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  1. I'm leveling up a new Sith for the first time in a long while. I'm trying to play him lightside, but all these darkside points are building up. After every mission by default I get some, and even light side options aren't enough. Also crew skills are giving only Darkside options. Did I miss something in an update? Thanks
  2. I've been really liking the story of KotFE so far, but there have been a couple moments that haven't really worked for me. Spoilers.... There's a scene when a Knight comes to Vaylin to apologize for letting the Outlander escape, so she kills him and tells Arcann, "I didn't like his answer". But in the scene, she didn't ask him a question, so that line just doesn't flow well for me. In the scene were the Outlander is going through the trials with Heskal, Valkorion tells you something like," I doom this the old ways of Zakuul. Such mythology and Pageantry"...But he says it with a tone of admiration, so the line and the reading doesn't make sense. I was confused the first time I played through weather he was approving or not. Last one....In the last chapter, Kaliyo says of the citizens of Zakuul, "They don't really care if Zakuul is on the thrown". That line should be Arcann, right. So any line readings or dialogue in KotFE that makes you go....uh?
  3. I can't find a hilt for a main hand weapon at 208, 216 or 220. Where do you get these hilts? Thanks
  4. if we will ever be able to customize outfit and facial features for our new companions? For me, if the devs came out and said, "That just isn't happening." I wouldn't like that decision, but at least I would know. It seems to be a big issue for a lot of us, and Bioware has been ignoring the issue completely...unless I missed something.
  5. Are we going to have to complete these missions to continue the story when we get new chapters?
  6. So there have been complaints that not all companions can be customized in KotFE, something I find annoying myself. I thinks it's because as the story progresses you have the potential of loosing those companions forever. Maybe they die, or maybe they just leave, but they're gone. Bioware would probably rather people complain that we can't customize companions over, loosing a companion that we geared out, spent real money on....ect. Just my thought.
  7. That's true, we're not 100% sure it's Marr...but many people are speculating it is. So I'm going off that.
  8. Possible spoilers ahead. So we see Darth Marr in the thrown room confronting Valkorion with your "Outlander". What are the chances Marr leaves that room alive? I think Valkorion is going to one shot Marr just to show you how powerful he is. Thoughts...
  9. Sure, I can see that...but the spikes don't "fit" with some characters.
  10. That's too bad. Thanks for the reply.
  11. I'd indicate "spoilers" somewhere...just sayin'
  12. I'm looking for a robe like Thana's, but with the hood up. Anything remotely like that out there? Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Is there anything like Thana Vesh's Chestguard that has the hood up?
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