyal and good in a fight. I have no problem with different religious beliefs as long as the solider performs their job well, and he most certainly does. No doubts about his loyalty to the Republic or to the Squad and I trust him with my life.

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I assumed this thread was made for in-character opinions of the actual companions...not made up companions.


Actual companions, yes. The character him or herself will be made up, though. i.e. the Valley Girl comment was in reference to the Jedi Knight, not Kira or any other companion.

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Dalkery my smuggler


- Corso, such a jiminy cricket. I became a smuggler to make money. Where the money goes I go. But not Corso, he is always nagging me to "do the right thing."


- Bowdaar, big, strong, but not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. He and I are on the same wavelength when it comes to profit, but he gets into trouble and I am stuck bailing him out.


- Risha, I thought I loved her...that's why I thought I married her. But the reality is, I married her for her potential position as ruler of a planet and the wealth and power that would afford me.


- Guss, he just makes me laugh.


- Akavvi, she's the oddball. I put up with her because of her ability to make stuff I sell profit from. Otherwise she's just kinda there.


- HK-51, I appreciate and understand his desire to "delete troublemakers," but that's all he ever wants to do. He really needs to lighten up.

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Wow, this sounds fun. I guess I'll give it a go.


From the perspective of Villaras, Sith Warrior:


Vette: My gal-pal. She's been through a lot in her young life, and she's still so feisty, so unbroken. Someone with an indomitable spirit like that earns my respect and trust. She has never been, nor will ever be my slave. She's my little sister. I need people like her to keep me company, considering the power plays and ruthlessness in the Sith Empire.


Malavai Quinn: My husband. I've always admired his dedication and prowess, his undying loyalty to the Empire, and his wish for people to love the Empire the way he does. Tactics and strategies come easily to me in the moment, but he always endeavors to be one step ahead of the curb. And he usually always is. It's difficult to rationalize what happened between us, but I try to see it in his eyes: he was indebted to Baras for 10 years, and he had only just met me. We had only just started getting closer, but his original loyalties came first. I would not be surprised if my former master sowed seeds of doubt in Quinn's mind. I forgave him, wholeheartedly, and we have since married, but things are not quite the same. Perhaps this will change in the future, for both our sakes.


Jaesa Willsaam: My baby. She has truly seen what it's like to walk in my shoes, to walk the light path, while wearing the facade of a Dark Lord. I'm able to tell her exactly how I feel about everything, tapping the passion I feel for a lighter, more welcoming and benevolent Empire. I have seen her broken - she has not walked the path as long as I have, and she is coming to terms with how difficult it actually is. Sith like me die every day, for compassion and mercy is seen as weakness, and perhaps, yes, it is my weakness, but I have not met an enemy I could not defeat. Jaesa understands, and as I impart my own wisdom, she grows in strength.


Lieutenant Pierce: The brute. I respect his desire to get things done, but I would really like to throw a book at his head and tell him to read. The man does not think; he acts. Had I not been compelled to take him on board, he would not have left Taris. He was ready to take me on a suicide mission to defeat General Faraire and the Siantide droids, and he had the gall to mock Quinn for staying at the base and coordinating attacks. Apparently, a tactician is not a real soldier? Besides, I am stronger than he is, and I do not need him, but he sticks around. Anything to get off that rakghoul-infested rock I found him on, I suppose.


Broonmark: The monster. He's cute, the Talz are kinda cute. His desire to be awash in rivers of blood stems from a broken spirit. His desire to kill is mindless, senseless, and overall disturbing. I haven't had need for him, since I am stronger and more disciplined. Imagine that, a Sith, more disciplined than a bloodthirsty monster! That's some news I don't need getting out, besides the whole Jaesa thing.

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Pythas Smuggler Human Male



Corso - Good Companion that I don't always agree on the little things, but we agree on the big things. A little too attached to his guns and weapons, I'd say the kid needs a girl friend, but I think his guns already have that job taken. :tran_eek: Loyal Friend, and cares way more about people than most do in this Galaxy. He's good people and I'm glad to have him on my ship.


Bowdarr - Amazing fighter, and probably the person who has most impacted me. Before meeting him I cared more about credits than people, I wasn't some murderous monster but I was able to turn a blind eye to some of the unsavory side of what I did. He changed that, seeing what slavery does to somebody in person and how just telling him that I considered him a friend and not property did for him.... Something changed in me, and I find that I have a desire to make the Empire and Hutts pay for the innocents their actions have harmed, as well as feeling I need to atone for my past. How the heck did this happen?!?!


Risha - Really attractive and the old me would have been charmed out of his boots by her. In fact he was. I flirted shamelessly with her from the moment we met but she didn't return it... so I stopped. My new change in attitude has her casting nasty glances at me when I give up money to help people, or promised the Republic I'd help them in order to stop the Empire. There is no chance anything happens between us now, but the weird thing is since I stopped flirting with her, now she's coming on to me.. and all of that started when we got a new crew member. I'll never understand some women.


Akaavi - Strong, Capable Fighter with tons of loyalty to her clan even if it is no more. She says she's not going to be here for the long haul, but I think the longer she's been here the more we have started to become her new clan... or maybe that's wishful thinking. While we don't exactly match in morality, she has a very harsh warrior code, she seems to respect my more shoot first instead of talk my out approach to things. There also seems to be some level of attraction between us. Of course now that I've started to make a move on her, Risha acts like we had something.....


Languss -- Too new to the crew to have much of an opinion on him but I think I like him in that he reminds me somewhat of my old self, and while I can never go back to being that, seeing it around is sort of nice.

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For my LS IA Sniper:


Kaliyo: B****es be crazy. Kaliyo is an enigma. She's a habitual liar and killer for amusement who seems to have a thing for me. Terrific. However, she was the first one to join up on my crew, and stuck around even after the chaos of the Star Cabal disbanding Imperial Intelligence. I remain cautious, but she does appear to be dependable in a tough spot as long as I keep my guard up. That said, her first loyalty is definitely not to Intelligence or the Empire. Likely harbours resentment over failed attempt to marry me. Rejected!


Vector: A Killik joiner who has retained an amazing measure of independence, demonstrating extreme willpower and loyalty. Admirable. A diplomat at heart, Vector is not the ideal companion in a firefight, but he is nevertheless able to hold his own and will throw himself at enemies. If in need of a diplomat, Vector should be first in line.


Ensign Temple: Young and attractive but not naïve, Ensign Temple is a proud and loyal Imperial. A capable and willing trainee, she should be guided in the tactics and principles of Imperial Intelligence operatives. Following the disbandment of Imperial Intelligence, her future beyond this crew is uncertain, but in the meantime she should be guided closely. Caution is advised while she is in the presence of Sith given her minimal untrained Force abilities, but whether these will be more of an asset or a liability in future missions is yet to be seen.


Doctor Lokin: Just as slimy in human form as in rakghoul form, "Doctor" Lokin has confessed to lapsed medical qualifications, but still remains the most capable of the crew in terms of medical knowledge and abilities. That said, he is extremely helpful in a firefight and has a long, distinguished history serving the Empire. Should be respected.


SCORPIO: A dangerous scrap-pile that, for the safety of myself and the crew, should be sent out the airlock or alternatively abandoned on a desolate world at the first opportunity. It's biggest flaw is its corrupted and thus far irreparable personality subroutines, which cause it to exhibit classic symptoms of a narcissistic personality disorder.


HK-51: Complimentary Statement: HK-51 is a well-designed droid which has thus far proved loyal and more than capable in a firefight. It is less single-minded than its function and first impressions suggest. It is useful in facilitating communications and putting an end to hostilities.


2V-R8: Sometimes amusing, and at other times irritating. 2V has minimal capabilities as a healer and may be called upon when Doctor Lokin is on a mission, but otherwise it should be left on board the ship to perform maintenance tasks.

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I have a female LS BH, this what I would say she thinks of comps:


Mako: she was with me from the start of our journey when we were nothing. She had a major role in supporting me through the great hunt then clearing my name. She is like my sister!


Gault: as the story progress, he understands that I am not some BH, I am a living legend. He knows he is safe with me, and that if he crosses me, there is no place in the galaxy that is safe. I defiantly do not trust him, but he is useful. He is fun, but not always.


Torian: good kid. Just way too serious. Kind of boring. He fits Mako pretty well.


Blizz: we are making as special trip to Tatooine to get some of whats Blizz is on. Beyond hilarious. Every single word he says makes me laugh. He is effective in battle too!


Skadge: why did we pick this idiot from Belsavis... Oh well. I throw him on whoever I don't like.


My sorc/sin (I played both LS and DS):


All comps = tools. Khem is interest in the beginning, but got boring real quick.

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This will be fun! Total DS Sith Warrior


Vette - worthless thief. Her weakness keeps her slave collar on. Thinks her humor is cute, and can get her out of duty. I make her clean the refresher with her lekku. (sorry, my SW really hates Vette)


Quinn - Uncompromised loyalty to the Empire, and now to me. Intelligent tactician and good with a kolto pack.

His "indiscretion" made me laugh, oh how it made me laugh! Its pathetic weakness and ineffective attack betrayed his deep loyalty to me, despite his claim of working for Baras' good. I forgave him, as I could think of no better dishonor than to live with such failure.

He makes amends for this indiscretion nightly. Sometimes in the morning too. More than once during his watch...


Jaesa - My pupil, my prized student, my sister in shed blood. Her zeal warms me and keeps me on my guard. Her loyalty is mine, yet I wonder when she will betray me and claim my mantle. When that day comes, should I fall, I will be proud of her ruthlessness and capacity for darkness. If she falls, I will mourn the loss of so excellent an apprentice, and seek a new one immediately. Until that day, I teach her most of my dark arts. But not all. I really should ask for Vette's shock collar controller back, but it brings Jaesa such joy...


Pierce - Effective, brutal, tactical and a good weapon. He is a fine warrior. A shame his prowess does not follow into other areas. That was a disappointment. I should offer him to Jaesa for amusement.


Broonmark - a beast, in all the best ways. He will continue to serve until he is no longer needed. He is grateful for the opportunities to slake his bloodlust.


Ship Droid - ah yes, him. He cleans my ship, cooks me dinner, and gives me foot massages. What is not to love?

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LS-ish human female smuggler:


Corso Riggs: Cripes, is this guy pathetic. At first I was into him being a bit of a project, given his reluctance to even kiss me because he thought I deserved better (man, let ME decide that, you moron), but after he finally gave in it was "I'll always protect you" this and "You'll never find anyone who loves you like I do" that. Creeeeeepy. I thought he finally took the hint when I informed him I would not be having his (or anyone else's) babies, but no, the dork filled my in-box with dopey, sappy nonsense. I need to cut this guy loose for good one of these days.


Bowdaar: There's ... really not a lot to the big guy, but that's okay. I'm glad he doesn't have to be a slave any more, and I'm glad he seems pretty content to watch my back.


Risha: Won't lie, if she were into chicks, I'd be all over that. She's the only one on the ship I really consider my equal, and we've become close friends. Her husband is sort of adorable, I don't think he has any idea what he's in for with her. It'll be fun to watch!


Akaavi Spar: Akaavi as no sense of humor whatsoever, and it kinda brings me down. She's super capable, though, so she's welcome on my ship as long as she feels like staying. I wish it didn't take killing people for her to get over her various bits of baggage but eh. What can you do?


Guss Tuno: This guy has apparently declared himself the president of my fan club, and I am totally cool with that. Because I deserve to have a fan club, dammit.

Edited by Birna
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Sounds fun. Here's mine :) Spoiler alert.


My LS-ish male human Sith Warrior.


Vette : Quite the pestering girl. Loves to annoy me when I'm busy with something, I don't know why I took her in. But if she's not there, the ship felt empty. I guess it's safe to call her "little sister" in my mind. She actually gets the job done, but can be quite a burden to save her stubborn hide if she screws up. Sometimes takes me to her parties in Nar Shaddaa, and I can see her brandishing me to make people feel intimidated. I get the feeling she also consider me as family since the passing of her mother.


Quinn : He is efficient, but I just can't take off that doubt ever since he betrayed me. I know I have Pierce keeping an eye on him, but still I won't let my guard down. Sometimes he's trying too hard to prove his loyalty to me. He still have his uses. I used to trust him and admire his skills in strategy. Maybe I should try putting a little bit of that faith back in him. Do I appear weak to trust someone who betrayed me, giving him a second chance?


Jaesa : This Jedi girl is very weird. Said she admired my merciful and honorable nature--I don't kill the weak and helpless. She may be timid and soft, but she has those... emotions. It's really not like a Jedi to have emotions. I don't know if she used her powers on me yet since last time, but I sense that she really can't take her eyes off me most of the time. When I looked back, she turned her head away. Then bolts out of the room. Perhaps, she have trust issues. Vette have been saying that she might have been keeping something inside, but just can't let it out. Maybe she wants to return to her family or go somewhere else. ( Me : You clueless jerk. She's in love with you! )


Pierce : This guy is also weird. My crew are made up of people with diverse personalities. Calls me "Pretty Sith Lord" and it's... it's really embarrassing. Hence why I wear a mask. His strength on the battlefield makes him a great asset. Sometimes he talks about things, trivial things while in combat. He does have a slight sense of humour compared to Quinn, but strangely does not get along so well with Vette.


Broonmark : This beast is so stubborn. Even the annoying steward droid needed less subduing when he gets in my nerves. Any mention of restraining ignites him, said it reminded him of the weak Talz clan that allied with the Republic. He hasn't harmed any of the crew yet--except for Tuuvee when he tried to smash the droid for being loud. I might drop him somewhere or to someone else as I really don't have time to be restraining and subduing him when he goes too far.


2V-R8 : It's funny when he fought with the girls over who cooks dinner for me. Annoys me when he asks too much about what I need. *Sigh* still, I keep him 'cause the girls aren't so good with ship maintenance and.... chores.

Edited by mustopak
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Coplann : Commando Trooper


Aric Jorgan: A bit Stuffy and Proud, but a good man, maybe not flexible for command, but a good second in Command. Needs to get a hobby though.


Elara Dorne: A good Officer and a great Medic, overlooked and bullied for past, which is counterproductive since she is completely loyal to the Republic. Still has feeling for her family, but she won't let these compromise her, excellent material for Havoc Squad.


M1-4X: A fanatic, loyal to the Republic, but excessively so, doesn't consider that the opposition might be as sure of their righteousness as he. Fails to consider a variety of factors due to his fanaticism.


Tanno Vik: A real lowlife this one, is only interested in himself, if he wasn't so talented with explosives I would dump his sorry behind on Belsavis, and not with the freed descendants of former inmates either.


Sargeant Yuun: A real enigma, I don't pretend to understand his thought processes, but damn are they effective. His loyalty and compassion make him the exact opposite of Tanno, if the Republic had a thousand Yuun's then we would crush the Empire no problem. Like Jorgan and Elara, Yuun is made of the Right Stuff.


Side note, I wish I could make everybody except Tanno officers, they are sublime military officers, and could easily command entire battalions, they others are superb officers and exemplary soldiers, Havoc squad is lucky to have them.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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Hmmm... it's funny that we played the same story and our characters had completely different views on Aric. How did your character get past the idea that while the greatest squad in the Republic was betraying the Republic right under Aric's nose he was completely oblivious to the fact and instead was wasting his time Hazing the rookie?
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