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  • Location
    Bozeman Montana
  • Interests
    gaming, Civil Air Patrol
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  1. It seems to me that the amount the green man to indicate crouching against an object comes up less now than it did when the game was first released. It would be nice to be able to set up on a spot during PVP that allows you to be a little hidden without being in range of an enemy or having the big shield come up. Is there a way people have come up with a way to do this or are we just stuck with either having the shield give away our position or wait for an enemy to see us before we can crouch behind a wall. I realize it wouldn't be stealth but I would be a little less obvious until I started shooting. A setting allowing the players to decide how the crouch interface works would be nice IMO. Any thoughts?
  2. but how often to people buy those. are they a stable source of consistent money? why would you use a lower level mat like that?
  3. So i am looking to sell mats on the GTN and was wondering what people thought the most profitable resources there are. I am using slicing and underworld trading right now, the third is still undecided. Scaveging and archaeology seem to not sell for much so I am wondering what people think sells for so much from those professions. Thanks
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