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  1. Not basing any decisions off this, I'm just curious to see what people think.
  2. Yeah, push and choke look fun in WZs, though pretty much every class has some sort of distancing ability that can push people. I care more about numbers, specifically, and whether or not the Jugg/Guard makes up for in sustained damage what it lacks in burst damage.
  3. Thinking of rolling a warrior/knight, but thinking of going guardian/jugg because I like to have at least one alternate capability (support/tank). That said, I also like to have good enough DPS to handle my own. Are these offensive tanks decent enough? Rage/Focus spec seem a bit more viable for WZs, but what about vengeance/vigilance? They seem more single-target oriented and more useful in Arena.
  4. I'll be honest, I wasn't really expecting so many people to speak ill of assassins. With their stealth capabilities and high burst damage, I was certain more people would have beef with sorcs. Magic casters often take more discipline to play, as they do scream "hey, right here, kill me! I'm soft!" in most PVP situations. I figured people would have similar issues with sorcs. Thanks for all the input, though.
  5. One thing that's bugging me is how the Sorc doesn't really use his/her saber, even in an aesthetic sense. Especially when channeling lightning, the saber just kind of sits there attached in the hand all awkward. Why not take a chapter from the assassin? If the assassin uses lightning to enhance his/her saber attacks, why not have the sorc use his/her saber to enhance lightning attacks? Not in a numerical/stat sense, of course, but have them channeling the lightning from their left hand into the saber, then the lightning can project from the saber onto the opponent? Would certainly look a little cooler, plus all it would really take are a few different frames of animation. Just a thought.
  6. OK, I'm quite new to this, so what is VG and PT?
  7. This is interesting, because I've been reading other threats where people have been having trouble with sorcs (especially in arena). Seems they're easily focused down.
  8. Just a simple question, really. Which class is more viable in PVP? More importantly, which class is more beneficial to the group dynamic, and which class can hold its own better in a 1v1 situation? Though sorcs look like they can dish out some pretty nasty damage, they seem easily singled out and burst down. The Assassin looks a little more fun to play, from the looks of it. Sorcs seem to be mainly about spamming abilities at a distance and hoping nobody notices. Also...looks kind of silly that Sorcs stand with an unused saber in their hand. Speaking of which, do Assassins have more saber abilities than Force ones? thx
  9. And by "hold their own," I mean are they decent enough in a 1v1 fight? I usually role two types of toon in MMOs, high DPS glass cannons or offensive tanks/bruisers. Since this game doesn't really seem to have a bruiser equivalent, I've been looking over sorcs for my burst DPS needs. I like big damage magic users, so sorcs/sages look fun as heck. Do sorcs have to worry too much about melee classes singling them out and closing the gap, or can they handle themselves well, even when face-to-face with a sentinel/marauder? Thanks.
  10. I hope this doesn't sound too pathetic, but I originally specced my toon as a Sent and, honestly, I'm terrible at it. I don't know what it is about the mechanics, but I'm just not quite grasping the basic strategy behind the class, and I'm failing miserably at PVP. I've been looking through Guardian specs, and it actually looks ... simpler? If that's an appropriate term to use? In the sense that I can instantly grasp the flow of the class, really. My question, though, is how competent is Guard/Jugg spec for damage? Vigilance looks decent for single-target damage -- not as bursty as the sent, but an OK middle-ground. Focus looks great for PVE, with its AOE burst. So, are they decent in PVP? I mean, could a Guard take out a sent/maur if he/she is skilled enough? Or does the sent/maur have a natural advantage? Thanks for the help!
  11. Although your not getting the defensive buffs that come with Immortal, I can imagine you still have some defensive benefits...what, with getting defensive skills over the course of leveling. Obviously more squishy thank a full-on tank build, but still as good of a choice as other "tank" classes, yes?
  12. I guess this question is beneath a lot of people. -_-
  13. I'm pretty new to the class (and this site) so don't be too harsh. The reason I chose Juggernaut was because I enjoy having a particular role that I'm responsible for in PVE (tanking), however I more-so enjoy the fun of PVP, so I planned to spec vengeance. My question is: If I spec DPS, do I forfeit my usefulness (and role) as a tank? Or are there other ways to make up for my lack of Immortal skills? Thanks for any help. Been doing my homework -- want to get the most out of this class.
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