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Jedi Entity Codex Error


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So I was reading the Codex entry for the Jedi Entity, and I think I might have stumbled on a minor error.



If the entity is meant to be the Exile from KotoR II, then the entry is incorrect for suggesting that she was a general in the Jedi civil War. She was a general in the Mandalorian Wars.



It's so minor, but the nerd in me is irked by it.

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As you say, it's minor - but it could also be intentional, and therefore depend upon one's point of view (in this case, the in-universe historian who wrote the codex entry).



Yes, from our perspective it would be more accurate to say that Meetra Surik was a General during the Mandalorian Wars. However, the Jedi Order could conceivably consider the Mandalorian Wars to be inseparable from the Jedi Civil War. The Revanchists were considered to no longer be Jedi when they split from the Order over the Mandalorian invasion, so the Mandalorian Wars could be viewed as the opening stages of the Jedi Civil War, even if actual combat between Jedi and former Jedi did not begin until after Revan and Malak returned from Dromund Kaas to found their Sith Empire.


As such, view it as a matter of historical interpretation, rather than an error per se.

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  • 7 months later...
But in this case, I think, it would be very wrong to put them together. The whole drama of KOTORII is most think of the exile to have gone to the dark side and not fought in the Jedi Civil War because of a reason they did not understand, but the enigmacy of the game, what makes the mystery so good, is that the exile never went to the Jedi Civil War he was the only one who fought in the Mandalorian Wars and walked away from the Jedi Civil War, taking that away would be so wrong.
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  • 3 months later...

Guys Its The exile, read the Revan book. we have been over this thousand of times.

Long story short?


revan after kotor went looking for the hints of his past, and went looking for the emperor, only to be imprision by scourge wich were serving a dark council member nemed darth Nyriss. The exile metraa surik with T3 years later went looking for revan, she met scourge and together they freed revan, and the 3 of them plus T3 went to face the emperor himself during a purge of the dark council on dromund kass, they were able to sneek and faced the emperor, T3 got killed by the emperor, revan beaten on the ground, when metrra went to help him scourge stab her in the back because a vision he had, of a jedi defeating the Emperor, scourge becomes the wrath of the emperor, while revan was imprisond for centuries in a stasis chamber, while Vitiate feed on his thoughts in hoping to learn more about the jedi, and the light side of the force, however Revan was in his mind too , and tempered his will thus the treaty of coruscant, in all of this Metraa force ghost stayed with Revan all the way and help him with her own power. until warns oteg about this situation.

In anycase you dont need to read the book, you can play taral v, and maelstrom prison flaspoints story arch, Revan himself explain all this, and refer the entity as the exile, so i realy dont get the confusion here :)


Now if you are refering to the enity enslaved by darth Baras, on sith warrior story


the codex hint very strongly that it might be Kreia


Edited by Spartanik
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